Champion Improvement Suggestions [edited by Mod for clarity]



  • FluffyPigMonsterFluffyPigMonster Member Posts: 2,069 ★★★★★
    Something like this. They should convert to passives so willpower doesn’t trigger. Play with the numbers. Based off a Rank 5 5*

    Captain America

    Sig Ability: I Can Do This All Day (Passive)

    While under the effects of a passive damage over time debuff Captain America is able to constantly regenerate 70% of the damage back depending on sig level.

    Captain America’s super Soldier serum (infused with vita rays) makes cap a physically superior specimen and thus immune to weakness, fatigue and exhaustion.

    Cap’s last light attack inflicts a weakness debuff reducing attack rating by 15% for 12 seconds.

    Cap’s second medium attack gains Cap a precision buff increasing critical rating by 750 for 12 seconds.

    Striking into Captain America’s block causes fatigue - reducing critical rating by 25% for 6 seconds.

    If Captain America strikes into his opponent he inflicts an armor break, decreasing armor rating by 750 for 6 seconds.

    If 3 weakness debuffs are inflicted on the defender, they are converted to an indefinite weakness passive reducing attack rating by 45%. If Captain America is struck the weakness passive is removed.

    If 3 precision buffs are gained by Captain America, they are converted to an indefinite precision passive increasing critical rating by 2250. If Captain America is struck the precision passive is removed.

    If 3 fatigue debuffs are inflicted on the defender, they are converted to an indefinite fatigue passive, decreasing critical rating by 75%. If Captain America is struck the fatigue passive is removed.

    If 3 armor break debuffs are inflicted on the defender, they are converted into an indefinite armor break passive, decreasing armor rating by 2250. If Captain America is struck the armor break passive is removed.

    Heavy attack refresh all active buffs on Cap and debuffs on the opponent.

    On Your Left

    When the opponent is inflicted with both fatigue and weakness passives, they combine into an Overwhelmed passive. Overwhelmed counts as 3 fatigue and 3 weakness debuffs, decreases opponent power rate by 50% and gives Cap an indefinite cruelty buff, increasing critical damage by 100%. Being struck removes all debuffs from the opponent and buffs on Captain America.

    Fate Seal will affect the cruelty buff, as it is not a passive.

    Sp1: Cap’s shield inflicts concussion, reducing defensive ability accuracy for 10 seconds.

    Cap’s second kick strike refreshes all debuffs on the opponent, and all buffs in Cap.

    SP2: The first strike stuns the opponent for 3.5 seconds.

    Cap throws his shield with accuracy placing a precision buff on Captain America increasing critical rating by 5000 for 12 seconds.

    SP3: Cap converts any active debuffs on the opponent into passives counting as 3 debuffs each, while converting any precision buffs on Cap into passives which count as 3 buffs.

    The opponent is stunned for 3.5 seconds. If the opponent is stun immune, Cap gains a cruelty buff increasing critical rating by 80% for 16 seconds.

  • RavenKeeperRavenKeeper Member Posts: 279 ★★★
    Miles Morales
    (Rank 5 5*)

    Increase current base stats by at least 30%

    Shock Web:
    Duration: 15 seconds

    Deals 1,500 damage over the course of 11 seconds.

    While under the effect of Shock Web, the opponent’s defensive ability accuracy is reduced by 75% and is unable to evade.

    Heavy attack: Applies a shock debuff, dealing 2,000 damage over a 10 second period. This effect can stack up to 2. This attack cannot be evaded.

    Spider Invisibility: When taking damage more than 7% of his health from a single hit, Miles goes invisible for 5 seconds. Once triggered, this ability has a 25 second cooldown.

    SP1: Applies an indefinite 10% prowess debuff.
    This effect can stack up to 3.

    SP2: Applies Shock Web.

    SP3: Miles gains Spider Invisibility for 5 seconds.
  • Shock29Shock29 Member Posts: 643 ★★★
    edited November 2020

    Signature ability
    Biosting 2.0
    Each Power Sting lowers healing by 35%
    Yellowjacket's suit is similarily designed but made for warfare granting him 100% resiatance to shock because of its ability to abosrb energy into its stingers. Every shock applied to Yellowjacket gives 10% more detonation damage for the rest of the fight and a small burst of 10% of max power every second
    (Its a bad idea to put a shock on Yellowjacket because power stings detonate with more damage and he gains a massive amount of power for each second the shock is active. Power stings also gain duration and a little more utility.)

    Power Sting
    Power Stings stun their victims with a bio-electric shock for X second(s) after lasting their full duration.
    Power Stings detonate for X energy damage upon special activation.
    (I changed this up because I feel like the stun should be a normal ability)

    Yellowjacket gains a precison buff lasting 10 second increasing crit rating by X everytime a special attack activates.
    (Yellowjacket's precisons are pretty good and really up his damage plus when combined with the cruelty can really drain the health of his opponent down)
    Heavy attacks
    While precision is active, Yellowjacket's heavy attacks cannot be evaded.
    (This is just another small piece of utility)

    Special attacks
    1: Biosting Blast
    Sending extra power to the suit, Yellowjacket lets loose with a massive biosting energy blast.
    Power Sting: 90% chance to Sting the opponent for 10 seconds three times. An opponent with sting takes X Direct Damage when activating a Special Attack.

    2: Power Sting
    Yellowjacket delivers a pair of heavy strikes to his opponent, then follows it up with a focused biosting blast.
    Power Sting: 90% chance to Sting the opponent for 10 seconds three times. An opponent with sting takes X Direct Damage when activating a Special Attack. 100% to Power burn 35% of max power.

    3: Biosting Barrage
    With a blast of Pym Particles, Yellowjacket flies around his opponent at micro size, delivering a series of concentrated biostings.
    Power Sting: 100% chance to Sting the opponent for 14 seconds three times. An opponent with sting takes X Direct Damage when activating a Special Attack. 100% chance to power burn 75% of max power. Yellowjacket gains a 25 second cruelty buff increasing crit damage by X.
    (Sp 2 and 3 can burn power and the Special 3 becomes a source of damage.)
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  • JragonMaster170JragonMaster170 Member Posts: 2,049 ★★★★★
    This is probably way to overpowered, and I know it's not happening, but whatever

    Champion Spotlight: Civil Warrior Buff

    There are many rumors about the origins of the mysterious Civil Warrior... legend says he is a Captain America from an alternate Earth ravaged by the Civil War between his own army and Iron Man's forces. On that world, the two heroes mortally wounded each other in the final battle of the war; Steve survived, but Tony didn't. Riddled with guilt for the battle's destruction and the death of his former ally at his own hands, he assumed the mantle of the Civil Warrior. Adding Tony's ARC technology to his Captain America gear, he vowed to use his friend's legacy to stop this senseless conflict from ever happening again.

    Buffed Up: Civil Warrior can switch between his stances, each giving 3+ buffs
    Energy Adoption: Civil Warrior can go immune to a DOT debuff after receiving it 5 times
    Evade, autoblock, and resistance matchups: Utility Stance negates all of these

    Recoil: Civil Warrior needs to throw a lot of special attacks
    Nullify: Civil Warrior’s playstyle has lots of buffs

    Recommended Masteries:
    Enhanced Fury: Civil Warrior relies on his potent fury buff
    Precision: Maximize Sp2 crit rate
    Cruelty: Maximize Sp2 crits
    Willpower: Bleed Resistance
    Collar tech: You want to be aggressive, and the opponent won't throw many specials
    Parry: Useful for applying heal block

    PI for rank 5 sig 200 5*: About 17,000

    Abilities: Civil Warrior can use Iron Man’s Stark tech to empower his abilities

    Basic Stats for 5* rank 5 sig 200:
    33,000 health
    2,700 attack

    Civil Warrior’s impenetrable armor provides him with a 70% resistance to bleed, immunity to incinerate, and immunity to shock

    Gaining 5 armor up buffs converts them into passive armor buffs, which can be consumed to apply Civil Warrior’s stances. Passive armors stack infinitely

    60% chance to gain an armor up on parry, and 20% chance to gain an armor while striking or getting hit

    When Civil Warrior gets the same damage over time debuff 5 times, he goes immune to the debuff

    For each passive armor, apply the listed affects:
    Reduce opponent’s ability accuracy by 15%
    Increase block prof by 10%
    Increases energy resistance by 10%
    Increase attack by 10%
    Increase stun duration by 2%
    +10% chance to parry stun energy attacks
    All special attacks are unblockable
    +10% power gain rate

    Civil Warrior has 3 stances: Guard, Attack, and Utility. The Buffs gained are permanent

    Guard Stance: Block Prof, Armor Up, Physical Resist, Energy Resist
    Attack Stance: Fury, Precision, Cruelty
    Utility Stance: True Strike, Power Gain, Direct Damage, Vigilance

    When all 3 stances are active, the buffs are converted in passive power gain and passive prowess. Prowess potency: +70% special attack damage

    Activate Guard Stance by consuming 3 armor ups and getting hit or using a light attack into a special 1, or when getting an armor break debuff

    Note: When getting hit, Guard Stance buffs last for only 10 seconds

    Activate Attack Stance by consuming 3 armor ups and using a medium attack into a special. Also activate the Attack Stance during the special 2, or by gaining a weakness debuff

    Note: During the special 2, the attack stance buffs do not cost armors, but expire immediately after the special 2

    Activate the Utility Stance by consuming three armor ups when the opponent evades or Civil Warrior throws a heavy attack into sp1

    Note: When the opponent evades, Utility Stance only activates for 20 seconds

    While under 1 bar of power, gain 0.20% of a bar of power per second

    Heavy attacks apply a 10 second heal block

    Special 1: Arc Blast: “I have seen this war”
    If Civil Warrior currently has armors active, this attack does no damage
    Gain 4-5 armors
    Heavy to Sp1: Utility Stance
    Light to Sp1: Guard Stance
    Medium into Sp1: Attack Stance

    Special 2: Repulsor Rush: “I have fought this fight”
    This attack activates Attack Stance for as long as the Sp2 runs
    Last hit power drains 100% of the opponents current power
    Gain 9-10 armors

    Special 3: Overload: “I must end it at any cost”
    This attack allows Civil Warrior to gain 5 aptitudes, each one increasing potency of armor, fury, precision by 25% for 20 sec.
    Apply 5 incinerates to the opponent. If the opponent is immune to incinerate, apply armor break instead.
    Power lock the opponent for 10 seconds
    Gain Regeneration for 20 seconds, regaining 30% of lost health
    Gain 20 armor ups

    Signature Ability: Arc Shield
    Based on signature level, Civil Warrior can transfer % of his armors to the next fight
    Sig Level 200: Civil Warrior can transfer 300% of his armors to the next fight
    When Civil Warrior receives a knockout blow, consume all armors and regenerate 5% of lost health for each. 60 sec. cooldown

    Note: This is only supposed to make his ramp up faster

    Optimal Playstyle:

    If you’re looking for something quick and easy to finish up smaller health pools, throw a special 2. For larger health pools, follow these steps:

    Spam Special 1s. This should be quite easy because of the passive power gain
    Build up 9 or more passive armors
    Throw a heavy attack into a special 1. This will activate the utility stance. You want to activate utility stance first so you can get more passive power gain
    Throw a light attack into a special 1 to activate the guard stance
    Throw a medium attack into a special one to activate attack stance
    All of the buffs will turn into prowess and power gain
    You can throw a special 2 and end it here, but for larger healthpools, continue through the next steps
    Build to a special 3. The special 3 will allow Civil Warrior to gain 5 aptitudes, each lasting 20 seconds
    Build to a special 2, than watch the magic

    Synergy Bonuses:

    Friends: WInter Soldier and Falcon
    Civil Warrior: Stance buffs gain +30% potency
    WInter Soldier: Gun attacks have an 100% chance to inflict bleed, dealing 50% of his attack for 5 seconds
    Falcon: +40% critical rating

    Rivals: Hulkbuster, Iron Man
    Civil Warrior: +30% prowess potency
    Hulkbuster: Based on how many shocks are on the opponent, reduce power gain rate by 10%
    Iron Man: Activate arc overload after the special 3. While Arc overload is activate, gain a passive fury increasing attack by 50%

    Teammates: Guillotine
    Civil Warrior: Always gain 5 armor ups on the sp1, with an additional 40% chance to get 1 extra armor up
    Guillotine: Increase critical rating by 50%, and increases bleed potency by 50%
  • Shock29Shock29 Member Posts: 643 ★★★
    Champion's like Terrax, Annihilus, and Nova were more disappointing offensively. Good/Annoying Defenders but only Terrax's character strikes me as good as a defender as his job is to prepare planets and guard Galactus. Nova is the Human Rocket. He doesn't need a lot but some small changes to make him better offensively. Annihilus is the lord of the Negative Zone. In the comics, He is constantly trying to invade the Posiverse rather then sitting back and defending. He should be great on offense. For the most part he is already aggressive on defense which is good.

    [~Nova~] - Energy damge off mediums at 25 charges does 20% damage and spends 25 charges - Change to 30% damage and spend 15 charges.

    Against Tech Champions, consuming Nova Charges inflicts an Armor Break Debuff reducing Armor by X for 24 seconds. This can only stack once. - Change to max stack of 3, change to 20 second duration, upgrade reduction of armor.

    When successfully striking opponents Nova has -30% Offensive Power Rate. - Change to -25% Offensive Power Rate plus up amount of power gained by dashing forward.

    (New) - First dash gains 25% more power and is unstoppable. Goes on recharge for 10 seconds. (This would be part of the signature ability)

    Unblockable buff lasts 2.5 seconds - Change to 3.5 seconds and active furies are paused while unblockable is active

    While Nova has a Fury Buff active, being struck when dashing forward activates Auto-Block allowing Nova to automatically block incoming Basic Attacks. This does not count as a Well-Timed Block. Triggering this ability removes all Fury Buffs and consumes 25 Nova Charges. - Change to only consuming one fury buff and 20 Nova charges.

    True Strike - 7 secs, Energize - 7 secs, Nova Surge - 9 secs - True Strike and Energize change to 10 seconds and Nova Surge becomes 12 seconds.

    When reaching 75 Nova Charges: Gain a Fury Buff increasing Attack Rating by X for 7 seconds and refresh Nova's active Fury Buffs while below maximum stacks. Max 4 stacks - Change to Gain a 12 second fury buff increasing attack by X. Any furies activated after the max limit refresh active furies. Stack limit stays at 4 furies.

    (New) - Successful dash attacks grant a fury buff lasting 10 seconds increasing attack by X.

    When one of Nova’s Buffs is Nullified, remove 25 Charges, and prevent Nova Charges from being generated for 6 seconds - Change to 10 charges consumed but increase time from Nova charges being gained to 8 seconds.

    (New) - While facing a tech champion, Gain Nova Charges 20% faster.

    Special 2 - Consume up to 50 Nova Charges to deal up to 50% of damage done as burst Energy Damage with each hit of this attack - Change to 75% damage dealt as burst energy damage.

    Synergy - Full Speed Ahead
    Nova: Starting a Dash Attack immediately after Dashing Back generates 5 additional Nova Charges.
    Rhino: 30% Chance to refresh Fury Buffs when striking with Medium Attacks.
    Iron Fist: Medium Attacks gain +5% chance for each Armor Break Debuff on the Opponent to inflict a Stun Debuff for 1.5 seconds - (Nova gains 10 additonal charges instead of 5)

    Synergy - Maximum Output
    Nova: Gain 1 Nova Charge each time Nova receives Energy Damage.
    Bishop: Receiving Energy Damage generates 1 additional stack of Prowess.
    Havok: 10% chance to place a new Plasma Build Up Debuff on the Opponent when it is Removed or Purified
    - (Change to Nova gains 1 Nova charge when hit on block with energy damage and 3 when struck.)

    Synergy - Nova Corps Veterans
    Air-Walker: Whenever a Dark Tide Debuff is placed on the Opponent, 30% chance to place an additional one.
    Nova: Reaching 75 Nova Charges refreshes Nova’s Fury Buffs, even while at maximum stacks.
    - (Change completely to Nova recieving 15% buff duration)

    Im gonna do the others in different posts. Anything people would change?
  • Shock29Shock29 Member Posts: 643 ★★★
    [~Annihilus~] - Stifles last an additional 2.5 seconds while armor breaks last an additional 1.5 seconds -This applies for all stifles applied and give armor breaks stack limit of 6.

    Special One - Each hit Refreshes all Stifle Debuffs on the Opponent, the Final Hit Pauses the Duration of all active Stifles for 6 seconds - This applies to armor breaks as well

    (New) - Besides converting stifles into furies lasting 18 seconds, Annihilus now converts Armor breaks into an armor shattered buff lasting 6 seconds, plus an additional second for each armor break converted. Each armor break also converts into a cruelty buff lasting 12 seconds increasing crit rate by 6.5% and crit damage by X.
    (This not only gurantees the fact that Annihilus will deal lots of damage and keep his opponent's armor low but it will increase the chance that Annihilus will pump out bigger yellow numbers that quickly drain the opponent's health) - Huge burst off the special 2

    (New) - Armor shattered buff destroys robots system decreasing their Ability accuracy by 100% and their power gain by 70% plus Armor shattered lasts an additional 1.5 seconds

    (New) - The first time that Annihilus pins his opponent up against the wall or is pinned against the wall, Annihilus gains and unblockable buff lasting 1.0 second. This only activates once a fight. (This would be part of the signature ability and is vulnerable to Nullification, Fate Seal, and Stagger abilities meaning if won't trigger if

    (New) - The fourth buff nullified on Annihilus will be the Cosmic Control Rod. If Annihilus loses this, he loses his cruelty buffs and 66% of max stack of fury buffs. (This means that if Annihilus gains many buffs, you don't have spend time to trying to nullify all of them, rather can use something like Doom's Sp 1 to quickly get to his Cosmic Control Rod)

    Sig Ability - While Annihilus’ Opponent's back is near a wall, Annihilus Gains 1 Passive Aptitude Buff, increasing the Potency of all Fury, Armor Up, and Precision Buffs by X% - (This would also include Cruelty buffs.)

    The IT"S MINE-! affect will give 3 furies and 1 cruelty buff all lasting 10 seconds increasing attack rating by X and crit damage rating by X instead of just 3 furies.

    Cosmic Control Rod - Immune to Incinerate, Frostbite, Coldsnap, Power Drain, Power Steal, Power Burn, Power Lock, and Enervate - (New) - Add takes half damage from Degeneration while Cosmic Control Rod is active

    Special 3 - Annihilus inflicts the Opponent with 10 Stifle Debuffs, each reducing Offensive Power Gain by 9% for 4 seconds.
    Until the Opponent has 0 Stifles remaining, the duration of Stifle Debuffs is increased by 125%.
    (Also Inflicts 5 armor breaks reducing armor by X and Until the opponent has 0 Armor Breaks, Their duration is increased by 50%)

    Double Negative
    Annihilus: Annihilus is Taunted for 0.5 seconds when Striking an Auto Blocking Opponent while Cosmic Control Rod is active. While Taunted, his Attack Rating is reduced by 40%.
    Darkhawk: Attack Rating increased by 9% while in any mode.
    Contingency Plan: If Annihilus is fighting Darkhawk, Darkhawk's Armor Rating is decreased by 15% while in any mode.
    (Change - This taunt lasts .8 seconds, and does not reduce attack by any percent)

    Synergy - Challenger
    Annihilus: Every time Annihilus’ Opponent activates a Fury effect, Annihilus gains an Armor Up Buff increasing Armor Rating by 8% for 4 seconds.
    Hulk (Ragnarok): While Face Me is active, Hulk gains a Passive Fury boosting attack damage by 12%.
    Contingency Plan: Whenever Hulk (Ragnarok) Strikes Annihilus with a SMASH attack, Annihilus gains 1 Fury Buff increasing Attack Rating by 100% for 4 seconds.
    (Change - Armor up gained increases armor by 10% for 5 seconds)

    Synergy - Total Annihilation
    Nova: Gain +40% Perfect Block chance when triggering Auto-Block.
    Annihilus: +65% Physical Resistance while Unstoppable.
    (Change - While Unstoppable, Annihilus gains 75% Physical Resistance.)

    }Offense Rank{ - From Low-Demi God Tier to now: (God Tier - Solid God Tier)
    Annihilus gains new damage ceiling and a little more unblockable is trickled in with the Sig Ability making it more vital. He has a much higher chance to hit yellow numbers and its a little easier to maintain stifles as they are longer. Armor breaks and cruelty would not be insane but good level. The armor shattered buff is similar to Medusa but not as powerful. It does give him utility against #Robot champions. Annihilus gains some boosts in synergies as well. With all these changes, Annihilus can stack the pain and crush his opponent quickly with high damage, yellow numbers, reducing offensive power gain and armor, and lots of buffs.

    }Defense Rank{ - Good/Annoying - (Good/Annoying)
    Annihilus remains mostly the same on defense even though he has up in critical rating and attack and gains some more unblockable capability with the signature ability. He is still very succeptible to nullification but also is reliant on facing an opponent that is not armor break immune to gain his cruelty buffs or apply his armor shatter debuff as he can't do either without an armor break on the opponent. Annihilus remains a tough defender with Obliterating Strikes and stun immunity while striking, Good Immunties while the Rod is active, and Taunt counter with other bonuses from stifles as well.

    Anything people would change?
  • Shock29Shock29 Member Posts: 643 ★★★
    [~Terrax~] - Geokinesis
    Terrax is immune to Shock and Bleed effects due to his rocky body. (Change) - Since his rocky body grants him immunity bleed, the combination of the Power Cosmic and his rocky body grants him Immunity to poison as well. (not sure about this one, I mean, is his body made up of entirely rocks or just his skin)

    When Terrax starts a Rock Field, he gains 1 Indestructible Charge Buff for each Power Cosmic. 1 Indestructible Charge is removed each time Terrax is attacked. All remaining Indestructible Charges are removed when the Rock Field expires. Max 10 Indestructible Charges. (Stack limit is increased to 12 with Sig Ability and Terrax gains 2 Indestructible Charges per Power Cosmic)

    For each Power Cosmic, Terrax gains an additional +110% Power Rate when blocking an attack while Indestructible. Max +660% - (On well-timed blocks while indestructible, Terrax still gains the increased power rate but does not lose an indestructible charge. This works with the parry mastery.)

    Terrax gains 10 Attack Charge(s) whenever his attack misses the Opponent - (Change to Terrax gains 15 charges - this triggers when the Opponent evades, uses the dexterity mastery, or Terrax misses)

    (New) - While Rock field is active gain X attack rating and X% crit chance plus X attack rating for each Indestructible active. (The rock field has to to give him way better attack rating and the Indestructible gives him more but only while their active)

    (New) - 30% chance to gain certain buffs every time Terrax loses an indestructible buff which increases by an X% for each power Cosmic Terrax has
    Regeneration - Regenerates X% of health over 6 seconds, Max 3
    Unstoppable - Lasts 2.5 seconds, Max 1.
    Armor Up - Increases armor by X for 9 seconds, Max 5.
    If any of these activate, pause power gain off the Special 2 for 1 second. If any of these activate off the other special attacks, Give Terrax 8% a bar of power. When Rock Field ends unstoppable ends while Armor Up and Regeneration lose X% potency.
    (These buffs will end up being nullified first so you don't have to worry about getting rid of the indestructible buffs by accident using nullification and causing more buffs to activate. As you level up the character he will lower the amount of potency the buffs lose after the Rock Field ends. So it may start off losing 20% potency then rank and level Terrax up to 12% potency lost)

    While the Rock Field is active, nearby Opponents take up to X Energy Damage for every second the Rock Field has been active, every 0.5 second(s). This scales with Base Attack only - (Change to The rock field does X more damage for each buff active on Terrax that is not an Indestructible buff plus base attack.

    Every 0.5 second(s) there is a 20% chance to inflict an Armor Break Debuff, reducing the Opponent’s Armor Rating by X for 8 second(s). Max 10.
    While the Rock Field is active, Terrax is more aggressive. (Change to armor break debuff lasting 9 seconds, and +5% chance to inflict armor break. Terrax stays aggressive)

    Special 2 - Last hit gains X attack for each Power Cosmic Terrax has in the fight

    (New) - While Terrax’s Rock Field is not active and Terrax is not losing power, Terrax has +20% Offensive Combat Power Rate - (This allows Terrax to be aggressive and gain more power to get back to his Rock Field which is the source of most his damage. This is just for hitting offensively not defensively.)

    Special 1 - If Terrax has less than 6 Power Cosmic, he gains 20 Attack Charges - (Change to Terrax gaining 25 Attack charges if below 6 Power Cosmic.

    Special 3 applies a 2 second stun - (Change to 3 second stun)

    Signature Ability - Galactus' Favor (This is what it looks like now after my changes)
    If Terrax has less than 1 Power Cosmic at the start of a fight, he gains 2. (New) - If he has more than 3, He gains an additional Power Cosmic at the start of a fight.
    Terrax starts each fight with his Rock Field active and X% of his max Power.
    (New) Stack limit of Indestructible Charges is increased to 12
    (New) - Every Power Cosmic provides an X% increase that Terrax will gain Regen, Unstoppable, or Armor up off losing an Indestructible in any way
    (New) - At 6 Power Cosmic, Terrax's last hit of his special two is a guaranteed crit, is true-striked, refreshes any existing stacks of armor break, and gives the power gain buff that activates +20% potency.

    Synergy - Death and Resurrection
    Terrax: Well-timed blocks give Terrax +3% of a Bar of Power.
    Phoenix: When striking with her fourth Light Attack, Phoenix consumes one of her personal Fury Buffs, increasing the hit damage by 100%.
    (Change - Terrax gains +5% of a bar of power on well-timed blocks

    }Offense Rank{ - Low Demi-God Tier - (God Tier)
    Terrax overall gains access to a little more utility, damage, and fixes to power gain which allow him to really deal a big burst of damage off the Special 2 and Rock Field after. His unstoppable buff really helps his aggressive play style on offense while his extra power gain allows him to get back to his Rock Field which is his source of damage. Also, just a side note, but Terrax was very different from the other Heralds because he didn't gain many buffs at all. His damage was also very underwhelming which made him the worst out of all the Heralds on offense.

    }Defense Rank{ - Good/Annoying - (Good/Annoying)
    Terrax does become more powerful on defense with increased power gain, new buffs, and more indestructible charges. Armor Up and Regeneration increase Terrax's survivability and durability making him difficult to stop as you never quite know what Terrax will get. He can even gain unstoppable to make it difficult to counter his aggresiveness. However, even though he becomes more powerful and annoying, he doesn't quite make to the next level.
  • WRIRWRIR Member Posts: 563 ★★★
    A character loved, and once loved in the game too, a prime target for an Update for his kit is great, but not fitting to the times!


    Here are some ideas that could improve Ultron(Prime) greatly, and make Ultron great again!

    Critical Hit function - Changed: the last medium and light attacks are guaranteed Critical hits.

    Special Attacks: If this attack was initiated after a guaranteed Critical Hit, all hits are guaranteed Critical Hits.

    Developer's Note: This change allows Ultron to have more control over his Guarenteed criticals, as well as greatly increase his damage which is his current weakness!

    Bleed - Chance increased by 10%. Last 1 second longer, damage increased accordingly.

    Added Effect:
    Ultron's Special 2's first hit and his Heavy attacks use his Graviton to Root the opponents for X seconds.
    On opponent knockdown, Ultron sends his nano-inhibitors, placing a passive Petrify effect reducing regeneration and power gain effectiveness by 0%.

    New Passive: Continuous Evolution.

    Ultron evolves as he suffers from different abilities, and develops methods to counter them.
    At the start of the fight, Ultron gains an indefinite Armor Up buff, granting him 1150 Armor rating. If for any reason it is lost, it returns after 12 seconds.

    Standard modern Tech champ Havok counter ability.
    Each time an opponent Evade's Ultron's attack, he reduced the chance of Evasion by 34% for the entire Quest.
    Each time an opponent triggers a Regeneration effect, Ultron's Petrify gains a flat 10% potency for the rest of the Quest. At 100% potency, he instead places a Passive Healblock effect.
    Remaining quest abilities only apply when Ultron fights the opponent.

    Upon facing an Avenger, Ultron gains a Fury Passive increasing his attack by 55% for the rest of the Quest. This cannot be stacked.

    Each time Ultron is unable to Bleed an opponent due to an immunity or Bleeds an opponent with Bleed Resistance, Ultron gains a Prowess passive increasing his Special attack damage by 25% for the rest of the quest. He may stack up to 6 of these effects.
    Makes Ultron a pseudo-rampup champ. I thought it made sense given that in the comics, he always gets stronger.
    The last line is supposed to counter the Bleed Immune or Bleed Resistant Mutants, of which there are many.

    As a basis for his Evolution, Ultron does not truly know death. Ultron does not take damage from opponent's Damage-Over-Time abilities that do not inflict Passive efffects or debuffs
    Developer's note: Is meant to counter Void's ability as well as Omega Red's

    Signature Ability: No change. With the added conditional 55% attack increase, guarenteed critical special attacks, and Prowess facing the mutants, extra power on absorption should be crazy enough.
  • PotatolegionPotatolegion Member Posts: 290 ★★

    Signature ability:
    While under 50% of maximum power, each hit power steals 5% (up to 12%) of the opponent's current power.

    Any damaging debuff on Loki is purified after 8 seconds. This is decreased to 4 seconds if it is a damaging debuff.
    Immune to ability accuracy reduction.

    Basic attacks:
    Each attack has a 55% chance to apply degeneration, dealing 2000 direct damage over 10 seconds.
    Medium attacks to an additional burst of 500 energy damage for each degeneration active on the opponent. This ignores any energy resistance.
    When degeneration debuffs expire, they have a 20% chance to stun the opponent for 1.5 seconds.

    Pre fight ability.
    Loki can activate one pre fight ability per fight, expiring at the end of the fight. There is no limit to how many times one of these pre fight abilities can be activated in a quest. If neither is chosen, dark sorcery is activated by default.

    Dark sorcery:
    Grants an additional 65% degeneration potency, 50% additional degeneration duration and 1200 attack rating.

    Support sorcery:
    Loki's purify ability can trigger with all debuffs. Each time this effect triggers, regenerate 4% of max health. Additionally, Loki suffers 50% less damage while attacking the opponent. This is increased to 100% while Loki is at under 45% health.

    Heavy attacks:
    Life steal 40% of damage done.
    If in dark sorcery:
    Invert one buff on the opponent, converting it into a negative effect. This can trigger with the following buffs:
    Regeneration- Degeneration, dealing 2500 direct damage over 10 seconds.
    Fury- Weakness, reducing attack rating by 30% for 18 seconds.
    Precision- Fatigue, lowering critical rate by 1500 for 18 seconds.
    Cruelty- Exhaustion, lowering critical damage rating by 1500 for 18 seconds.
    Power gain- Power drain, draining the opponent of 20% maximum power over 5 seconds.
    If in support sorcery:
    Buff steal up to two buffs from the opponent.

    Ending a combo with a light attack:

    Dark sorcery:
    Loki suffers a 5% health penalty to gain a heal reduction aura for 15 seconds, reducing the opponent's healing abilities by 150%

    Support sorcery:
    Lose one bar of power to gain a power reduction aura for 15 seconds, reducing the opponent's power gain abilities by 140%. Additionally, reduce the opponent's combat power rate by 35%.

    Special one:
    Has the same effect as his heavy attack.

    Special two:
    This attack is unblockable.
    Gain a passive prowess for the duration of this attack, increasing special attack damage by 50% for each degeneration active on the opponent on activation.

    Special three:
    Gain a sorcerer buff for 30 seconds. While this is active, gain the abilities from both support and dark sorcery.
  • PotatolegionPotatolegion Member Posts: 290 ★★
    Iron Man classic (all stats based on rank 5 five star):

    Signature ability:
    Once per fight, when dropping below 20% health, gain an ark overload buff lasting 15 seconds. While this is active, increase the potency of all analysis buffs by 60% (up to 85%) and regenerate 1% (up to 2%) of max health per second.

    An advanced layer of armour provides 1200 additional armour rating indefinitely. If this armour up is lost, it reactivates after a 25 second cooldown. While this is active, Iron man cannot be missed or evaded. Armour up is lost if Iron man is knocked down.

    Pre fight:
    At the start of each fight, Iron man can select an analysis buff for the remainder of the quest.

    Class bonuses:
    Iron Man's advanced suit grants additional bonuses based on the opponent's class.
    Tech: Basic attacks ignore 65% of the opponent's armour.
    Mutant: Iron Man gains 850 additional block proficiency while the opponent is using a special attack.
    Skill: While armour up is active, reduce the potency of bleed debuffs by 40%
    Science: After using a special attack, purify up to two non-damaging debuffs.
    Mystic: Nullify effects have a 55% chance to fail.

    Every 30 seconds and at the start of the fight, go into analysis for 15 seconds. After analysis ends, gain a permanent passive buff based on the data collected.
    -If Iron Man successfully hits the opponent 10 times or over, gain a fury buff, increasing attack by 1400. For each fury, the opponent's defensive abilities have a 20% reduced chance to be activated when hit. Maximum 5
    -If Iron Man is hit by the opponent 5 times or over, gain an armour up buff, increasing armour rating by 1400. For each armour up, gain a 20% resistance to damaging debuffs. Maximum 5.

    Special attacks:
    Cannot be autoblocked and gain 450 critical rating for each analysis buff active on Iron man at the time of activation.

    Special one:
    This attack power burns the opponent of 50% of a bar of power, dealing additional damage based on power burned.
    Remove one regeneration buff from the opponent.

    Special two:
    This attack is unblockable.
    Consumes 18% less power for each analysis buff.
    30% additional critical damage rating for each analysis buff.

    Special three
    Consume two analysis buffs to gain ark overload for 18 seconds. While ark overload is active, regenerate 1.5% of maximum health per second and gain 45% additional analysis buff potency.
  • FluffyPigMonsterFluffyPigMonster Member Posts: 2,069 ★★★★★
    I’ve posted in a few places and was directed by Kabam Support to post here.

    The community as a whole is having difficult utilizing DDHK with his current regeneration sittuation.

    It has been posted many many times in the Champion Spotlight, General Discussion and in the Suggestions portions of the forums as to what the issue is.

    We’ve asked for an update as to whether or not something is being considered which has been met with ominous silence.

    If there is a consideration, or not, we’d like to have an idea so we can contemplate the current state of this champion.

    Again, I like the new kit he has - but the regen issue is difficult to make him usable.

    If someone can shed light on the plans for this, we’d appreciate it.
  • RockypantherxRockypantherx Member Posts: 3,922 ★★★★★
    I have no idea whether anyone actually looks at this thread anymore, but I've worked up a buff concept for Phoenix. Here it is. Let me know what you think, or any changes or improvements. FYI the formatting is going to be weird

    Base Stats: ( 5* 5/65)

    HP: 26,216
    Attack: 2098
    Crit Rate: 26%
    Crit Damage: 200%
    Armour: 22%
    Block Proficiency: 65%

    No changes here except the Block Proficiency. Brought it up to around average. Don’t want a Cull Obsidian repeat.


    Phoenix is immune to Reversed Controls

    While suffering from a shock, incinerate or coldsnap debuff, Phoenix gains +1049 attack

    Phoenix’s attacks deal energy damage

    Phoenix Force (Passive): Max Stack 10

    Phoenix starts the fight with 1 Phoenix Force charge

    Phoenix generates 1 Phoenix Force charge every 10 seconds

    Whenever Phoenix gains a Phoenix Force charge, she also gains an indefinite Fury buff

    Fury Buffs increase attack by +419.6

    Each time one of Phoenix’s personal fury buffs is removed, she loses on Phoenix Force charge

    This is a rolling timer. Even if you are at 10, it will continue to attempt to generate Phoenix Force charges and Fury buffs. Keep these under control by nullifying her Fury buffs or you might find yourself in a tricky situation

    Empowered:< /b>

    Phoenix gains bonuses based on the number of Phoenix Force charges she has

    1+ Phoenix Force charges: +9000 Energy Resistance

    3+ Phoenix Force charges: Gain a Power Gain buff granting 5% of a bar of power every second

    5+ Phoenix Force charges: All attacks have a 100% chance to place a Cosmic Flame Passive on the opponent, dealing 270.4 Energy Damage over 6 seconds. Each Cosmic Flame passive reduces the opponent’s combat power rate and ability power rate by 5%

    7+ Phoenix Force charges: Heavy attacks have a 100% chance to place a non-stacking armour break on the opponent, reducing armour by 1000 and lasting 20 seconds

    10 Phoenix Force charges: Phoenix becomes Stun immune. Additionally, Phoenix goes unblockable for 1 second on her second hit into an opponents block, or when she would be auto-blocked

    This is where Phoenix’s utility lies. Her Cosmic Flames work similarly to Nova Flames, but with different effects.

    Special Attack 1:

    Gain 1 Phoenix Force charge

    Plain and Simple. Use this to ramp up quickly.

    Special Attack 2:

    Gain a prowess buff, granting +8% special attack damage for each Phoenix Force charge, lasting the duration of the special attack

    Places Mind Control on the opponent upon activation, lasting 0.5 seconds for each Phoenix Force charge. While mind control is active, the opponent cannot gain power or use special attacks. Additionally, If the opponent was at 100% power, Phoenix drains 10% of max power upon activation of mind control

    Phoenix is channelling her inner Jean Gray here. Phoenix is somewhat unique in the cosmic class in being able to control the opponent’s power. Mind Control in tandem with her Cosmic Flames should make her very effective at controlling the Opponent’s power meter

    Special Attack 3:

    Phoenix consumes all Fury buffs.

    Phoenix gains a Cosmic Overload passive, lasting 2 seconds for each fury buff consumed.

    While Cosmic overload is active, Phoenix gains the following effects:

    Activates Unstoppable and Unblockable

    A Fury buff, grating +1049 attack

    Reduces the opponent’s regeneration rate and combat power rate by 50%

    Has a 15% to passively stun the opponent on all basic attacks

    Regenerates 131.1 Health every second

    This is the special attack you want to use to end fights or unless you specifically need something here. Think of this like Omega Red’s SP3. Get the timing right and you receive a nice heal at the end. But you lose all your build-up.

    Signature Ability:

    Once per fight, when Phoenix would be knocked out, she immediately becomes invulnerable for 2 seconds and consumes all of her Fury buffs, regaining (131.1- 1,310.8) health per Fury buff consumed.

    This will regenerate 50% of your health at max sig if you have 10 Phoenix Force charges. Not as potent as it was previously, but you can access Phoenix Force charges much easier in this kit than before, so this had to go down to compensate .

    Internal Synergies:

    Obviously, synergies are going to need to be changed here, both with Phoenix and with other champs. I’m going to separate them into ‘Internal Synergies’ and External Synergies’. This is Internal Synergies, which are synergies on the champion. External synergies come from other champs. Not all of them need changes. I’m only going to list ones I’ve changed.

    Friends (with Storm):

    Phoenix: Armour Breaks last an additional 5 seconds
    Storm: Gain a +50% Prowess on Special Attacks

    It’s Complicated (with Cyclops(Blue Team), Wolverine):

    Phoenix: Starts the fight with 3 Phoenix Force charges
    Cyclops (Blue Team): Special attacks apply Concussion for 10 seconds, reducing Ability Accuracy by 100%
    Wolverine: Bleeding opponents have -50% reduced Combat Power Rate

    Teammates (with Beast, Nightcrawler, Gamora):

    Phoenix: Prowess buffs gain a flat +10% potency
    Beast: When the opponent activates a special attack, place an indefinite Careful Study passive on them. This reduces that special attack’s damage by -50% and increases Beast’s corresponding Special attack damage by +50%
    Nightcrawler: Whenever Nightcrawler inflicts an Instant Bleed, he gains Vigilance for 5 seconds
    Gamora: Flat +10% Buff Potency

    The Phoenix Five:

    Phoenix: Phoenix Force charges and Fury buffs generate 50% faster
    Cyclops (New Xavier School): Cyclops generates a Fury buff every 5 seconds, granting 230.1 attack (Max Stack: 10)
    Namor: Every 10 seconds Namor goes unstoppable 2 seconds
    Magik: Every 10 seconds Magik gains a Fury buff, granting 116.2 attack (Max Stack: 10)
    Emma Frost: Every 10 seconds Emma goes unblockable for 2 seconds. Emma also gains 2 prowess when she would gain one

    External Synergies:

    Death and Resurrection (with Terrax): Only Phoenix’s part getting changed here

    Phoenix: Cosmic Overload lasts an additional 2 seconds
  • RockypantherxRockypantherx Member Posts: 3,922 ★★★★★
    Base Stats: ( 5* 5/65)

    HP: 26,216
    Attack: 2098
    Crit Rate: 26%
    Crit Damage: 200%
    Armour: 22%
    Block Proficiency: 65%

    No changes here except the Block Proficiency. Brought it up to around average. Don’t want a Cull Obsidian repeat.


    Phoenix is immune to Reversed Controls

    While suffering from a shock, incinerate or coldsnap debuff, Phoenix gains +1049 attack

    Phoenix’s attacks deal energy damage

    Phoenix Force (Passive): Max Stack 10

    Phoenix starts the fight with 1 Phoenix Force charge

    Phoenix generates 1 Phoenix Force charge every 10 seconds

    Whenever Phoenix gains a Phoenix Force charge, she also gains an indefinite Fury buff

    Fury Buffs increase attack by +419.6

    Each time one of Phoenix’s personal fury buffs is removed, she loses on Phoenix Force charge

    This is a rolling timer. Even if you are at 10, it will continue to attempt to generate Phoenix Force charges and Fury buffs. Keep these under control by nullifying her Fury buffs or you might find yourself in a tricky situation


    Phoenix gains bonuses based on the number of Phoenix Force charges she has

    1+ Phoenix Force charges: +9000 Energy Resistance

    3+ Phoenix Force charges: Gain a Power Gain buff granting 5% of a bar of power every second

    5+ Phoenix Force charges: All attacks have a 100% chance to place a Cosmic Flame Passive on the opponent, dealing 270.4 Energy Damage over 6 seconds. Each Cosmic Flame passive reduces the opponent’s combat power rate and ability power rate by 5%

    7+ Phoenix Force charges: Heavy attacks have a 100% chance to place a non-stacking armour break on the opponent, reducing armour by 1000 and lasting 20 seconds

    10 Phoenix Force charges: Phoenix becomes Stun immune. Additionally, Phoenix goes unblockable for 1 second on her second hit into an opponents block, or when she would be auto-blocked

    This is where Phoenix’s utility lies. Her Cosmic Flames work similarly to Nova Flames, but with different effects.

    Special Attack 1:

    Gain 1 Phoenix Force charge

    Plain and Simple. Use this to ramp up quickly.

    Special Attack 2:

    Gain a prowess buff, granting +8% special attack damage for each Phoenix Force charge, lasting the duration of the special attack

    Places Mind Control on the opponent upon activation, lasting 0.5 seconds for each Phoenix Force charge. While mind control is active, the opponent cannot gain power or use special attacks. Additionally, If the opponent was at 100% power, Phoenix drains 10% of max power upon activation of mind control

    Phoenix is channelling her inner Jean Gray here. Phoenix is somewhat unique in the cosmic class in being able to control the opponent’s power. Mind Control in tandem with her Cosmic Flames should make her very effective at controlling the Opponent’s power meter

    Special Attack 3:

    Phoenix consumes all Fury buffs.

    Phoenix gains a Cosmic Overload passive, lasting 2 seconds for each fury buff consumed.

    While Cosmic overload is active, Phoenix gains the following effects:

    Activates Unstoppable and Unblockable

    A Fury buff, grating +1049 attack

    Reduces the opponent’s regeneration rate and combat power rate by 50%

    Has a 15% to passively stun the opponent on all basic attacks

    Regenerates 131.1 Health every second

    This is the special attack you want to use to end fights or unless you specifically need something here. Think of this like Omega Red’s SP3. Get the timing right and you receive a nice heal at the end. But you lose all your build-up.

    Signature Ability:

    Once per fight, when Phoenix would be knocked out, she immediately becomes invulnerable for 2 seconds and consumes all of her Fury buffs, regaining (131.1- 1,310.8) health per Fury buff consumed.

    This will regenerate 50% of your health at max sig if you have 10 Phoenix Force charges. Not as potent as it was previously, but you can access Phoenix Force charges much easier in this kit than before, so this had to go down to compensate.

    Internal Synergies:

    Obviously, synergies are going to need to be changed here, both with Phoenix and with other champs. I’m going to separate them into ‘Internal Synergies’ and External Synergies’. This is Internal Synergies, which are synergies on the champion. External synergies come from other champs. Not all of them need changes. I’m only going to list ones I’ve changed.

    Friends (with Storm):

    Phoenix: Armour Breaks last an additional 5 seconds
    Storm: Gain a +50% Prowess on Special Attacks

    It’s Complicated (with Cyclops(Blue Team), Wolverine):

    Phoenix: Starts the fight with 3 Phoenix Force charges
    Cyclops (Blue Team): Special attacks apply Concussion for 10 seconds, reducing Ability Accuracy by 100%
    Wolverine: Bleeding opponents have -50% reduced Combat Power Rate

    Teammates (with Beast, Nightcrawler, Gamora):

    Phoenix: Prowess buffs gain a flat +10% potency
    Beast: When the opponent activates a special attack, place an indefinite Careful Study passive on them. This reduces that special attack’s damage by -50% and increases Beast’s corresponding Special attack damage by +50%
    Nightcrawler: Whenever Nightcrawler inflicts an Instant Bleed, he gains Vigilance for 5 seconds
    Gamora: Flat +10% Buff Potency

    The Phoenix Five:

    Phoenix: Phoenix Force charges and Fury buffs generate 50% faster
    Cyclops (New Xavier School): Cyclops generates a Fury buff every 5 seconds, granting 230.1 attack (Max Stack: 10)
    Namor: Every 10 seconds Namor goes unstoppable 2 seconds
    Magik: Every 10 seconds Magik gains a Fury buff, granting 116.2 attack (Max Stack: 10)
    Emma Frost: Every 10 seconds Emma goes unblockable for 2 seconds. Emma also gains 2 prowess when she would gain one

    External Synergies:

    Death and Resurrection (with Terrax): Only Phoenix’s part getting changed here

    Phoenix: Cosmic Overload lasts an additional 2 seconds
  • Shock29Shock29 Member Posts: 643 ★★★
    Spider-Man (Miles Morales)

    In an alternate reality where Peter Parker died while protecting his friends and family, teenager Miles Morales was bitten by a genetically enhanced spider and discovered that he now possessed the same powers as his fallen idol. With the world mourning the loss of one of their greatest heroes, Miles decided to take on the mantle of Spider-Man. Miles knows that with great power must come great responsibility, but can he live up to the legacy set before him?

    Signature Ability - Becoming Spider-Man
    Spider-Man saves some of his venom blasts for the next battle. Miles can save a max of 2 venom per battle and hold a max of 5 total. Miles will lose one if he is defeated and lose two if defeated by a #Spider-Verse Villain champion. Miles will gain 3 the first time he defeats a #Villain champion.
    All debuffs active while applied give Spider-Man +X% additional potency and duration on his Anger debuffs.

    +X Physical Resistance for Mile's tough spirit and new style.
    Shocks do no damage and provide Miles an additional +5% that Venom Blast will trigger
    Miles’ self-training and newfound experience in the Contest grants a X% chance to trigger an additional Venom Blast after using a Light or Medium Combo-ender. Longer combos grant a higher chance to trigger a Venom Blast, up to a max of 5 hits. (Each hit in the combo gives +X% Venom blast will trigger, Min - 3 hits to add percentage, Max - 5 hits)
    Against Skill Champions - Miles' Debuffs lose 30% potency and duration.

    Venom Blast
    Miles will inflict a debuff upon trigger of Venom Blast. Each time he triggers Venom Blast a new debuff will also trigger ramping up to a point where Miles can inflict and stack 7 debuffs repeatedly very quickly
    1st trigger - Shock - Deals X damage over 8 seconds, Max stack of 3
    2nd trigger -Weakness - Lowers attack by 35% for 10 seconds, max stack of 3
    3rd trigger - Exhaustion - Lowers critical damage by X for 9 seconds, Max stack of 3
    4th trigger - Anger - Lowers special attack damage by 25% and makes it +20% more likely an opponent will launch a special attack lasting 12 seconds - Max stack of 3 - Triggers with custom quips
    5th trigger - Petrify - Lowers healing by 35% lasting 10 seconds - Max stack of 3 (Negative healing does apply)
    6th trigger - Power Drain - Drains 24% of max power
    7th trigger - 1.5 second Stun
    When triggering a debuff thats at stack limit, existing debuffs are refreshed. All debuffs are paused for the Duration of Special Attacks.

    Invisibilty (Replaces evade)
    100% that all Projectile , Non-contact, and Guranteed Critical hits will Miss
    All other hits will only have a 65% to Miss. -15% against Skill Champions
    Once per fight, Dash back and hold block for 1 second to trigger Invisibilty for 10 seconds
    Provides +20% critical chance and +20% debuff potency. This does not apply against Skill Champions.

    Special Attacks
    All hits gain X attack rating for each debuff on his opponent, If Invisibilty is active, this is doubled, and at the end of a Special Attack, Miles will gain a 10 second passive Precison increasing critical rate by X%. This cannot stack but can be refreshed if triggered again.

    Heavy Attacks
    100% chance to apply Weakness, decreasing attack for X% for 7 seconds

    1 - Triple Web Shot
    Three well placed shots from a borrowed set of fantastic web shooters.
    Quipping and Webbing - 60% chance to inflict Anger, decreasing the target's special attack damage by 25% and making it +20% more likely for the target to throw a special attack.

    2 - Pow! Thwack! Sizzle!
    One punch, one roundhouse kick, one backflip kick, then a double dose of Venom Blast.
    100% percent to Venom Blast the opponent on the last hit.

    3: Flurry of Blows
    With a barrage of strikes, Morales does his best to earn the Spider-Man mantle.
    Triggers Invisibility for 12 seconds.
    100% to Venom Blast opponent.
    Miles gains a Passive Fury that increases attack by 1075.82 plus X attack for each debuff active. This Passive Fury lasts 9 seconds plus X seconds for each debuff active on the opponent. This Special attack will consume all debuffs active on Spider-Man's target to boost his Fury buff. This special attack will purify any damaging Debuffs active on Miles. Provides +5% Venom Blast will trigger while active plus 15% Ability Accuracy.


    Passing on the Mantle
    Spider-Man (Miles Morales) - Peter inspires Miles to never give up. When at 7 debuffs, all hits have 40% to be Unblockable and give 40% more power.
    Spider Man - Every time Spider-Man evades, applies or fails to apply a debuff, He will gain an indefinite passive Fury increasing attack by 20%, max of 10.

    Spiders in Black
    Spider-Man (Miles Morales) - 40% to pause debuffs for 1.5 seconds after special attacks
    Spider-Man (Symbiote) - When Spider-Man fails to evade, fails to apply a debuff, and loses a buff for any reason, the Symbiote seethes with anger activating 3 Fury buffs lasting 9 seconds and increasing attack by 30%. After these Fury Buffs have ended, this ability goes on cooldown for 10 seconds.
    Spider-Man (Stealth Suit) - If Spider-Man has used all his Web Cartridge Ammo, Gain a passive Cruelty buff lasting 14 seconds and increasing critical damage rating by 765.85.

    Unlikely Mentors
    Spider-Man (Miles Morales) - 100% that the first medium hit of a combo against Miles while Invisbility is active will miss and refresh any Anger, Weakness, and Exhaustion Debuffs on the enemy. This applies through the block.
    Spider-Ham - Lowers chance of Purification of Spider-Ham's debuffs by 45%.
    Howard the Duck - If Howard loses all his Fury or Armor Up buffs for any reason, Howard will gain them all back and Regenerate 15% of health. This can only trigger twice in a fight with a 12 second cooldown.

    Venom vs. Venom
    Spider-Man (Miles Morales) - Shocks and Power Drain gain +45% potency which is increased by 15% against #Symbiote Champions.
    Venom - All buffs gain 30% potency which is increased by 20% against #Spider-Verse Hero Champions.

    Spiders of Youth
    Spider-Man (Miles Morales) - While Above 50% health, each debuff active will provide 147.65 critical damage rating.
    Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced) - Great Power is still active while above 25% health. Great Responsbility will acivate while below 75% health.
    Spider Gwen - While below 50% health, Spider-Gwen's Enervate and Slow debuffs last 3 seconds longer.

    Touch of Red
    Spider-Man (Miles Morales) - Debuffs last 20% longer
    Carnage - While at least 1 Bleed is active on his opponent, they cannot evade. If that Bleed is lost, this bonus is removed and cannot trigger in the fight again.
    Red Goblin - Debuffs recieve 25% duration and potency.

    Invisible Comrades
    Spider-Man (Miles Morales) - Invisibility gives an extra 15% critical rating and lasts 2 seconds longer
    Invisible Woman - Invisibility is paused during Unblockable attacks and 3 seconds after.
  • Shock29Shock29 Member Posts: 643 ★★★
    edited December 2020
    oh, spiders in black is already a synergy for stealth suit. lol XD, messed up there
  • Bening_OneBening_One Member Posts: 28

    This MCU meme teleporter could use some additions...
    Under Oshtur's Refuge
    - 90% chance to turn opponent's buff into the opposite debuff on basic attacks (eg. Regeneration into Degeneration)
    - and 100% chance to Absorb or turn a debuff into an opposite buff for Dr. Strange on basic attacks. "Absorb" stores and pacify debuffs to be later "Bestowed" to opponents through Special Attacks.
    - 3rd Special Attack, causes "Exorcism". Formed by the help of minimum of three debuffs on the opponent and also from the "Absorb" debuffs on himself. "Exorcism" reduces all attribute ratings of the opponent (Armor, Resistances, Attack) and 100% chance to block their chance to trigger buffs or giving out debuffs. The more debuffs are used, the more potent Exorcism's attribute reduction will be.

    Signature ability
    Under Osthur's Refuge
    - X% chance for opponent's buff (and Unique buffs) to be given to Dr. Strange instead, while the opponent gets a debuff version opposite to their supposed gain buff. Like if Colossus supposed to get his Armor, he gets Armor Break instead while Dr. Strange take that Armor for himself.
    - 3rd Special Attack consumes existing buffs and turn into "Empower", he Bargains three blessings to be used all at once. Raising attribute ratings and improves the blessings potency... all by X% for 13 seconds

    In conclusion, I want to make Osthur's Refuge as Dr. Strange's momentum for awakened form to better 'control' and 'counter' opponents.
  • LemoNotLemoNot Member Posts: 186
    I am a nerd who did not see this thread before, so I'm just reposting myself here.

    War Machine

    *Values are based off the 6star r3*

    Awakened Ability- Empty the Clip

    When the opponent falls below [35-75]% health, War Machine gains 15 stacks of Fury buffs, each increasing attack by 500. A stack is lost after War Machine uses a special attack, or when the opponent lands a hit on War Machine.

    When War Machine falls below [15-50]% health, gain 15 stacks of Armor Up, each increasing Armor by 1590. These stacks are lost on blocking a hit, unless it was a Well-Timed Block.

    15% chance to gain a 7-second Armor Up, increasing Armor rating by 3225

    Whenever an Armor up expires or is removed, War Machine gains Invisibility for 5 seconds.
    While Invisible, enemy attacks have a 65% chance to miss, +30% against projectile attacks
    -Special Attacks while Invisible receive a +100% Prowess passive.
    -While invisible, War Machine gains power striking the opponent’s block as if he were hitting the opponent.
    -Invisibility does not activate when an Armor Up is removed by Armor Break, Stagger or Nullify
    He can go invisible in the comics, but I can see justifiable arguments against it

    When striking the opponent’s block or striking the opponent in the corner, War Machine places Intimidate passives on the opponent, lasting 15 seconds. Intimidate reduces the chance of an enemy using a special attack by 50% while increasing War Machine’s Offensive Power Rate by the same amount.
    -Special attacks pause Intimidates for its duration and 4 seconds afterwards.
    -Special attacks are Unblockable at 5 Intimidates.
    -Neither of the above abilities activate against Cosmic champions.

    Mode Cycling
    Each mode is cycled on Light attacks, locked in by dashing back, and activated on special/heavy attacks. Final hit of a special/heavy attack must connect to begin changing modes again.

    Tank Buster- bypasses Resistances, and gain +750 Crit Rating. The first hit places one Armor Break debuff for every Intimidate on the opponent, each reducing armor rating by 650.

    Sabotage- The first hit places a Heal Block debuff lasting 5 seconds per Intimidate on the opponent. The final hit power drains the opponent for 5% of max power per Intimidate.

    Emergency Measures- Consume one Armor Up buff to regain 20% of max health. Places a 10-second weakness debuff reducing opponent’s attack by 60% if the opponent has 3 Intimidate effects.

    Sp1- Same Animation, same abilities
    If the opponent is immune to Bleed, inflict Shock instead.

    Sp2- New Animation- Same slamdown on first hit, then fly back and release a missile barrage*
    Rocket Hits gain +900 Crit Damage Rating, and have a 55% chance to place an Incinerate on the opponent, dealing 3550 damage over 6 seconds.
    *In terms of dodging, less like Grandmaster and more like Air-Walker

    Sp3- Same Animation
    -Activate all Modes for 25 seconds, pausing them during Special Attacks.
    -If the opponent has had at least 10 intimidates on them in the fight, place 3 indefinite Intimidates on the opponent.

    Other Animations Changes-
    Mediums- Utilizes his baton, dealing energy damage.
    Heavy attack- First hit is like Falcon’s, then unloads his minigun* (5 hits in rapid succession)

    *It shoots both rockets and bullets, I don’t know what it’s called*

    Also, love the fact that this thread was made, hope Kabam actually looks at it too!
  • LemoNotLemoNot Member Posts: 186
    Also, while I'm here, make the "Unique Attacks" in Taskmaster's description actually, y'know, count unique light and medium attacks. Also increase his Exploit Weakness damage by 10% for every 10% he lowers opponents' Defensive Ability Accuracy.

    He really only NEEDS those two changes to make him better by a ton, but less significant suggestions include:
    -EW attacks should have +100% ability accuracy, and should refresh ALL debuffs on the opponent (to make his armor break useable, mostly)
    -Learn the Foe (his 10 debuffs to immunity party trick) should work like Apocalypse's immunities, to make it more practical (though not by THAT much, admittedly)
    -Taskmaster's Mega Concussion should benefit Photographic Reflexes (e.g. +65% perfect block chance at max sig)
    -Maybe make his Phase last just a bit longer, or reduce the lag after heavy attacks
    -MORE SYNERGIES. And gain said synergies by defeating synergy members (I listed a truckload of ideas on my alt account, here)

    I know Taskmaster isn't in the most urgent need of a buff or rework, but you have to admit he is lackluster compared to top options, and he could use a touch up to make him more relevant. Also, he really should have more synergies, he copies literally everyone's moves, it's his whole shtick.
  • LemoNotLemoNot Member Posts: 186
    Another repost of my alt @Thomas_3T , for Civil Warrior, Iron Man, and Superior Iron Man. Yeah, I really want to see the Ironheads beefed up.

    Civil Warrior:

    Increase base attack rating (You're gonna see this one for all of them)
    Keep base abilities, but add:
    For each armor up charge/buff on CW, reduce opponent's special attack damage and combat power rate by 10%, increasing CW's by the same amount
    ● Sp2 drains power on each hit, power locks
    ● Sp3 deals additional +40% special damage per armor up effect active (i.e. both buffs and passives)

    Awakened Ability:
    ● Permanent armor ups persist from fight to fight, max 5 persistent armor ups
    ●Passive Armor ups grant a 20% chance to resist block breaks and unblockable attacks.
    1: Increase armor up buff duration and potency by [20-60%]
    2: Heal block instead becomes a permanent passive once refreshed on special attacks.
    3: Holding block consumes all Armor up buffs, each healing CW for [3-15%] of lost health.
    4: Each passive charge grants CW an additional, permanent, Armor up buff at the start of the fight.
    5: Armor up Ability Accuracy reduction reduces both Offensive and Defensive AA.

    Superior Iron Man:

    Increase Attack Rating, obviously
    ● Buffs on the opponent count as buffs on Superior Iron Man (utility for buffed up)
    ● Each buff Superior Iron Man places on the opponent lasts 11 seconds and reduce the
    duration and potency of the opponent’s other buffs by 15% for the rest of the fight
    ● +10% Offensive Combat power rate per buff on Superior Iron Man
    Permanent armor up buff granting:
    ● +50% armor rating
    ● +2000 Energy and Physical Resistance
    ● Regained after 10 seconds if lost

    Extremis 3.0 - Light attacks
    ● 80% chance to place 2 armor up buffs on the opponent, each increasing armor rating by
    ● 60% chance to place a power gain buff on the opponent, granting 2% of max power per
    ● 45% chance to place a fury buff on the opponent, increasing attack by 1000.

    ● Steals all power gain and fury buffs on the opponent with +250% potency
    ● Power steals all power gained from SIM's power gain buffs
    ● Places a Toxic Armor buff on the opponent, increasing armor rating by twice current armor rating; SIM's attacks deal up to 75% additional direct damage based on how high the opponent’s armor is

    ● Grants Superior Iron Man a precision buff, increasing crit rating by +450 per buff on himself or the opponent
    ● +150 Crit Damage per buff on the opponent

    ● Steal all buffs currently on the opponent, gaining a 5-second Regen buff healing 5% of SIM's max health for each buff stolen.

    Awakened Ability- Deluxe Package:
    Superior Iron Man's Medium attacks have a [5-45%] chance to place either an unblockable, true strike, or Vigilance buff on the opponent, which are transferred to Superior Iron Man after a [5-0.5] second delay.

    Iron Man:
    Increase his attack rating, first of all
    Ready for Anything (Pre-Fight):
    ● Iron Man starts with either an armor up, physical resist, energy resist, or emergency
    shield buff (in that order when cycling)
    ● Iron Man can cycle between buffs either with a combo-finishing light attack, or by holding block for 0.7
    seconds after an sp1.
    ● Specials cost 20% less power each time they’ve already been used, up to 60% less;
    effect persists throughout fights

    Armor Up:
    ● +40% Armor, and -60% bleed+poison potency
    ● Special Attacks place stacking 15 second armor breaks, reducing opponent’s armor rating by 1450
    ● Heavies and combo-ending medium attacks place heal block lasting 6 seconds per armor break

    Physical Resist:
    ● +3500 Physical Resistance
    ● +50% Combat Power rate, +20% attack, and +15% attack per shock
    ● Basic attacks have a 40% chance to place 10 second shocks on the opponent. Shocks are paused for 5 seconds on heavy attacks and 10 seconds on specials. Armor breaks increase the potency of shock by 75%.

    Energy Resist:
    ● +3500 Energy Resistance
    ● +7.5% power per second
    ● Medium attacks place 7-second passive power drains (drain 5% of max power) on the opponent, which can be detonated as power burns on heavy and special attacks. Power burns drain 100% more power and deal damage proportionate to power lost.
    ● Special attacks detonate power burn with +250% potency if shocks are also present. Power burn can be increased an additional +100% potency per shock on the opponent (max potency at 5 shocks)

    Unblockable with 10 or more total shocks and power drains
    37.5% chance to stun the opponent for 1.75 seconds. +50% chance for every armor break on
    the opponent, and stun lasts 25% longer for each shock active.

    Activates all buffs and effects for 15 seconds, paused for 3 seconds by charging heavy. After
    this, buff activation goes on cooldown for 4 seconds, and sp3 ability goes on cooldown for 65

    Awakened Ability: 1. Keep Arc Overload effects (Armor Up and Regen)
    2. If Iron Man loses any of his buffs for any reason, they go on cooldown for [20-5] seconds, returning as passives that grant the same effects as his buffs
    3. Add the Emergency Shield buff, granting:
    ● +40% Special resistance
    ● +150% regen rate/potency (not sure which one yet) and immune to stagger and nullify
    ● Arc Overload (if awakened) activates immediately; if switched out of this mode, Overload
    goes on cooldown for up to [70-35] seconds (proportional to how long you stayed in
    Emergency Shield mode while Overload was active) *time in brackets is the MAX time Overload is in cooldown
    ● Instantly gain one bar of power
    ● Special attacks power drain a bar of power, and power lock the opponent for 10 seconds.
  • LemoNotLemoNot Member Posts: 186
    Because I am stupid and only just thought of it:
    Let Taskmaster bypass evade/autoblock by just having an Exploit Weakness target active, it's too inconsistent as-is to take advantage of.
    (i.e. if the opponent throws an sp2 and you get the sp2 Exploit Weakness, you now bypass Evade and autoblock, instead of only bypassing them on the sp2)

    Man, I should, like, stop posting on this thread for a bit, huh
  • Shock29Shock29 Member Posts: 643 ★★★
    Civil Warrior

    There are many rumors about the origin of the mysterious Civil Warrior… legend says he is a Captain America from an alternate Earth ravaged by the Civil War between his own army and Iron Man’s forces. On that world, the two heroes mortally wounded each other in the final battle of the war; Steve survived, but Tony didn’t. Riddled with guilt for the battle’s destruction and the death of his former ally at his own hands, he assumed the mantle of the Civil Warrior. Adding Tony’s ARC technology to his Captain America gear, he vowed to use his friend’s legacy to stop this senseless conflict from ever happening again.

    Signature ability - Arc Shield
    An upgrade to Civil Warrior’s Arc Shield grants him 2 Armor Up charges at the start of the fight, each increasing Armor Rating by X for 2 seconds. Additionally, he receives X% Special Damage resistance for each Armor Up active. +30% when fighting Mutant Champions.
    Whenever a Heal Block debuff is applied upon the enemy or Power Drain ability is used, X% chance to apply corresponding Power Lock debuff lasting 4.5 seconds.

    All Attacks:11% chance to gain an Armor Up Buff for 9 seconds, granting X+ Armor Rating.
    Blocking: 25% chance to gain an Armor Up Buff for 9 seconds, granting X+ Armor Rating, +35% on well-timed blocks.
    When Attacked: For each Armor Up effect active, Civil Warrior’s advanced Stark Tech protects him further, reducing enemy Offensive Ability Accuracy by 18% per Armor Up charge.
    Passive: Civil Warrior's Mk. II suit grants him 15% Poison and Bleed damage resistance for each stack of Armor Up active. This does not function while fighting Cosmic champions but while facing Mutant Champions will give him 20% Resistance to Bleed and Poison per Armor Up.

    Armor Up
    Special Attack 1: Civil Warrior triggers his advanced Stark Tech, gaining 4 Armor Up charges, each increasing Armor Rating by X for 9 seconds. While fighting a Mutant Champion, refresh all active Armor Ups upon activation.
    Special Attacks: 2 Armor Up Buff(s) are consumed to create one indefinite Passive Armor Up, increasing Armor Rating by X.
    Each non-passive Armor Up increases the damage of Civil Warrior's Special Attacks by X%. Each passive Armor Up increases the damage of Civil Warrior's special attacks by 100%, +25% against Mutant Champions and -25% against Cosmic Champions. Additionally, Passive Armor Up buffs increase Critical Rating by 12% and Offensive Combat Power Rate by 9%.

    Heal Block
    Heavy Attacks: 100% chance to inflict Heal Block, preventing the target from recovering Health for 7 seconds.
    Special Attacks: If the opponent is under the effect of a Heal Block Debuff, that Heal Block is replaced with a 12 second Heal Block.

    Power Drain and Power lock
    Power Drain takes away the opponent's Power. Unlike Power Burn, this is in addition to any damage dealt, meaning the opponent will still take some damage from the attack even if blocking.
    Special Attack 2: Depletes up to 55% of the target's max Power.
    Special Attack 3: 100% chance to Power Drain, depleting up to 75% of the target's max Power. If the target is reduced to zero power from this attack, they also become Power Locked for 6 seconds.

    Special attacks
    1: Arc Blast
    I have seen this war.
    Armor Up: Civil Warrior triggers his advanced Stark Tech, gaining 4 Armor Up charges, each increasing Armor Rating by X for 9 seconds.
    Mutant Champions do not gain any power from this Special Attack.

    2: Repulsor Rush
    I have fought this fight.
    Power Drain: Depletes up to 55% of the target's max Power.

    3: Overload
    I must end it at any cost.
    Power Drain: 100% chance to Power Drain, depleting up to 75% of the target's max Power. If the target is reduced to zero power from this attack, they also become Power Locked for 7 seconds.
    Gain 1 Passive Armor Up increasing Armor by X lasting 12 seconds.

    All Special Attacks
    Armor Up: 2 Armor Up Buff(s) are consumed to create one indefinite Passive Armor Up, increasing Armor Rating by X.
    Heal Block: If the opponent is under the effect of a Heal Block Debuff, that Heal Block is replaced with a 10 second Heal Block.
  • VMR007VMR007 Member Posts: 15
    edited December 2020
    Captain America infinity war was great. So why not buff captain Americas ( both older versions)
    *A complete overhaul. With new animations.
    Captain America WWII
    *Signature ability at max giving x percent resistance to bleed poison and coldsnap.
    *First medium first light and last medium with the shield and shield hits are guaranteed crits. *Heavy attacks place a slow (or any new non damaging debuff ) on opponent. Captains parry has 100 percent chance to be perfect block against Opponents with that debuff.

    Captain America (OG)
    *Signature Ability : I can do this whole day.
    The damage taken by cap decreases by x percent for y amount of health lost. Making him last long.
    * Passive the supersoldier serum let's cap heal from bleed poison and coldsnap 50 percent faster
    * Parry grant cap and vibranium armour chargefor x seconds increasing his chance to perfect block by y.
    * Heavy attacks can armour break for x seconds ( these can stack )
    * Caps attack increases by x for each non damaging buff on opponent upto y debuffs.
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★



    Loki takes no damage from Coldsnap or Frostbite effects.
    Loki generates one bar of Power over 8 seconds as long as he is below 1 bar.
    If Loki cannot replicate a Unique buff, Loki gains an indefinite Fury buff instead, increasing attack by +1136.

    Basic Attacks
    While the opponent is Cursed, Loki has a 20% chance to Stun the opponent for 1.5 seconds.

    Heavy Attacks
    After Charging a Heavy Attack for 0.5 seconds, Loki causes all incoming hits to Miss until the Heavy Attack ends. This ability goes on a 20-second cool-down after it is used.
    While the opponent is Cursed, this attack deals guaranteed Critical Hits. Additionally, it has a 100% chance to reset the duration of the Curse and Replicated buffs on both hits.

    Special Attack 1
    Loki Nullifies all of the opponent's Buffs and replicates them. Replicated buffs retain their potency, but last for 10 seconds.
    80% chance to reset the duration of Curse.

    Special Attack 2
    If Loki has more Health points than his opponent, he has a 100% chance of dealing Energy Damage equal to 7% of their max Health. This damage cannot exceed 100,000 damage.
    The last hit of this attack inflicts Coldsnap, dealing 5263.88 Energy Damage over 15 seconds and preventing the opponent from Evading attacks.
    While the opponent is Cursed, Loki deals an extra burst of Energy Damage equal to 100% of the damage dealt on the last hit of this attack per buff active on himself.

    Special Attack 3
    Loki Curses the opponent, dealing 4145.2 Energy Damage and allowing him to Nullify and Replicate any of the opponent's Buffs for 12 seconds. Replicated buffs last for 10 seconds.

    Signature Ability

    Rising in power through sorcery and subterfuge, Loki causes opponents to Miss their next attack whenever a buff is Nullified. Missed attacks cause the opponent to lose 10% of their maximum power. If this causes the opponent's power to drop to zero, they take 100% of Loki's current attack as Energy damage.
  • TelmaraelTelmarael Member Posts: 40
    Black Widow (Deadly Origins)

    Justification: we need more good skill champions, and she is a good one (visually - 10\10, love her), but not good enough to be worth spending resources on her.
    Suggested change:
    Widow's Insight - ability accuracy reduction applies for any attack, rather than just mediums.
    Evade charges - if Widow's Insight is active when any special attack is being initiated, grant Black Widow (Deadly Origin) an evade charge, effectively untying it from Special 1 and moving it to the Widow's Insight effects.
    Pretty please?
  • MysteryMaestroMysteryMaestro Member Posts: 67
    Okay, I haven’t seen this thread before, but now that I’ve found it, I’ll place my champion reworks in here!
  • MysteryMaestroMysteryMaestro Member Posts: 67
    Hey! Here’s my first champion rework I have made, Rocket Raccoon! I’ve always loved the character, and although I have a soft spot in my heart for him, as he was my first 4 star, I’ve always felt a bit underwhelmed by what he does, I mean I guess it’s nice that he has a big Sp3 gun, and an Sp2 grenade, but it doesn’t really give me the sense on playing the Exposimaniac I love from the movies damage wise. I think this will be a good buff if it’s considered!


    #Male #Hero #Size:Small #Offensive:Burst
    #Guardians of the Galaxy

    Signature ability(backup generator) dashing back and holding block for 2 seconds to gain a generator passive giving (lvl 1)15% (lvl 99)35% (lvl 200)60% of max power and (lvl 1)4% (lvl 99)10% (lvl 200)25% of missing health over 10 seconds.
    45 second Cooldown.

    Basic attacks: ending a combo with a light attack sets a detonator on the opponent. Ending a combo with a medium attack while the opponent has a detonator activates the Detonator,

    Detonators (max stack 5): when activated, Detonators deal 75% of attack as damage. If at 3 stacks of detonators or more, activating them knocks down the opponent.

    Special 1: gain 3 stacks of Emergency shield. Each stack of emergency shield blocks 50% of the next hit from a special attack.

    Special 2: for each Detonator passive on the opponent, this attack deals 15% more damage and inflicts an armor break reducing armor for 10 seconds and an incinerate dealing 70% of attack as direct damage over 4 seconds. The last hit is guaranteed to be critical.

    Special 3: If the opponent has 5 detonator stacks when this attack is activated, this attack gains 180% attack rating and gain 5 permanent detonator stacks that do not contribute to the max cap.


    Guardians(Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax, Groot) [all synergy members must be present]:
    Rocket: Detonators gain 15% potency and Sp3 gains 40% damage.
    Star Lord: Debuffs on the opponent last 1 second longer.
    Gamora: each time a fury or Cruelty buff expires, it has a 50% chance to reapply as an indefinite buff.
    Drax: Bleed debuffs and fury buffs gain 30% more potency and duration, and Sp1 has an 80% chance to stun.
    Groot: after each successful fight with Groot, heal 25% of missing health to the most damaged champion.

    We are Groot:
    All synergy members: gain 15% attack while both synergy members are alive.
    Rocket Raccoon: gain +1 detonator max charges.
    Groot: medium attacks have a 60% chance to gain a gentle giant charge. Each Gentle Giant charge has a 20% lower chance to activate gentle giant. Each buff on Groot grants 10% mkre damage.
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★

    Captain Marvel (Classic)


    Advanced Kree physiology provides full immunity to the Poisons of the Battlerealm.
    When under the effects of Fury, Captain Marvel ignores all of the opponent's Armor.
    Suffer 734.2 damage each time a buff is Nullified by the opponent.

    All Attacks
    11% chance to gain a Fury Buff for 6.50 seconds, granting +1337.44 Attack.

    Heavy Attacks
    100% chance to Armor Break the opponent, reducing Armor Rating by 520.68 for 8 seconds.

    Strength Augmentation
    Light Attacks grant a Fury Buff increasing attack by +430.38 for 4 seconds. Max stacks: 9.
    Once Captain Marvel reaches 6 Furies, she goes into Ignition and cannot lose her Furies unless under the effects of a Fate Seal or Nullify. Ignition lasts for 15 seconds, after which all Furies are removed and grant 10% of a bar of power each.
    While in Ignition, all Special Attacks are Unblockable.

    Special Attack 1
    Gain an Aptitude buff, increasing the potency of all Fury, Precision, Cruelty, and Armor Up buffs by 40% for 15 seconds.

    Special Attack 2
    Inflict Armor Break, reducing Armor Rating by 794.63 for each Fury active.
    100% chance to Stun for 3.5 seconds.

    Special Attack 3
    Gain 3 indefinite Furies, each increasing attack by +824.84.

    Signature Ability

    Energy Absoption
    Captain Marvel takes 90% less damage from all Energy Damage-Over-Time debuffs, and gains +248.32 Attack for each one that is active.
    Gain a bar of power every 10 seconds while under the effects of an Energy Damage-Over-Time debuff.
  • Shock29Shock29 Member Posts: 643 ★★★

    Centaurian scoundrel Yondu Udonta may not seem like much of a threat at first glance, but when you hear a whistle and his deadly Yaka Arrow comes out to play, it's not advisable to make any rash decisions. Leader of the Ravagers and mentor to Star-Lord, Yondu is a stickler for honor, but not above breaking a rule or ten to get what he wants.

    Signature Ability - Centaurian Archery
    Yondu’s high-octave vocal range gives him precise control over his yaka arrows. Enemies activating a Special Attack suffer Weakness for each Debuff effect they’re suffering from at the time of the activation, reducing Attack by X% for X seconds.
    +X Critical Rating per Debuff on the opponent.

    Yaka Arrow
    27% chance to inflict Bleed, dealing X Direct Damage over 9 seconds.
    If the target is immune to Bleed, they suffer a X Armor Break for 12 seconds instead.
    +X Armor and Block Penetration on Yaka Arrow strikes.
    The strength and precision of Yondu’s Yaka Arrow allow it to trigger Critical Hits and Abilities through an enemy Block. Yaka Arrow Strikes have 20% to apply Bleed and 100% to Crit on the Block.
    Each Debuff active on the Opponent reduces Power gained by 7%. Max, -70%

    Heavy Attacks
    +50% Ability Accuracy for this Attack. +10% against Mutant Champions.

    Heal Block
    Applies Heal Block on last hit of Special 1 lasting 10 Seconds. If Regeneration is active, Heal Block lasts 20 seconds and deals all the damage regenerated back on the opponent in the form of Physical Damage.
    (Lets say the opponent just regened 8% Health and is still healing. The Heal Block that lasts 20 seconds will activate preventing further healing and dealing all the damage that was already regenerated back to the opponent)

    Yondu gains Precison, increasing Critical Ratin by X for 12 seconds. While Precision is active, Armor Breaks and Bleeds recieve 20% Potency and Yaka Arrow Strikes cannot Miss.

    Critical Strikes give the opponents an additional -5% Power

    Armor Up
    If Yondu fails to trigger his abilities or causes his opponent's abilites to fail, Yondu acts quickly to salvage, gaining an Armor Up, increasing Armor Rating by X for 10 seconds. Max, 2.

    Special Attacks
    1 - Quick Draw
    One whistle, and Yondu's Yaka arrow pokes a hole right through you. Don't wait for the second whistle.
    Offensive Ability Accuracy: +100% Offensive Ability Accuracy for this attack.
    Heal Block: 100% chance to Heal Block for 10 seconds. If the target is Regenerating, inflict Heal Block for 20 seconds.

    2 - A Little Help From My Friends
    A strafing run from a Ravager M-Ship peppers the arena with Yondu's secret spice mix.
    Block Penetration: +X Block Penetration
    Fury: +X Attack for each Weakness and Bleed or Armor Break active on the opponent.
    All personal Bleeds and Armor Breaks are paused for X seconds after the end of this Special Attack

    3 - Yaka Attacka
    Yondu's Yaka Arrow is like a deadly snake as it mesmerizes, then strikes.
    Severely damaged by the yaka arrow, enemies are unable to trigger abilities during their next Special Attack.
    Precision: 100% chance to boost Critical Rating by X for 12 seconds.
    100% to apply Vulnerable Debuff lasting 8 seconds increasing Critical Damage Rating by X and reducing Block Proficiency by 40%. +2 seconds against Mutant Champions.


    Space Daddy, not Father
    Yondu - Yondu recovers quickly, consuming one of his Armor Up buffs to Purify a Stun applied to him.
    Star-Lord - Element Gun strikes have +25% Potency and fire 2 random Elements rather than one.
    (When Star-Lord uses his element Gun, he will fire two elements. He might fire Earth and Water, Air and Fire, or even Water and Water)

    Arrow Guys
    Yondu - Bleeds and Armor Breaks recieve 20% Duration.
    Hawkeye - Hawkeye's projectile based attacks cannot Miss or be Evaded

    Fellow Criminals or Heros in the Galaxy
    Yondu - If one of Yondu's buffs is nullified, Yondu makes sure the next two abilities triggered by the opponent will fail.
    #Guardians of the Galaxy - 20% Attack, +10% against #Villain and #Kree Champions.

    All Champions gain +155 Critical Rating
    Ronan, Nova

    It Ain't Easy
    All Champions gain +400 Block Penetration
    Beast, Nightcrawler
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