Loyalty store

Is there any mod or anyone that can verify if kabam will ever bring anything new or different to the loyalty store? I don't need lvl 1 revives, I guess I could use my loyalty for Alliance pots, but I have almost 1mil in loyalty and I'm not really interested in UC. I just want to know if we have anything else to look forward too? Maybe? Possibly?
What are you suggesting they add?
I agree. I'd really like to see more options for us summoners to improve and spend our rewards.
We run 5x5, counting loyalty from aw I keep accumulating it with nothing to spend it on. We're not ready for map 6 yet although we're contemplating doing it day one soon. I have almost a mil in loyalty and level 2 pots don't really do much these days.
I'm not buying the crystals anymore. They aren't worth it either. I'm level 60 and I keep getting xp boosts I just burn them on item use. But I agree the crystal could use a refresh as well