Character Wishlist Thread 3.0



  • Laszar_the_GreyLaszar_the_Grey Member Posts: 1
    I have a wishlist addition. Hulk special 3: his finishing move should be as in Avengers When he grabs Loki by his leg, whips him to the ground, takes another look only to smash him down like a rag doll. Just a thought. Loving the game and the new animations. Thanks
  • Ketchup1791Ketchup1791 Member Posts: 114
    I know Marvel is holding you guys back from adding them... for now. When you get the chance though... FANTASTIC 4, Doom, Silver Surfer. Please. Apocalypse and Mr. Sinister would be awesome additions also.
  • BahamutBahamut Member Posts: 2,307 ★★★★
    Spider-Man 2099
    Deadpool 2099
    White Tiger
    Red She Hulk (though you effed up Shulk and Rulk hope springs eternal)
    Dr. Doom
    The Fantastic Four
    Chuck Norris
    Rework the champs below while you’re at it
    Luke cage
    Spider Gwen
    Ms. Marvel (Kamala)
    Joe fixit
    War machine
  • BahamutBahamut Member Posts: 2,307 ★★★★
    Heya! I'm gonna try my hand at Carnage. Here goes:

    Carnage-Skill(/Cosmic)-> He fits more in the Skill class with what he does, but I can see him as a cosmic too.

    Symbiotic Bloodstream->Having the Carnage symbiote in his blood, Cletus Cassady only gets stronger when he bleeds. Whenever the opponent bleeds Carnage, he instead regenerates for the amount of damage he would have taken, while gaining increased attack indefinetely.

    Bleeds on any hits->The chance starts out at zero and increases by 5% for each bleed currently on the opponent. Short duration, these ones, for about 3.5-4 seconds.

    Critical hits-> 25% chance to Bleed the opponent for 5 seconds.

    Open Wounds-> If Carnage finishes a combo, no matter the hits, on an opponent with 7 bleeds, he has a 50% chance to leave an Open Wound. This chance increases by 10% for any additional bleed. His heavy has a 10% chance/Bleed to cause another Open Wound. If the opponent is Bleeding, his sp2 has a 75% chance to leave another Open Wound, and his sp3 leaves another Open Wound no matter what.

    Twist The Wound-> Each Open Wound increases Critical Damage by X. Every time Carnage Bleeds an Open Wounded opponent, he also deals X% of their health as bleed damage instantly.

    Signature Ability: CHAOS!!! ( That's how he would say it)

    Carnage relishes in chaos, and hates being orderly with a passion. Every time you use the same combo in a row, Carnage gains a reduced power gain debuff and removes his other CHAOS!!! half. For each different combo he instead gains a Precision and a Fury buff, while also removing all power gain debuffs generated by CHAOS!!!. If Carnage uses a heavy when in a combo, he becomes Unstoppable for 1.5 seconds. (These are not treated as ACTUAL buffs, so they can't be replicated, nullified, and if they go away they will not feed Mystic Dispersion.) Every combo needs to have at least two other combos between uses to be considered a different combo

    Ex.: If you'd do M-L-L-L-M twice in a row, you'd get reduced power gain. But if you'd do M-L-L-L-M, then L-M-L-M, you'd get a buff. If you do another M-L-L-L-M after, you'd lose the buff and gain the debuff. So go wild!

    Specials: Sp1 and/or sp2 should have a LOT of small hits in it/them. Sp2 should send him into a blood lust, increasing crit chance per bleed on the opponent for some time. Sp3 should just send him into a maniacal Frenzy, gaining some extra crit and attack+the same amount/any current bleed on the opponent ( he has a base, to which he bloodily adds more).

    Any thoughts/opinions?

    I like it!!
  • BahamutBahamut Member Posts: 2,307 ★★★★
    Agent Coulson (Tech)
    Nick Fury (skill/tech)
    Silver surfer (cosmic)
    Human torch (cosmic)
    Heimdall (cosmic/mystic)
    Professor X
    Doctor Doom
    Iron spider (man)
    Living Tribunal
    Sentry (cosmic)

    Sentrys abilities have been leaked he is confirmed and is sience
  • BahamutBahamut Member Posts: 2,307 ★★★★
    Bahamut wrote: »
    Heya! I'm gonna try my hand at Carnage. Here goes:

    Carnage-Skill(/Cosmic)-> He fits more in the Skill class with what he does, but I can see him as a cosmic too.

    Symbiotic Bloodstream->Having the Carnage symbiote in his blood, Cletus Cassady only gets stronger when he bleeds. Whenever the opponent bleeds Carnage, he instead regenerates for the amount of damage he would have taken, while gaining increased attack indefinetely.

    Bleeds on any hits->The chance starts out at zero and increases by 5% for each bleed currently on the opponent. Short duration, these ones, for about 3.5-4 seconds.

    Critical hits-> 25% chance to Bleed the opponent for 5 seconds.

    Open Wounds-> If Carnage finishes a combo, no matter the hits, on an opponent with 7 bleeds, he has a 50% chance to leave an Open Wound. This chance increases by 10% for any additional bleed. His heavy has a 10% chance/Bleed to cause another Open Wound. If the opponent is Bleeding, his sp2 has a 75% chance to leave another Open Wound, and his sp3 leaves another Open Wound no matter what.

    Twist The Wound-> Each Open Wound increases Critical Damage by X. Every time Carnage Bleeds an Open Wounded opponent, he also deals X% of their health as bleed damage instantly.

    Signature Ability: CHAOS!!! ( That's how he would say it)

    Carnage relishes in chaos, and hates being orderly with a passion. Every time you use the same combo in a row, Carnage gains a reduced power gain debuff and removes his other CHAOS!!! half. For each different combo he instead gains a Precision and a Fury buff, while also removing all power gain debuffs generated by CHAOS!!!. If Carnage uses a heavy when in a combo, he becomes Unstoppable for 1.5 seconds. (These are not treated as ACTUAL buffs, so they can't be replicated, nullified, and if they go away they will not feed Mystic Dispersion.) Every combo needs to have at least two other combos between uses to be considered a different combo

    Ex.: If you'd do M-L-L-L-M twice in a row, you'd get reduced power gain. But if you'd do M-L-L-L-M, then L-M-L-M, you'd get a buff. If you do another M-L-L-L-M after, you'd lose the buff and gain the debuff. So go wild!

    Specials: Sp1 and/or sp2 should have a LOT of small hits in it/them. Sp2 should send him into a blood lust, increasing crit chance per bleed on the opponent for some time. Sp3 should just send him into a maniacal Frenzy, gaining some extra crit and attack+the same amount/any current bleed on the opponent ( he has a base, to which he bloodily adds more).

    Any thoughts/opinions?

    I like it!!
    I hate to be the one to tell you, especially since you typed all that, but Carnage is already in the game...

    I know that. It’s a rework idea
  • yakross79yakross79 Member Posts: 2
    I would like to see winter soldier hulk
  • dramaking122dramaking122 Member Posts: 84
    Kabam should not add no new champs are Nerf any until they buff champs that's been there from the start like Luke cage gamora and cap
    Those champs are in my roster now to collect dust after putting so much effort and money and time to get them to rank 4 then push them to the side I think its a waste and should be looked in to
  • KBallengerKBallenger Member Posts: 2
    I've Been Playing This Game For 3 Years Now, But I Noticed That No Fantastic Four Characters Were Ever Added! Why Is That? 😉 The Marvel Universe Isn't Complete Without Them!
  • AgentVenom1776AgentVenom1776 Member Posts: 4
    Agent Anti-Venom (Science)
  • jojodeth101jojodeth101 Member Posts: 480
    domino, mantis, Doctor doom, and hank pym. :smile:
  • Hrithik_rko17Hrithik_rko17 Member Posts: 13
    I guess these champions also deserve to be in game
    1) doctor strange movie attire
    2) sentry
    3) fantastic4
    4) silver surfer
    5) ghost rider Robbie Reyes
    6) quicksilver
    7) squirrel girl
    8) red skull
    9) night hawk
    10) spectrum
    These are heroes that I think should be in game no regrets if dont agree its fine
  • CapthumantorchCapthumantorch Member Posts: 9
    First off,
    Thank You for Taskmaster! Along with carnage, green goblin, doc Oct. nice to see some of my favorites.

    New requests
    1. Red Skull
    2. Corvius Glaive
    3. Quicksilver(X-men)
    4. Morbius ...we need more vampires
    5. Nova
    6. Domino
    7. Human torch (cold snap immune)
    8. The thing
    9. Silver surfer(iceman like immunities)
    10. Dr. Doom
  • Dan99Dan99 Member Posts: 132
    Now that Disney is acquiring Fox: yfps0klm8xxs.jpg
  • Dan99Dan99 Member Posts: 132
    Ideas for GLADIATOR


    sig ability: Confidence
    Gladiator starts out with (?) Confidence points. He has an attack rating and physical resistance bonus proportional to his level of Confidence. Each time he is hit by an opponent, his Confidence is reduced by (?). When his Confidence reaches 0 or below, he instantly suffers (?) damage. He can regain his max level of Confidence by executing a combo of (?) hits. Hits from telepaths deduct more confidence points than normal.

    Superhuman Reflexes:
    His attacks have a lessened chance of triggering enemy evasion.

    Microscopic Vision:
    Versus very small targets (i.e. Antman, Wasp) Gladiator's attack do not glance.

    L2: Super Breath
    Cannot be evaded. Places a debuff on the opponent that acts like Iceman's Coldsnap.

    Praetor of the Imperial Guard
    Gladiator grants all allied Imperial Guard characters involved in the War (including those owned by Alliance-mates) bonus attack and physical resistance as long as his Confidence is above 0. If his Confidence is negative or he is currently K.O.'d, Imperial Guard allies receive negative modifiers instead. The bonus is increased per unique Imperial Guard character in play (ex. if a battlegroup has 30 different Imperial Guard characters, the bonus is multiplied by 30, or a fraction of 30)

    Vulnerability to Magic:
    The class advantage/disadvantage versus Mystic champs is doubled.

  • NovaStarNovaStar Member Posts: 53
    Any major Shi'Ar Character.
  • NikiforosNikiforos Member Posts: 6
    I have a list of heroes that could join contest of champions amd the first 4 could be in one of the monthly quests of the game.... so no more words here we go

    1. Ares
    2. Hercules
    3. Minotaur
    4. Avalanche
    5. Morbius
    6. Black Cat
    7. Emma Frost
    8. Jesica Johns
    9. Moonstar
    10. Tigra
    11. Bowman
    12. Hammer
    13. Tactical Force
    14. Militant
    15. Captain Britan
    16. Le Peregrine
    17. Outlaw
    18. Songbird
    19. White Tiger
    20. Superia
    21. Ms. America
    22. Jocasta
    23. Lightspeed
    24. Executioner
    25. Enchantress
    26. Sif
    27. Yao
    28. Crimson Dynamo
    30. Blackheart
    31. Gorgon
    32. Triton
    33. Arnim Zola
    34. Negasonic Teenage Warhead
    35. Sabretooth
    36. Anti-Venom
    37. Omega Red
    38. Onslaught
    39. Blob
    40. Nico Minoru
    41. Spiral
    42. Karolina Dean
    That's for new characters but also here are some reskinned characters i would like to see
    1. World War Hulk
    2. Ironman Mark 1
    3. Beta Ray Bill Thor
    4. Gray Hulk
  • StonewallStonewall Member Posts: 10
    I loved having Doc Ock and Green Goblin, I would like to see some more spider villians, especially in comic book attire. With Fox properties now officially being owned by Disney it would be great to see some more mutants and especially the fantastic four with their villains. Y’all have been doing great I saw the comment on shapeshifters in the App Store, can’t wait. I would like to see some of the giant characters of marvel being introduced, maybe using something similar to Mephisto’s growing. Here is my list in no specific order, thank y’all.

    The Thing (my favorite)
    The Human Torch
    Invisible Woman (you already have an invisibility buff ;)
    Me Fantastic (you already have some experience from Ms Marvel)
    The Blob
    Mr Sinister
    A Sentinel
    The Brood Queen
    The superior Spider-Man ( it’d be great to have the claws and some moves with the robot legs)
    Spider-Man 2099
    Spider-Man Noir
    The Lizard
    Sandman ( maybe some of the shapeshifter stuff could work here)
    Classic vulture
    Kraven the Hunter
    Tombstone (the mob boss)
    Silver sable
    Morbious the living vampire
    Mole man
    Doctor Doom
    The Wizard
    Absorbing man
    Iron Monger
    Red Skull
    Classic Crossbones
    Hydra Doc Ock
    Gladiator Hulk
    Classic Bucky
    New shapeshifter Iron man armor (switching armors like in newest comics)
    Hydra Cap (the whole hydra takeover seemed kinda like a filler event, maybe follow up with cap, dock Ock and red skull fighting for supremacy over hydra)
    Giant man

    It feels like the game has most of the classic heroes down (except for the Fantastic Four). Now I’d like to fight with my favorite heroes against their villains.
  • edited December 2017
    This content has been removed.
  • puretexan_23puretexan_23 Member Posts: 30
    edited December 2017
    Here are some characters that would make the game more awesome then it already is. Mainly that Elektra idea.

    1. Elektra (Netflix) Signature ability : The Black Sky (its similar if not the same as Phoenix') - Mystic/Skill
    2. Dark Phoenix (playable) - Cosmic
    3. Weapon X (playable)- Mutant
    4. Laura Kinney (Logan) - Mutant
    5. Stick (Netflix) - Skill
    6. Punisher (Netflix) - Skill
    7. Ironfist (Netflix) - Mystic
    8. Jessica Jones (playable) - Science
    9. Professor X - Mutant
    10. Agent Coulson( A.o.S.) - Skill/Tech
    11. Agent May(A.o.S.) - Skill
    12. White Tiger- Skill/Mystic
    13. Cloak - Mutant?/Mystic?
    14. Dagger - Mutant?/Mystic?
    15. Kraven the Hunter - Skill
    16. Quick Silver (MCU or Fox) - Mutant
    17. Himdal (MCU) - Mystic/Cosmic
    18. The Lizard - Science
    19. Sandman - Science
    20. Nick Fury (MCU) - Skill
    21. Madam Gao (Netflix) - Mystic
    22. Bakuto (Netflix) - Skill/Mystic
    23. Mystique - Mutant
    24. Red Skull - Science
    25. Scorpion - Science/Mystic
  • LIGA_IT06LIGA_IT06 Member Posts: 2
    Agreguen a spawn a los cuatro fantásticos, Silver surfer dr Doom, al escorpion, al hombre arena
  • KaydanmoKaydanmo Member Posts: 37
    Black Panther movie = Black Panther Vibranium enhanced suit....Killmonger Jag Suit... Man Ape
  • LIGA_IT06LIGA_IT06 Member Posts: 2
    Por qué no colocan nuevos escenarios de pelea
  • BrandonrapsBrandonraps Member Posts: 6
    Phil Coulson.
  • Dan99Dan99 Member Posts: 132

    Idea for Galactus

    Galactus comes with a "power cosmic" meter that boosts his attack and resistances to a ridiculous amount.

    He has a mechanic that states: "his opponent may choose a character with 100% hp to sacrifice to Galactus. That character comes under Galactus's control and becomes a Herald. That Herald has additional attack, hp, etc. but as a consequence, transforming that character into a Herald will deplete Galactus's "power cosmic" meter. That Herald must be fought and defeated before the player can get to Galactus."

    Devourer of Worlds
    If Galactus is the War Boss, a countdown begins at the start of the attack phase. After 12 hours, he begins to siphon the energy from the Battle Realm, gaining more and more "power cosmic". After another 6 hours, he will complete this process. The consequence of this is all non-space-faring characters (friend or foe) will suffer a permanent degen as they "float helplessly in deep space". (This would require tagging certain characters as space-faring if they do have that capability) BUT if Galactus has a Herald, he will NOT siphon the energy of the Battle Realm as he "agrees to leave it alone and find another planet for nourishment."

    So strategically, one has to weigh the pros and cons: does sacrificing a character outweigh the cost of dealing with Galactus with 100% power cosmic?

    It might even be possible that sacrificing MULTIPLE characters is the most viable strategy, as every time he creates a Herald, it depletes his power cosmic.
  • VinbluebearVinbluebear Member Posts: 16
    Shadow King
    Thanos (for everyone not only the best players)
    Emma Frost
    Kitty Pride
  • WebHead74WebHead74 Member Posts: 1
    Iron Spider
    Spider-Man 2099
    Spider-Man Noir
  • SamaelDarkfireSamaelDarkfire Member Posts: 11
    I would like to see some Star Wars characters introduced into the Contest of Champions in celebration for the new movie release of The Last Jedi in theaters. I've seen Marvel selling Star Wars comics, so don't go telling me Star Wars can't be in the contest cause Star Wars isn't owned by Marvel. If Marvel had no rights to Star Wars whatsoever, then Marvel wouldn't be selling Star Wars comics.

    If you check the official Marvel website, you will notice that Marvel DOES make Star Wars comics. As such, Star Wars IS part of the Marvel universe and there is no reason for Star Wars heroes not to be added to our collection.
  • SlappapowSlappapow Member Posts: 130
    Can we get Toxin (Patrick Mulligan) or Anti-Venom? Either of those Champions would be really cool and it would be the redeeming factor of the last symbiote related Champion
  • IamTryingMyBestIamTryingMyBest Member Posts: 76
    Mystique would make me complete, please!!
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