Mystique would be a wicked new character

I really think the hole kabam team would make a really awesome mystique character and maybe instead of her changing into someone she can have ability’s where she can copy fighters she’s fought and copy some of their abilities. What does everyone else think?


  • Terraxx1Terraxx1 Member Posts: 4
    She could be the first champion to switch classes once per fight!
  • Grooteus_MaximusGrooteus_Maximus Member Posts: 105
    Wicked rad
  • InxInx Member Posts: 115
    She’s be an interesting champ for sure. A crazy type of preflight ability or even synergy for her I think would be for her to substitute as one synergy champion. Would save me the headache of waiting for wasp for my ghost. Maybe too op tho
  • CotziCotzi Member Posts: 130
    We need sandman but mystique would be cool
  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,656 ★★★★★
    She would yeah, but I recall Miike saying something about them wanting her in the game for a while but are hindered by technical limitations
  • Kabam RoseKabam Rose Moderator Posts: 529
    Hi ! There's already a thread open on this topic in the forums, you can find it at Character Wishlist Thread 3.0

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