Character Wishlist Thread 3.0
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New forums, new Character Wishlist thread
Just as a reminder, our rules:
Character requests are still a very frequent topic of conversation within our community, and with good reason - there are a ton of amazing Marvel characters in their universe.
The old Character wish list thread was ballooning a bit, and several characters requested in that thread have since been added to The Contest. We're starting up a new thread to house these discussions so that they can continue, but in a more up to date manner.
A few FAQ's:
1) Why haven't you added (X character) yet?!
A: there are so many characters we want to add, but simply haven't gotten to yet. A character's lack of presence in the Contest currently does not necessarily mean that we've overlooked them or that we don't already have them on our radar. Our teams have a finite amount of time in order to produce content, and we'd love to bang characters out quicker - but still need to maintain realistic developer cadences.
2) We need more female characters and more diversity.
A: Our own team is quite diverse itself, and we agree that representation is an important concern!
3) Why do you bother adding (X re-skinned character) when you've not even had a chance to add (x character not in The Contest)?
A: While some people are not a fan of character re-skins, MANY of our players are. The Marvel universe is one with a lengthy lore, and almost every beloved character has gone through some sort of costume change or shift at some point in their super-powered careers. These differences offer a good opportunity to re-introduce players to content they may not have managed to obtain the first time around, and allowing new players to pick up a certain champion while still keeping things a bit fresh. Our goal is to have a healthy balance between release types.
4) Can you confirm if a requested character is going to be released?
A: The short answer is no. We have specific timelines regarding when we can announce content, and that means that we can't pop in to say 'hey, that person is coming!'. For those wanting to keep on top of our latest announcements or teases, following our Twitter and Facebook accounts are your best shot. We also have an Instagram account that you should follow. Here are our social channels for easy access:
Facebook -
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Instagram -
So go forth, and suggest! We're not going to individually reply to the comments and suggestions that we see, but we are reading everything.
This should go without saying, but please discuss the characters you'd like to see without insulting each other or trying to discredit someone's opinion. Friendly debate is welcome, but the emphasis here is 'friendly' ; )

Character requests are still a very frequent topic of conversation within our community, and with good reason - there are a ton of amazing Marvel characters in their universe.
The old Character wish list thread was ballooning a bit, and several characters requested in that thread have since been added to The Contest. We're starting up a new thread to house these discussions so that they can continue, but in a more up to date manner.
A few FAQ's:
1) Why haven't you added (X character) yet?!
A: there are so many characters we want to add, but simply haven't gotten to yet. A character's lack of presence in the Contest currently does not necessarily mean that we've overlooked them or that we don't already have them on our radar. Our teams have a finite amount of time in order to produce content, and we'd love to bang characters out quicker - but still need to maintain realistic developer cadences.
2) We need more female characters and more diversity.
A: Our own team is quite diverse itself, and we agree that representation is an important concern!
3) Why do you bother adding (X re-skinned character) when you've not even had a chance to add (x character not in The Contest)?
A: While some people are not a fan of character re-skins, MANY of our players are. The Marvel universe is one with a lengthy lore, and almost every beloved character has gone through some sort of costume change or shift at some point in their super-powered careers. These differences offer a good opportunity to re-introduce players to content they may not have managed to obtain the first time around, and allowing new players to pick up a certain champion while still keeping things a bit fresh. Our goal is to have a healthy balance between release types.
4) Can you confirm if a requested character is going to be released?
A: The short answer is no. We have specific timelines regarding when we can announce content, and that means that we can't pop in to say 'hey, that person is coming!'. For those wanting to keep on top of our latest announcements or teases, following our Twitter and Facebook accounts are your best shot. We also have an Instagram account that you should follow. Here are our social channels for easy access:
Facebook -
Twitter -
Instagram -
So go forth, and suggest! We're not going to individually reply to the comments and suggestions that we see, but we are reading everything.
This should go without saying, but please discuss the characters you'd like to see without insulting each other or trying to discredit someone's opinion. Friendly debate is welcome, but the emphasis here is 'friendly' ; )
Post edited by Kabam Miike on
1) Doctor Doom
Victor Von Doom is one of the most genius and strategic Marvel villains. He would have synergy with the Fantastic Four (who are also being suggested) as rivals. His champion class would be Tech.
Unique Abilities:
(Like Crossbones's Overrun) Dodge back and hold block for 2 seconds to activate Overcharge. Doctor Doom's armor creates large amounts of energy that cannot be contained in his suit, and are discharged as Overcharges. 10 of these Overcharges are developed. When striking an opponent, one Overcharge is used up, placing shock on the enemy. Overcharge lasts 8 seconds, and any charges left at the end do damage to Doom.
Limitless Power:
When Doom activates a special move, a small amount of Power Gain activates, generating one bar of power over 10 seconds, lasting until he is struck or has full power.
Awakened Ability:
Time Travel Mastery:
Upon receiving a hit that would be the final blow, there is a 30% chance for Doom to warp back to a time where he had 15% health. This can trigger up to 3 times in a fight, but the odds are reduced by 10% each time it activates.
Other status effects:
5% chance to Armor Up when struck; 30% chance to gain Fury if his attack is blocked; 5% for all attacks to inflict Bleed
2) Carnage
Cletus Kasady, the sinister variant of Venom, is agile and deadly. His synergies would be rivalries with Spider-Man and Venom, and his champion class would be Cosmic.
Unique Abilities:
Symbiotic Bloodstream:
When facing Tech champions, the symbiote's bond with Cletus enhances, increasing his recovery, and granting him an indefinite Regeneration of 0.25% of his maximum health per second. Additionally, when facing Mystic champions, the bond weakens, inflicting an indefinite Degeneration of 0.25% of his maximum health per second.
Awakened Ability:
Every time Carnage strikes a critical hit, he receives an indefinite Cruelty. Every time Carnage inflicts Bleed, he receives an indefinite Fury. On the contrary, when struck by a critical hit, he loses one Cruelty, and when he is bleeding, he loses a Fury. These effects stack with no limit.
Other status effects:
Fixed 10% chance to gain Fury and/or Cruelty; 5% chance that attacks inflict Bleed
3) Blade
The half-vampire, Eric Brooks, is a lone wolf with guns, swords, daggers, and explosives. I honestly don't know what his synergies would be, but his champion class would be Mystic.
Unique Abilities:
Vampiric Regeneration:
Blade's enhanced healing factor triggers on special moves, regenerating health. 50% chance to Regenerate 5% of his maximum health on special move 1; 70% chance to Regenerate 10% of his maximum health on special move 2; 90% chance to Regenerate 15% of his maximum health on special move 3.
Awakened Ability:
Vampiric Strengthening:
At the sensing of blood, Eric Brooks's vampire side strengthens, granting him Fury, Cruelty, Precision, and 25% more Power Gain for the duration for the duration of the Bleed.
Other status effects:
5% fixed chance to gain Fury; 50% chance that attacks with any weaponry inflict Bleed; All explosive attacks inflict Incinerate with a 50% chance to apply Bleed
4) Mysterio
One of the stranger villains in the Marvel Universe, Mysterio is a master of manipulation, using teleportation, hallucinogen, and hypnosis to his advantage. His nemesis is Spider-Man, and his champion class would be Science.
Unique Abilities:
If Mysterio can manage to, without moving or blocking, go untouched for 3 seconds, his gaze is enough to hypnotize his opponent, stunning them for 5 seconds. This ability has a 5 second cool down timer after activation.
Mind Tricks:
Mysterio focuses more on demoralizing his opponent than benefiting himself. Anytime Mysterio gains a status effect, the opposite effect is applied to his opponent. Additionally, anytime Mysterio strikes a critical hit, there is a 10% chance to inflict EACH of these effects on his opponent for 8 seconds: Weakness, Exhaustion, Fatigue, Degeneration, Poison, Armor Break, and Stun (Stun only lasts 5 seconds).
Awakened Ability:
Emergency Hallucinogen:
When struck for the 15th time in a combo (15th hit, 30th, 45th, etc), Mysterio can rely on his hallucinogen to get him out of the jam. Immediately after the 15th hit lands, Mysterio releases his hallucinogen and teleports backwards, stunning his opponent for one second. This does not interrupt special attacks, but instead triggers on the next hit once the special move has ended.
Other status effects:
5% chance to gain Armor Up or Precision when struck (Remember, for all positive status effects, the opposite is mirrored to the enemy.)
5) Nick Fury
The leader of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury is an expert at fighting and has a large number of backups to call in. He can have synergy with all S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, and his champion class would be Skill.
Unique Abilities:
Nick Fury is always ready to fight, and he comes into the battle with his mind set and a bulletproof vest. Nick Fury is granted 5 Precision buffs, one disappearing after every critical hit he lands, and 5 Physical Resistances (like Punisher), losing one each time he is struck.
Leading S.H.I.E.L.D takes a lot of confidence, and Nick Fury definitely has it. He enters the fight with 10 Confidences buffs. Every time he is struck, he loses one Confidence. For every second Nick Fury is blocking, he gains one Confidence. Each Confidence buff increases Fury's attack by 5.
Awakened Ability:
Supply Drop:
Fury has all of S.H.I.E.L.D. at his disposal, giving him unlimited access to intelligence and resources. Every 10 seconds, Fury receives a supply drop, containing a random buff for him, a random debuff for his opponent, or both.
Other status effects:
50% chance for critical hits to grant Precision; 5% chance for all attacks to inflict Armor Break; Special attacks with guns or explosives inflict either Bleed or Incinerate
For now, this is all I have. I'll be updating this list as much as I can, adding on every once in awhile, so keep checking in. Thanks again for reading!
6) Mystique
One of the most unique characters in the Marvel Universe, Mystique can shape-shift into anyone she has seen, and has exceptional fighting abilities. She would have rivalry synergies with countless other Mutants, and would be a Mutant herself.
Unique Abilities:
There is a fixed 5% chance that Mystique shape-shifts into another champion for a split-second, confusing the enemy, exposing their armor (Armor Break) and weakening their attacks (Weakness) for 8 seconds.
Poison Immunity
Awakened Ability:
Mystique deceives her opponents with shape-shifting. When Mystique's Deception exposes her enemy, the effect is now permanent, and can stack without limit.
Other status effects:
Fixed 10% chance to gain Precision and/or Cruelty
7) M.O.D.O.K.
Okay, I know that George Tarleton is already in the game, but he would be a great character to actually collect! Not only does he have some interesting abilities, but he would just be entertaining to use (like Howard the Duck is). He's enemies with Captain America, Captain Marvel, Gwenpool, and all the hulks in the game aside from Joe Fixit. His champion class could be Science, Mutant, or Tech. I'd go with Tech, though.
Unique Abilities:
While facing enemies who rely on Tech, M.O.D.O.K.'s enhanced technological abilities allow him to hack into his enemy's systems and inflict one of these Status effects every 10 seconds: Weakness, Armor Break, or Shock. Tarleton can place up to 5 of these debuffs on his opponent from Hacking. (Sort of like Venom's buffs he gains.)
Comical Rage:
Tarleton is easily frustrated, but it wears off quickly. M.O.D.O.K. starts the fight with 3 Fury and 3 Cruelty which last 5 seconds each. After the 5 seconds, he suffers 3 Weakness and 3 Exhaustion (the exact opposite). These buffs and debuffs continue to alternate every 5 seconds.
Poison Immunity
Awakened Ability:
M.O.D.O.K.'s intelligence allows him to recognize patterns and counter them. George Tarleton halves the effectiveness of the Awakened Abilities of all champions he opposes. While facing himself, the abilities simply cancel out, having no effect at all.
Other status effects:
Fixed 5% chance to gain Armor Up; Shock and/or Degeneration on special attacks.
8) Silver Surfer
Norrin Radd is a noble, kind, and powerful being. He has synergy with the Fantastic Four, and would definitely be a Cosmic champion.
Unique Abilities:
Noble Purpose:
While facing villains, Silver Surfer increases his overall rating by 5%. On the other hand, Silver Surfer's overall rating decreases by 5% while facing heroes. While facing champions that are neither good nor bad, like Deadpool (yes, he's a mercenary, not a hero), this ability has no effect.
Poison and Bleed Immunity
Awakened Ability:
Cosmic Metal:
Silver Surfer's nearly indestructible metallic body enhances his armor, granting him Armor Up indefinitely. Silver Surfer gains another Armor Up buff each time he receives Armor Break, which also is indefinite. His Armor Up buffs are unable to be Nullified due to its otherworldly characteristics.
Other status effects:
50% chance for critical hits to grant Precision; 50% chance to gain Armor Up when blocking an attack; Fixed 5% chance to inflict Armor Break
9) Mephisto
Mephisto is the most evil, most despicable, most awful character in the Marvel Universe. That being said, he's awesome. He is immortal, he has superhuman abilities, and he can possess his enemies. Mephisto has synergies against Silver Surfer and Spider-Man. His class would be Mystic.
Unique Abilities:
Mephisto is immortal, giving him the ability to revive himself. If Mephisto has synergy with a character on his team, he can revive himself at 10% when receiving what would be the final blow. The same is true for the teammate he has synergy with.
Relentless Rage:
Mephisto gains Fury and Cruelty whenever he is struck. The buffs stack without limit, lasting until Mephisto lands a hit, at which point they all are used.
Poison Immunity
Awakened Ability:
When Mephisto lands a critical hit, he possesses his enemy for 3 seconds. While his enemy is possessed, they suffer Weakness, Exhaustion, Fatigue, Armor Break, and are Cursed. Mephisto gains Life Steal (over time), Power Steal (over time), Buff Steal, and Invisibility.
Other status effects:
No other effects. All effects Mephisto gains are from Relentless Rage or Possession.
10) Aldrich Killian
Aldrich Killian is a very powerful villain who was introduced in Iron Man 3. No, I don't like how the movie portrayed him as the Mandarin (who is also going to be on this list), but I do believe that he is a character who is deserving of a spot in the game. He would have synergies with Iron Man and War Machine, since they were the protagonists in Iron Man 3, and his champion class would be Science.
Unique Abilities:
Overheat (or Inferno or something along those lines?):
Aldrich Killian has the same ability that Red Hulk has where he places fire damage on his opponent and it builds throughout the fight.
Awakened Ability:
Aldrich Killian embraces Extremis, gaining an indefinite fury every time his Overheat (or whatever it's called) resets.
Other status effects:
Critical hits inflict Incinerate; Receiving critical hits grants Fury
I'll continue adding to the list as time goes on, so continue to check back. If you like a Marvel character, but don't know how they would fit into the Contest, PM me and let me know who they are! I'll put them on my list of characters to assign possible abilities to. Thanks for reading!
11) Taskmaster
Not much is known about Taskmaster. He is a very unique and skilled champion who can mimic other heroes's physical movements and voices. Honestly, the voice mimicking isn't really something that would be effective in the Contest, but he would still be a great character to add. I haven't found anyone in the Contest or that I'd want to recommend who has synergy with Taskmaster, but I'm sure there's someone. His class would be Skill.
Unique Abilities:
Taskmaster's shield grants him a 30% chance to Perfect Block. When Taskmaster successfully Perfect Blocks, he gains Precision for 5 seconds. Both within or outside of this ability, critical hits have an 80% chance to inflict Bleed. When the enemy is bleeding, Taskmaster Stuns them every critical hit.
Bleed Immunity
Awakened Ability:
Physical Repition:
Taskmaster has a photographic memory, yet also can mimic his opponents physical movements. If an opponent strikes a critical hit, Taskmaster's next hit will be critical. If his opponent gains Fury, Cruelty, or Precision, Taskmaster also gains these buffs.
Other status effects:
10% chance to gain Precision; 10% chance to inflict Armor Break
12) Apocalypse
Apocalypse is freaking awesome. Go to the Marvel Universe Wiki and find him. He's got a maximum rating on everything but speed, which is a 6 on the 7 point scale. He can do nearly everything. En Sabah Nur can shape-shift, regenerate, resist physical and energy damage, and do nearly everything that anyone can do in the Marvel Universe outside of telekinesis.
Unique Abilities:
By dodging back and blocking for one second, Apocalypse switches his positive status effect. He begins the fight with one of these effects, which lasts until he switches his status effect by blocking. The status effects he can gain are as follows (in no specific order): Power Flood, Precision, Physical Resistance, Energy Resistance, Cruelty, Regeneration, Armor Up, and Fury. Once Apocalypse switches his status effect, he must break his block by dodging back or dashing forward before trying again. There is no cool down for this effect.
Poison and Bleed Immunity
Awakened Ability:
When Apocalypse gains a status effect by the All-Powerful effect, the opposite effect is applied to his opponent. To clarify these effects would be: Power Leak, Fatigue, Physical (Vulnerability? this isn't actually an effect yet), Energy (Vulnerability), Exhaustion, Degeneration, Armor Break, and Weakness.
Other status effects:
If Apocalypse is struck by a critical hit, he becomes Unstoppable for one second
13) Whiplash
Anton Vanko is the destructive Whiplash. His electrically charged whips electrocute his enemy. He's one of the coolest characters in the Marvel Universe, and would have Iron Man as his nemesis. His class would be Tech.
Unique Abilities:
All attacks inflict Shock for 3 seconds, dealing 20% of the attack's original damage over time. Critical hits inflict 3 Shocks, each dealing 20% of the attack.
Awakened Ability:
Direct Hits:
When his enemy has 6 or more Shock debuffs stacked on them, all hits are critical hits.
Other status effect:
5% chance to gain Precision; 10% chance to gain Fury and/or Cruelty
14-17) Fantastic Four
The Fantastic Four would all be Cosmic characters with synergy with each other, Doctor Doom, and Silver Surfer. Human Torch is married with Invisible Woman, and The Thing is a rival with Hulk.
14) Mr. Fantastic
The leader of the Fantastic Four, Reed Richards, can stretch any part of his body up to 1,500 feet in any direction.
Unique Abilities:
Elastic Arms:
Mr. Fantastic stretches his arms further when his enemies evade, allowing him to still strike them and continue his combo.
Awakened Ability:
A 7.5% chance for Mr. Fantastic to stretch when struck, reducing incoming damage by 75%.
Other status effects:
No other status effects.
15) Invisible Woman
Susan Storm can turn invisible and create force fields.
Unique Abilities:
Force Field:
When struck by a 5 hit combo while blocking, Invisible Woman's force field rapidly expands, knocking the enemy backwards and dealing damage like a heavy attack.
Awakened Ability:
Upon dodging back and blocking for 2 seconds, Susan Storm gains Invisibility for 5 seconds. This takes 8 seconds to recharge.
Other status effects:
Special moves trigger Invisibility
That's all I've got at this point. Remember to PM me if you have a cool character that I should give some abilities to!
16) Human Torch
Johnny Storm can light himself on fire, fly, and shoot fire.
Unique Abilities:
Human Torch has two combat modes that he can switch by dodging back and blocking for 2 seconds. (There is opportunity for a super awesome animation in this switch.)
Johnny Storm extinguishes him fire and focuses on precise and damaging combat, gaining Precision and Cruelty until he switches combat modes.
Johnny Storm's flames are unleashed, igniting him and causing every hit to inflict Incinerate.
Awakened Ability:
Heat Wave:
When switching combat modes, Human Torch releases a heat wave that knocks his enemy back and inflicts Incinerate.
Other status effects:
Fixed 5% chance to gain Fury
17) The Thing
Benjamin Grimm is covered in rocks, granting him superhuman strength and resistance.
Unique Abilities:
Rock Solid:
Every time a hit lands for either character throughout the fight, The Thing increases his Block Proficiency by 1%.
Awakened Ability:
It's Clobberin' Time!:
When landing a heavy attack, The Thing gains 3 Fury and 3 Physical Resistance to more efficiently clobber his opponent.
Other status effects:
5% chance to gain Cruelty
18) Enchantress
Sylvie Lushton was given mystical powers by Loki. She is modeled after the original Enchantress, Amora, but has more abilities thanks to Loki. She is enemies with Thor, friends with Loki, and has a champion class of Mystic.
Unique Abilities:
Mystic Recovery:
Enchantress can recover much faster than the average human being. Whenever she has a positive status effect active, Regeneration is also present.
Awakened Ability:
Mind Control:
When an enemy has a status effect, Enchantress's next critical hit Nullifies that effect with a 100% chance.
Other status effects:
5% chance to gain Precision when striking the enemy; all special attacks by either champion grant indefinite Energy Resistance
I'll slowly crank out some more characters. PM me if you have any ideas. If I missed or screwed up something, let me know so I can fix or change it. Thanks for reading!
Apocalypse (Cosmic, Tech, Mutant)
Stryfe (Mutant)
Sabretooth (Mutant)
Jubilee (Mutant)
Havok (Mutant)
Polaris (Mutant)
Quicksilver (Mutant)
Lady Deathstrike (Tech)
Omega Red (Science)
Blade (Mystic)
Bullseye (Skill)
Carnage (Cosmic)
Dr. Octopus (Science)
Green Goblin (Tech, Science)
Kingpin (Skill)
Kraven the Hunter (Skill)
the Lizard (Science)
Mysterio (Tech)
Vulture (Tech)
Did you find my abilities and descriptions of him accurate? It's in the first post after the Administrative announcement.
2) Apocalypse (Mutant)
3) Jocasta (Tech)
4 ) Medusa (Cosmic)
5) Super Skrull (Cosmic)
6) Blade (Mystic, Skill)
7) Red Skull (Skill)
8) Anti-Venom (Cosmic, Science)
9) Carnage (Cosmic, Science)
10) Dracula (Mystic)
11) Ultimate Green Goblin (Science)
12) Kingpin (Skill)
13) Beta Ray Bill (Cosmic)
14) Classic Sentinel (Tech)
15) Mr Sinister (Mutant)
16) Iron Spider-Man (Tech)
17) Outlaw (Skill)
18) White Fox (Skill)
19) Black Vortex Gamora (Cosmic, Mystic)
20) Squirrel Girl (Cosmic) she was outed as not being a mutant by her fellow x-men team mates.
21) Doc Octopus (Science, Tech)
22) Nick Fury LMD (Tech)
23) Robbie Reyes Ghost Rider (Mystic)
24) M.O.D.O.K. (Science, Tech)
25) Domino (Skill, Mutant)
26) Polaris (Mutant)
27) Thing (Cosmic)
28) Human Torch (Johnny) (Cosmic)
29) Reed Richards (Cosmic)
30) Sue Storm (Cosmic)
31) Silver Surfer (Cosmic)
32) Mysterio (Science, Tech)
33) Man-Ape (Skill)
34) Devil Dinosaur (Science)
35) Bullseye (Skill)
36) Omega Red (Mutant, Tech)
37) Havok (Mutant)
38) Hope Summers (Mutant)
39) Emma Frost (Mutant)
40) Sauron (Mutant)
41) Ka-zar (Skill)
42) Maximus (Cosmic)
43) Hercules (Cosmic)
44) Ares (Cosmic)
45) Mephisto (Mystic)
46) Bishop (Mutant)
47) Madeline Prior (Science, Mutant) clone of Jean Grey, Mother of Cable
48) Blackheart (Mystic)
49) Enchantress (Cosmic)
50) Giant Man (Science)
Emma Frost (Phoenix Force)
Villain. Lover. Mastermind. X-man. Phoenix . Emma Frost has had her fair share of bizarre experience. During the cataclysmic event of the Phoenix force returning to Earth, Tony Stark attempted to destroy the mighty firebird but failed and distributed it into 5 powerful x-men, including Emma. Now Emma wields the force of life in the hopes of turning the world into the Utopia in which humans and mutants can flourish.
Base Stats & Abilities
*All stats based on 4 Star, Rank 5, Level 50, Signature Level 99
Class: Mutant
Health: 16,116
Attack: 1,148
Max PI: 3,342 - Without Masteries or Signature Ability
Basic Abilities: Poison Immune/Bleed Immune (Diamond Mode), Power leech, Power Lock, Incinerate, Regeneration,
Special 1: Telepathic Inferno
Emma Frost conjures a firestorm capable of wiping out Thor himself. This attack Incinerates the enemy, dealing 92% of your attack as Energy Damage over 10 seconds. This effect also removes Perfect Block Chance and reduces Block Proficiency by 50% while it’s active.
Special 2: Diamonds Are a Girls Best Friend
If Emma Frost is is in Diamond mode already, she loses all her armor up buffs dealing up to 282% special damage based on her armor up effects.
If Emma Frost is in Telepath mode, she switches into diamond mode and has a 75% chance to convert all the concussion debuffs on her opponent into degeneration, dealing 1435 direct damage per buff over 6 seconds.
Special 3: Wrath of The Phoenix
If Emma Frost is in diamond mode, she has a 100% chance to stun the opponent for 7 seconds and procs a power gain buff gaining 2 bars of power over 10 seconds.
If Emma Frost is in telepath mode, she has a 75% chance to regenerate 2439 health over 8 seconds. When this regeneration ends, all concussions on the opponent turn into incinerates dealing 710 damage and reducing perfect block and block proficiency by 50% per incinerate.
Passive - Emblazoned
Emma Frost enters the fight in either diamond or telepath mode.
While in telepath Mode:
* Holding block generates a concussion on the opponent reducing ability accuracy by 50%
While in Diamond Mode:
* Critical hits have a 30% chance to proc an armor up buff, increasing armor by 200 for 7 seconds.
* While Emma Frost has 3 armor up buff, she is immune to stun.
* Her diamond form allows her to be immune to poison, shock, bleed and incinerate.
Charging Heavy:
* If you charge for more than 2 seconds, she switches form
* Evades first attack if hit during charging
Passive- Chaotic Interference
* If this champion crosses a power threshold defensively, she generates a weakness buff lowering her attack by 300.
* If a buff is nullified on this champion by the Scarlet Witch or Iron Fist, she loses 400 health as direct damage.
Signature Ability - Fury of the Phoenix
Whenever Emma Frost places a debuff, the Phoenix Force has a (25% to 65%) to empower her increasing ability accuracy by 20% for 10 seconds. Additionally, while in diamond mode, special attacks have a 20% chance to power leech while her telepathic mode allows her special attack to power lock the opponent for 2 seconds per debuff, seveering the targets flow of power.
Synergy Bonuses
Cyclops (Both) - Romance: +5% Power Gain
Phoenix, Magik, Colossus, Cylcops- Host: Up to 35% additional ability accuracy based on combo.
Thor - Enemies: +155 Critical Hit Rating
Scarlet Witch - Masters of Reality: +155 Critical Hit Damage and +155 Critical Rating
Recommended Masteries
As Emma Frost abilities relies on scoring Critical Hits, increasing her Critical Hit Chance allows her to gain these powerful effects more often.
Liquid courage
Emma Frost can become poison immune when in armor mode, allowing her to take advantage of this mastery without the negative effects
Emma Frost's ability to place debuffs on the opponent allow her to reduce healing significantly
Strong Matchups
Archangel - While in armor mode, Emma Frost becomes immune to any debuffs Archangel sets off.
Magik- Emma frost can reduce ability accuracy allowing her to ignore limbo
Scarlet Witch- Wanda's chaos magic has proved to be lethal against the phoenix force and her nullification abilities deal extra damage to Frost
Iron Fist- Danny Rand's shi power allows him to interfere with the phoenix force, weakening her and dealing extra damage for each buff nullified
52) Sabertooth (Mutant)
53) Spider-Woman (Science)
54) A-Bomb (Science)
55) Lady Deadpool (Skill)
56) Odin (Cosmic)
57) Kraven (Skill)
58) Skaar (Cosmic)
59) The Living Mummy (Mystic)
60) Werewolf by Night (Skill, Mystic)
61) FrankenCastle (Mystic, Skill)
62) Morbius (Mystic)
63) Attuma (Science)
64) Namor (Science)
65) Bob (Hydra Agent) (Skill)
66) Tigra (Skill, Science)
67) Silk (Science)
68) Hela (Mystic)
69) Hulkling (Science)
70) Wiccan (Mystic)
71) Quicksilver (Mutant)
72) Blob (Mutant)
73) Adam Warlock (Cosmic, Mystic)
74) Binary (Cosmic)
75) Ironheart (Tech)
76) Iron Monger (Tech)
77) Blue Marvel (Science)
78) America Chavez (Science)
79) Tinkerer (Tech)
80) Vulture (Tech)
81) Shocker (Tech)
82) Misty Knight (Tech)
83) Forge (Mutant, Tech)
84) Fantomex (Mutant, Tech)
85) Nitro (Mutant)
86) Onslaught (Mutant)
87) Whiplash (Tech)
88) Whirlwind (Mutant)
89) Falcon/Captain America suit (Skill, Science)
90) Wasp (Science)
91) Nova (Cosmic)
92) Annihilus (Tech, Cosmic)
93) Terrax (Cosmic)
94) Quasar (Cosmic)
95) Heimdall (Cosmic)
96) The Destroyer (Tech, Cosmic)
97) Nico Minoru (Mystic)
98) Captain Britain (Mystic)
99) Taskmaster (Skill)
100) VOID (Dark Sentry) (Mystic)
I really like your suggestions, but you keep on harping on Cruelty/Precision, and all I kept thinking was, damn, another useless champ for AW, coz of MD.... I especially like Silver Surfer, but not really your depiction of him.
Emma Frost
Jean Grey 90's
Psylocke 90's
Kitty Pride
Mr Sinister
Hydra Cap
2) Dr. Doom
3) Silver Surfer
4) Adam Warlock
5) Beta Ray Bill
6) Hela
7) Franklin Richards
8) Human Torch
9) Professor X
10) SENTRY (he deserves to be on here twice
I really like Silver Surfer as well. Creating this character was hard to do as he's rather mysterious. If you have any suggestions on how to change him, I'd be happy to hear them.
1.) Wiccan (Class: Mystic)
Synergies with Hulkling (Romantic), Scarlet Witch, Vision, Quicksilver, Magneto (Family)
2.) Hulkling (Class: Cosmic)
Synergies with Wiccan (Romantic)
3.) Northstar (Class: Mutant)
Synergies with several X-Men (Team mates)
4.) Daken (Class: Mutant)
Synergies with Old Man Logan (Enemies)
and of course there are lots of other Champs i would love to see, like
1.) Invisible Woman
2.) Human Torch
3.) Mr. Fantastic
4.) The Thing
5.) Silver Surfer
6.) Dr. Doom
7.) Medusa
8.) Crystal
9.) Namor
10.) The Wasp
11.) Nova
12.) Quicksilver
13.) Havoc
14.) Hercules
15.) Spider-Woman
Billy Kaplan aka Wiccan. He is the son of Scarlet Witch and the father known as the Vision. As the son of Scarlet Witch he has the ability to warp reality and is a strong magic user that is feared by some of the strongest villains in Marvel.
Abilities: Power lock, Buff manipulation
Signature ability: Greater Reality
Critical hits:
Power Lock
As Wiccan attacks his opponent with his magic spells, his critical hits have a 25-35% chance to Power Lock his opponent for 3-4 seconds.
Buff Manipulation
As the son of Scarlet Witch, Wiccan was gifted with her immense powers of probability, he can manipulate the opponent's buff to his benefit this has a 30-50% to happen.
•Fury concerts to weakness or he will gain a fury buff. (Increasing attack the same amount as the opponents fury.)
•Power Gain converts to power lock or he will gain a power gain buff. (Same amount of power will be gained if the opponent had it.)
•Amor converts to armor break or he will gain a armor buff. Same armor will be applied if the opponent had it.)
•Regeneration converts to Degeneration or he will gain a regeneration buff. Same amount recovered as if the opponent had it.)
Signature ability:
Greater reality
With the training of Wiccan's magic he learned to enchant the buffs that he manipulated from the opponent to be longer and stronger by 10-20%.
Signature Ability: Prince of Hell- Hellstorm regenerates X health after activating a special attack for 6 seconds. Regeneration effectiveness increases the lower his health is.
Abilities: Power fatigue, buff manipulation, incinerate, Power gain, Heal block, stun.
Power Fatigue (basic attacks): critical hits have a X% chance to not generate power for the opponent.
Power Gain (below 90% health): Hellstorm gains 1 bar of power. Additional power is given if the opponent is under an incinerate debuff.
Incinerate (basic attacks): X% chance to incinerate the opponent, dealing Y energy damage for 3 seconds.
Buff Manipulation (Special 2): Hellstorm uses the forces of hell, bringing chaos to the opponent and converting 1 buff into a random debuff. This also incinerates the opponent dealing X damage for 10 seconds.
Heal Block and Stun (special 3): Hellstorm brings his opponent to hell and back leaving the opponent stunned for 5 seconds. He also heal blocks the opponent.
There are a lot of Spider-People in the game, but he would move very differently. He has claws on his hands and feat. He would inflict a lot of bleeding damage.
He also has fangs with a venom that can paralyze his enemies. That's perfect for a Special 3. He can pull up his mask (off camera, like how The Hood turns around, then turns back as a demon). Then he bites his opponent. The effect would be like Jane Foster's shock, where the enemy is likely to be stunned by hits until the venom wears off.
Did you find my description of him accurate? I put him near the top of the list. I believe he's my twelfth suggestion.