Character Wishlist Thread 3.0



  • HeroBoltsyHeroBoltsy Member Posts: 785 ★★★
    Perhaps some X-Men characters, like Mystique, Emma Frost, and the Blob, wouldn't mind the F.F., and Hank Pym's Ant-Man/Giant-Man.
  • CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Guest, Member Posts: 1,370 ★★★
    Yes, glad someone said something about the original Ant-Man. We need the original if we're having the new version.
  • HeroBoltsyHeroBoltsy Member Posts: 785 ★★★
    Oh, and Evan Peter's Quicksilver from Days of Future Past and Apocalypse. I know many people would prefer Aaron Taylor-Johnson's Quicksilver from AoU or the comics Quicksilver, and I really would just like any form of Quicksilver. But I vastly prefer Peter's Quicksilver over the other options. His highlight scenes were just so fun to watch!
  • Time_to_clobberTime_to_clobber Member Posts: 123
    edited May 2017
    Villains are bad people. Nazis are bad people. Just because a bad person is a bad person doesn't mean they shouldn't be in the game. All villains are bad, that's why they are villains. If you want a game with no bad guys, be my guest, but villains shouldn't be banned for... being villains.

    There is fiction villainy and then there is real villainy. Trying to destroy half the galaxy is far easier to deal with that having a character that is a pedophile, or a kkk member, or a **** etc. These evils are more grounded in history and in society. Thanos' evil is a fantastical kind of evil that doesn't hit home the same way that red skull's very real **** beliefs offend.

    For all of Kabam's many many many many faults, they are sensitive to political and social sensitivities. I hope they are sensitive to this concern and do not release MODOK or red skull.

    I remember that back during beta, Gabriel Frizzera was at comic con saying that MODOK would be released as a playable character and that he was very excited about that. I hope that the reason this never materialized is that MODOK is a **** party member and this was found to be offensive.

  • CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Guest, Member Posts: 1,370 ★★★
    edited May 2017
    Villains are bad people. Nazis are bad people. Just because a bad person is a bad person doesn't mean they shouldn't be in the game. All villains are bad, that's why they are villains. If you want a game with no bad guys, be my guest, but villains shouldn't be banned for... being villains.

    There is fiction villainy and then there is real villainy. Trying to destroy half the galaxy is far easier to deal with that having a character that is a pedophile, or a kkk member, or a **** etc. These evils are more grounded in history and in society. Thanos' evil is a fantastical kind of evil that doesn't hit home the same way that red skull's very real **** beliefs offend.

    He's a villain, so he's evil. His evil beliefs are supposed to be offensive so we cheer for Cap to kick the **** out of him. Marvel or Kabam doesn't support Nazis by adding these characters. Villains are villains, and heroes stop them. They both must go into a game for it to work. All moral standards of villains are offensive, which is why we root against them. Their moral standards shouldn't keep them out of the game, or we would have no villains. I have to respectfully disagree with you. Sorry.
  • Time_to_clobberTime_to_clobber Member Posts: 123
    They should not make him playable
  • CrusherCrusher Member Posts: 305
    1 Nova
    2 Anti venom
    3 Howling Commandos ( were wolf, Man thing, Enchanto the Mummy, Frank the Frankenstein)
    4 iron spider ( Amadeus Cho)
    5 Abom ( member of agents of S.M.A.S.H)
    6 Red hulk ( agent of S.M.A.S.H)
    7 CLOAK and Dagger
    8 Lockjaw
    9 spidy ham
    10 Dr Doom
    11 Impossible Man
    12white Tiger
    13 kraven the hunter
    14 Dr Octavious
  • BRuticIANBRuticIAN Member Posts: 3
    Dr. Doom
    Beta Ray Bill
    Black Cat
    Kitty Pryde
    Emma Frost
    Omega Red
    Nick Fury
    America Chavez
    Iron Heart
    Lady Deathstrike
    Captain Britain
    Amadeus Cho
    Sebastian Shaw
    Fin Fang Foom
    Hawkeye (Kate Bishop)
    Fantastic Four
    Iron Spider
    Kraven The Hunter
    Misty Knight
    Shang Chi
    Silver Surfer
    Silver Samurai
    Squirrel Girl
    Union Jack
    Wonder Man
  • BRuticIANBRuticIAN Member Posts: 3
    Dr. Doom
    Beta Ray Bill
    Black Cat
    Kitty Pryde
    Emma Frost
    Omega Red
    Nick Fury
    America Chavez
    Iron Heart
    Lady Deathstrike
    Captain Britain
    Amadeus Cho
    Sebastian Shaw
    Fin Fang Foom
    Hawkeye (Kate Bishop)
    Fantastic Four
    Iron Spider
    Kraven The Hunter
    Misty Knight
    Shang Chi
    Silver Surfer
    Silver Samurai
    Squirrel Girl
    Union Jack
    Wonder Man
  • DavidHokeDavidHoke Member Posts: 22
    Can we please get a link to the old thread? I had a list of my most wanted champs there that I would update regularly and now it's just gone. I'd like to have access to it.
  • NicNic Member Posts: 7
    wait wtf there are tons of female characters lol
  • _____oi__________oi_____ Member Posts: 4
    Omega red or spawn thanks
  • X3boss187X3boss187 Member Posts: 15
    I think destroyer, hela,songbird ,Medusa, death,enchantress and I'll post special spec later
  • BK_AVENGERBK_AVENGER Member Posts: 60
    Black Knight (Dane Whitman ) skill champion
  • AvalancheAvalanche Member Posts: 50
    edited June 2017
    Green goblin. (Tech/Science) Not the ultimate one, not the 2002 one, and definitely not the 2014 one. Give him a total makeover, make him truly terrifying at the sight. And most of all, not at all a human in a super-tech suit, make him a spooky goblin like his concept art for the 2002 movie


    He would fly on his bat glider, making his dashes quick, and a high chance to evade.

    His quick combo I'm not too picky about, but he could use his spark shooter for extra range, and a nod to the comics.

    His dash attack would be a typical glider-impale that he uses so often.

    Special one: Goblin punches the opponent away, then throws a razor bat that has a power burn and shock effect (like Punisher's special 1)

    Special two: Goblin spins his glider, damaging opponents, then throws a deadly pumpkin bomb that has an armor break and bleed effect (like Rocket's special 2)

    Special three: Goblin swoops with his glider, pulling the opponent high up into the sky, laughing uncontrollably. Goblin then drops the opponent and empties out his goodie bag. The target hits the ground, dealing most of the damage, and then the meteor storm of pumpkins, razor bats, and other comic references finish him off.

    Awaken ability: "Preformance Enhancers", Goblin's claws have a chance to cause targets to bleed, dealing X damage over Y seconds every time he attacks (like Deadpool)

  • mooringtonmoorington Member Posts: 1
    1. Fantastic 4
    2. Quicksilver
    3. Nick Fury
    4. Mystique
    5. Banshee
    6. Doc oc
    7. Doctor doom
    8. Classic falcon
    9. Vulture
    10. Wasp
  • Mike_N_EickMike_N_Eick Member Posts: 3
    How about Marcus: the Diabetic Werewolf Centaur Symbiote Warrior? He is the best thing ever procured by man.
  • Wayne17Wayne17 Member Posts: 12
    All fantastic 4 members, mystique, vulture,Quicksilver,Medusa,Galactus, bullseye,prof.X.
  • BenderBender Member Posts: 163

    We know Carnage and Punisher 2099 are coming so that means there are 12 left to come for this year.
  • Lo4eathLo4eath Member Posts: 309
    APOCALYPSE!! He should have been added during last year's movie! He should domininate MCOC!!!

    Did you find my description of him accurate? I put him near the top of the list. I believe he's my twelfth suggestion.

    holy ****, your depiction of Apocalypse is way too OP. I mean, those buffs are nice and all, but that unstoppable would be just too OP for AW defense.
  • Barnes1Barnes1 Member Posts: 23
    Desperately need Dr.Doom
  • Joey0480Joey0480 Member Posts: 126 ★★
    Wouldn't mind the Blob
  • Phoeenixx7Phoeenixx7 Member Posts: 1
    edited June 2017
    First off definitely think the game needs more LGBT characters. Moving on from that Wiccan or Emma Frost would be great for this game or any of the Young Avengers for that matter.
  • BenderBender Member Posts: 163
    Apparantly Vulture and Spiderman Homecoming are confirmed by accident on Apple Store
  • CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Guest, Member Posts: 1,370 ★★★
    edited June 2017
    Bender wrote: »

    We know Carnage and Punisher 2099 are coming so that means there are 12 left to come for this year.

    Well, it's alphabetical. There's a spot after all the Spider-Man characters, so that'll be the Homecoming version, or 2099 if we're lucky, but I doubt it. Then, in the bottom row, it lines up perfectly with Vulture. Carnage and Punisher 2099 fill some spots. Then, right after Captain Marvel, there's a gap. Captain Britain? A spot before Moon Knight, so I'd guess MODOK. There's two G guys, and I'd say one is probably Green Goblin. There's an L left, which I'd guess is Lizard, since Kabam continues to adore Spidey. A D is up there, so we might finally see Destroyer. No Fantastic Four, sadly, because Invisible Woman isn't able to fit in, same with Thing. The M spots look like Mephisto (YES!), Mr. Sinister, and Mysterio (YES AGAIN!) for 3 of the 4. Anyway, there it is from what I can see.
  • CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Guest, Member Posts: 1,370 ★★★
    Bender wrote: »

    We know Carnage and Punisher 2099 are coming so that means there are 12 left to come for this year.

    Well, it's alphabetical. There's a spot after all the Spider-Man characters, so that'll be the Homecoming version, or 2099 if we're lucky, but I doubt it. Then, in the bottom row, it lines up perfectly with Vulture. Carnage and Punisher 2099 fill some spots. Then, right after Captain Marvel, there's a gap. Captain Britain? A spot before Moon Knight, so I'd guess MODOK. There's two G guys, and I'd say one is probably Green Goblin. There's an L left, which I'd guess is Lizard, since Kabam continues to adore Spidey. A D is up there, so we might finally see Destroyer. No Fantastic Four, sadly, because Invisible Woman isn't able to fit in, same with Thing. The M spots look like Mephisto (YES!), Mr. Sinister, and Mysterio (YES AGAIN!) for 3 of the 4. Anyway, there it is from what I can see.

    Ah! Just realized that the D could be Dr Doom! YES!
  • MattPartMattPart Member Posts: 69
    D could also be for Dr Octopus.
    H spot could be for Hobgoblin
  • BenderBender Member Posts: 163
    MattPart wrote: »
    D could also be for Dr Octopus.
    H spot could be for Hobgoblin

    Could be a good guess, I am sure Homecoming will give more characters than Spiderman and Vulture. Doc Ock and maybe someone else from Sinister Six
  • SpinoSpino Member Posts: 241
    Machine Man
    Viv Vision


    Negasonic Teenage Warhead
    Mulltiple Man

    Original Captain Mar-Vel
  • Syl_jrSyl_jr Member Posts: 10
    I miss Jubilee, Dazzler,Longshot, Mystique, Toad, Mr Sinister, Blob, Sabretooth and Professor X. Fantastic four is a good idea too.
    And if u need a new boss, there is Galactus ;)

    Jubilee and Dazzler can have eye-candy skills. (Energy power)
    Longshot can have a lot of Evade and crit, but low power.
    Mystique can change to the enemy and stole his/her skills for a few sec.
    Mr Sinister can have good healing skills and some telekinesis. (Can shoot like Magneto.)
    Blob can be like Colossus.
    Sabretoot can be like Wolverine.
    Professor X is the hardest decision. But he could walk. But if somebody wants him to sit, then he needs to nullifies enemies power and can stun a lot of times. The animations is hardest problem. But he is the one of the biggest character in the Marvel universe.
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