How do you get motivated to finish Act 6?

I have finished pretty much this entire game except for 4 paths in abyss and half of 6.4 exploration. I am trying to finish exploring it but its too boring and too much of a grindfest. I got burnt out from arena grinding 2 months ago so my unit income is low but each path in 6.4 requires me to use up revives since I dont have the best roster and am missing tons of key characters. I have also been getting **** 5 stars the past few months and meh 6 stars until I recently got guilly 2099 but I realized I cant use her in most of the paths remaining. I dont have any new characters to play with, no new exciting content to look forward to and bored with the repition of arena and alliance war and quest(going into a retirement ally). Need smthn to get me back on the grind train.
But also because I had some revives on the overflow, and since act 6 is the only safe place to spend them, mind as well.
I'm not with 15 revives and 3 paths left to 100%. Should be near enough to that
This should at least part way motivate you knowing that there are at least 2 worse ways that you could spend your time
Explore 6.3. Get Hood. Call it a day. Move on.
I don’t have anything left to do besides act 6 and Abyss exploration, so I might do a path in act 6 here and there, but I’m not in the mood to finish it as soon as possible. Too much effort and a great chance to get nothing useful in return.