Act 7 - Where do we go from here?

I just completed my initial run of Act 7, taking the following paths
7.1.1 - Oscillate/Invade/Kinetic Instigator - 1 revive used (could have been easily avoided, just wanted to dive into content)
7.1.2 - Vivified/Power Suppression/Power Alternator/Unblockable - 0 revives
7.1.3 - That's gonna Sting/Backfire/Power Alternator/Power Snack - 2 revives on Aarkus boss
7.1.4 - Aspect of War/Cage Rattler/Stun Vulnerability - 0 revives
7.1.5 - Unlimited Power/Mystic Ward/Mystic Curse/Buffet - 0 revives
7.1.6 - Destructive feedback/Impatience/Small Arms/Cosmic Wrath - 0 revives
Total - 3 revives, and a few health potions
After finishing this content, I feel... Hollow. Got some great rewards, but I never actually felt challenged by the content. Completing act 6 content always felt like I achieved something.
So if this is the new direction for content, what is a player like me supposed to wait for? I feel like I've been building my roster for content that is now never going to come.
7.1.1 - Oscillate/Invade/Kinetic Instigator - 1 revive used (could have been easily avoided, just wanted to dive into content)
7.1.2 - Vivified/Power Suppression/Power Alternator/Unblockable - 0 revives
7.1.3 - That's gonna Sting/Backfire/Power Alternator/Power Snack - 2 revives on Aarkus boss
7.1.4 - Aspect of War/Cage Rattler/Stun Vulnerability - 0 revives
7.1.5 - Unlimited Power/Mystic Ward/Mystic Curse/Buffet - 0 revives
7.1.6 - Destructive feedback/Impatience/Small Arms/Cosmic Wrath - 0 revives
Total - 3 revives, and a few health potions
After finishing this content, I feel... Hollow. Got some great rewards, but I never actually felt challenged by the content. Completing act 6 content always felt like I achieved something.
So if this is the new direction for content, what is a player like me supposed to wait for? I feel like I've been building my roster for content that is now never going to come.
I'd say just repeat Act 6 or Abyss over and over lol. Also, keep in mind Act 6 is scaled WAY above what the base of content is. It is not a benchmark for content because it's so bad and scaled so wrong. Act 6 should be Act 8.
To say Act 7 isn't hard though would not be accurate. It isn't hard for you. But I doubt that would be the consensus for most players.
Didn't even have to claim my act 6 comp yet. Guess I'm chunking that at V6
However if it was setup so that you could do both but only got the rewards once then we would probably do both, just the easier for the rewards. If you could only do one, but the rewards were scaled if you did the harder mode probably every one of us would do the harder one.
Evidence, variants.
What am I building my roster for?
Before, it was to be able to handle stuff like Act 6. Now?
- You can make an argument for AW, but that will forever be dominated by people willing to spend more than I am.
- Variant content suffers from the same problem as Act 7
- Summer of pain sounds great... but the frequency of the content will clearly be limited. If each season had an "of pain", or we are getting more "of legends" content, I think I could get on board with this style of act 7. Right now though I don't think this will be the case.
Difficult content needs to have a place in this game.
Also no that would cause even more problems, because the harder mode would have better rewards, and that would cause the exact same situation as now. The issue has always been about the people not ablle to do the content wanting the rewards for the harder content without doing harder content.
Hardest part of v4 was having a 1* hulk
V5 was pretty much a freebie if you had a good mystic roster
V1 and XL variants were the last difficult ones. If you've got thing you can just cheese them though