EoP Overseer - Thoughts?

Easily the worst fight in EoP so far. Unavoidable damage, no parrying, very few reliable options that fulfill both objectives (for TBs) and even more so for Paragons. I was lucky enough to have a 6* rank 4 angela lol but I know a lot of players struggled with the objectives.
EoP Overseer - Thoughts? 210 votes
What it has to do with abyss
Just taking out either encroaching stun or power alternator or passive heal block would make this fight appropriate IMO
There's absolutely no consistency with EOP fights from week to week. Last week was a breeze...this week I want to throw my phone across the room. It's not fun..
I've tried Angela, Stealthy, Sparky...none are good enough for taking away even half health in the first try. There's never a good enough rhythm you can get where you know AI will always throw their special or won't just sit back and hold block. Even then you need to watch your power levels so power won't switch just seconds before you actually need to throw a special so you don't get stunned. Angela is the best hope into ignoring auto evade. There are just too many factors going against you to make it enjoyable.
I'm not wasting my units on this garbage. Especially, when my units need to go so many other places right now in the game.
the comment has nothing to do with the warnings i have received when talked about overseer bug
For other 17 fights u used a team of 5/65 champs which is almost the same as most other players
Even then u didn't manage any solo even on those fights which are possible to be soloed using those 3 champs
Yes it displays some sort of skill but not more than all other players who have done Abyss using plenty of revives
Also, I wouldn't call that a team centred around Aegon since u used Aegon for just 3 fights out of 20 & that too only bcoz u didn't have any better option
The issue with EoP Overseer isn't that it requires a lot of skill but restricts what players can actually do in the fight. No parrying, no way to regen back the unavoidable retaliation damage, extremely passive AI makes baiting specials a real chore, etc.
Your shallow response doesn't really help anyone at all. It just makes you look like a pr*ck. No offense.
The fight is RNG based, therefore some YouTubers can kill him in 45 sec with full boosted CGR but you may need to find the exact sweet spot between the stun timers and his SP pattern.
Fight design is **** 💩 & on top of that special attack getting Auto block… smh
Anyways good luck you all !
And it's probably safe to assume that Kabam are gonna give him unblockable specials
I have faced him on such a node before & it wasn't fun
I found it easy to chip away 20-25% each time with Angela r5, and knowing that I was going to die no matter what made it one of the easiest for me as I didn’t have to try and get a good run and drop his health low before committing revives.
Although from what I see from other people I do find this as the most tedious fight if you want to solo with objectives.
Not with me, sry
(Many thanks to youtuber Swedeah L)
With Mastery set up, Rogue can overcome Stun debuff.
With 3 revives & 3 10k healing & many boost.
Damn it was hard! Pain in my a*** indeed 😄