I would like more clarity on actual performance tests and results the engineering team is doing to tackle controls issues.
The explanation of complex controls issues like the ones explained in this posts are great, but I’m looking for something much simpler because the issues some players are experiencing are much basic control issues like sensitivity, missing/delayed inputs, etc. Something similar to the data they were sharing with us when the new input was being developed e.g. parry and dash back response times using the robot (hopefully poor robot still alive and well, haven’t heard from him in ages;)
Why can’t developers and the engineering team keep sharing that? Is it because the investigation and optimization of the new input system stopped, or the robot method was just not successful as initially expected?
Also, I’m wondering if the engineering team can come up with a similar tool to investigate sensitivity issues. Sensitivity issues are not new and seems to happen often with new phone release, like the old post below. I think this is a bug oart of the current problem here…. Maybe some kind of systematic test and come up with the cousin (second gen) of the robot but maybe capable of doing more inputs like dash in/back with different “thumb” and different swipe lengths.
Good luck to the team in coming up with improvements to the input system but we need something really urgent we don’t need this to drag like it did last time
You know what? The major reason as to why people think the swipes are not recognized, is because the gamespeed of this games changes frequently. Take sp3 of aarkus for wxample. In real time it takes about 12 seconds Sometimes it takes less, and sometimes it takes more. You can actually see and feel how fast or slow it takes for his ice hand to come out, grab the enemy, and throw them to the wall.
It’s this difference in speed that catches you off-tempo, and where you would have succeeded previously in your accustomed speed, you fail to swipe at proper moments when the game lags
No I don’t think it’s the input control’s fault. It the change in the damn game speed thats causing all these troubles
Attacking Champion - Galan Defending Champion - Viv Vision Game mode - EQ TB difficulty Actions that occurred immediately prior to the potential bug - dexterity Device you are playing on - Samsung galaxy s20 Any other details you can include about the specific encounter - when i try to dex while blocking, champ just stand still and do nothing. I experienced it in every gamemode against every champion. Couldn't attach video (format not allowed)
Attacking Champion - Galan Defending Champion - Viv Vision Game mode - EQ TB difficulty Actions that occurred immediately prior to the potential bug - dexterity Device you are playing on - Samsung galaxy s20 Any other details you can include about the specific encounter - when i try to dex while blocking, champ just stand still and do nothing. I experienced it in every gamemode against every champion. Couldn't attach video (format not allowed)
You have to upload videos to YouTube then post that link.
Attacking Champion - Galan Defending Champion - Viv Vision Game mode - EQ TB difficulty Actions that occurred immediately prior to the potential bug - dexterity Device you are playing on - Samsung galaxy s20 Any other details you can include about the specific encounter - when i try to dex while blocking, champ just stand still and do nothing. I experienced it in every gamemode against every champion. Couldn't attach video (format not allowed)
I can make this kind of videos everyday in every game mode. That's not a new problem, it was actual since beta started. That's the reason why i didn't used that option. EQ exploration is a real pain now and i don't think that something good will happen in battlegrounds.
So you finally admit that there is a problem with the input issues.. I suggest you give us back the weekly compensation.. only until you fix these bugs
So, since we re in this all Transparency and Communication mood at the moment, I would like to ask:
What. About. The. AI.
It's the exact same thing as you read here. There have been absolutely no changes to the AI, but what people often call "AI Changes" are the same issues that are described here, timing issues. The opponent reacting too quickly or acting out of the norm is not at AI change, but issues like the ones described here can come across that way as well. That's why we need those issues reported with the same level of detail as we mentioned here for delayed or missed inputs.
So, since we re in this all Transparency and Communication mood at the moment, I would like to ask:
What. About. The. AI.
It's the exact same thing as you read here. There have been absolutely no changes to the AI, but what people often call "AI Changes" are the same issues that are described here, timing issues. The opponent reacting too quickly or acting out of the norm is not at AI change, but issues like the ones described here can come across that way as well. That's why we need those issues reported with the same level of detail as we mentioned here for delayed or missed inputs.
How you guys want to classify input issues, AI changes etc isnt really important. We tell you what we are seeing and you take that info and figure out why it's happening. You're the experts. Most of us don't know how to program a mobile game.
To us, when the AI starts waiting out timers, which it never did before, acting passively and all that jazz, TO US it looks like the AI has changed.
When our inputs are misread or ignored TO US it looks like input issues. You guys are the experts.
Right, and this is why we're telling you how to identify them so that you're able to articulate the problems that you encountered. What Looks like Input Issues to you are not generic input issues, and we can't address them as such. Without proper identification and bug reports, we can't address them because we don't know what they are. Our goal here was to equip our Community with the information they need so that when they are taking the time to report bugs, they can do so in a way that actually helps get them addressed.
So, since we re in this all Transparency and Communication mood at the moment, I would like to ask:
What. About. The. AI.
It's the exact same thing as you read here. There have been absolutely no changes to the AI, but what people often call "AI Changes" are the same issues that are described here, timing issues. The opponent reacting too quickly or acting out of the norm is not at AI change, but issues like the ones described here can come across that way as well. That's why we need those issues reported with the same level of detail as we mentioned here for delayed or missed inputs.
How you guys want to classify input issues, AI changes etc isnt really important. We tell you what we are seeing and you take that info and figure out why it's happening. You're the experts. Most of us don't know how to program a mobile game.
To us, when the AI starts waiting out timers, which it never did before, acting passively and all that jazz, TO US it looks like the AI has changed.
When our inputs are misread or ignored TO US it looks like input issues. You guys are the experts.
I've been troubleshooting in the IT field for over thirty years. The one thing I keep telling people over and over and over again is: tell me what you see, not what you think happened. It is important for the devs to have as much detailed information as possible about precisely what happened, not what the player thinks happened, because as everyone keeps pointing out, the players are not mobile gaming experts. So their interpretation of what happened is probably wrong, and also probably omitting critical details the player doesn't think are relevant.
So it is perfectly appropriate for the devs to state what specific details are important to them, and how best for the players to report them. Because I've had more people tell me "I can't print" than I can count, and the range of problems that has actually encompassed is so larger it might as well just be "something's wrong." A significant fraction of the time, the problem has nothing to do with printing itself. I don't expect users to know this, but I also can't help them if they can't give me more useful information.
How much more info is needed though? Hundreds of players are sending pictures, videos and descriptions of what they encounter, are they not enough to identify the problems, categorizing them, and start fixing them at last?
So, since we re in this all Transparency and Communication mood at the moment, I would like to ask:
What. About. The. AI.
It's the exact same thing as you read here. There have been absolutely no changes to the AI, but what people often call "AI Changes" are the same issues that are described here, timing issues. The opponent reacting too quickly or acting out of the norm is not at AI change, but issues like the ones described here can come across that way as well. That's why we need those issues reported with the same level of detail as we mentioned here for delayed or missed inputs.
How you guys want to classify input issues, AI changes etc isnt really important. We tell you what we are seeing and you take that info and figure out why it's happening. You're the experts. Most of us don't know how to program a mobile game.
To us, when the AI starts waiting out timers, which it never did before, acting passively and all that jazz, TO US it looks like the AI has changed.
When our inputs are misread or ignored TO US it looks like input issues. You guys are the experts.
Right, and this is why we're telling you how to identify them so that you're able to articulate the problems that you encountered. What Looks like Input Issues to you are not generic input issues, and we can't address them as such. Without proper identification and bug reports, we can't address them because we don't know what they are. Our goal here was to equip our Community with the information they need so that when they are taking the time to report bugs, they can do so in a way that actually helps get them addressed.
With a post like this it’s nice to see acknowledgement of the issue(s), finally, so thank you for that. But one thing the original post never addressed is, why?
Why at this point and time are there so many little issues when there wasn’t before? And what changed to cause these issues? Why does the game feel as broken at times as when the input refractor issues first occurred?
One thing that is clear is that this multitude of issues isn’t due to the player base. So why is the expectation that we recklessly risk our resources and for some of us our cash to play the game in this state? Or maybe don’t play while you sort it, but is that really good for either party?
Maybe it helps to put it other terms, if you are out at a bar and spill my drink, it’d be the right thing to go and buy a new drink at your expense. Asking for more detailed reports only addresses part of the issue the community has with this.
Simply put the drinks are being spilled, do the right thing please.
So you remove the only option that maked game at least playable for players like me, because you need more bugs reports and now i must use revives and potions to clear eq? In battlegrounds champ just stands still and gets hits. How i must progress in game now? I must leave ally, because there will be many deaths in aw?
So, since we re in this all Transparency and Communication mood at the moment, I would like to ask:
What. About. The. AI.
It's the exact same thing as you read here. There have been absolutely no changes to the AI, but what people often call "AI Changes" are the same issues that are described here, timing issues. The opponent reacting too quickly or acting out of the norm is not at AI change, but issues like the ones described here can come across that way as well. That's why we need those issues reported with the same level of detail as we mentioned here for delayed or missed inputs.
How you guys want to classify input issues, AI changes etc isnt really important. We tell you what we are seeing and you take that info and figure out why it's happening. You're the experts. Most of us don't know how to program a mobile game.
To us, when the AI starts waiting out timers, which it never did before, acting passively and all that jazz, TO US it looks like the AI has changed.
When our inputs are misread or ignored TO US it looks like input issues. You guys are the experts.
Right, and this is why we're telling you how to identify them so that you're able to articulate the problems that you encountered. What Looks like Input Issues to you are not generic input issues, and we can't address them as such. Without proper identification and bug reports, we can't address them because we don't know what they are. Our goal here was to equip our Community with the information they need so that when they are taking the time to report bugs, they can do so in a way that actually helps get them addressed.
With a post like this it’s nice to see acknowledgement of the issue(s), finally, so thank you for that. But one thing the original post never addressed is, why?
Why at this point and time are there so many little issues when there wasn’t before? And what changed to cause these issues? Why does the game feel as broken at times as when the input refractor issues first occurred?
One thing that is clear is that this multitude of issues isn’t due to the player base. So why is the expectation that we recklessly risk our resources and for some of us our cash to play the game in this state? Or maybe don’t play while you sort it, but is that really good for either party?
Maybe it helps to put it other terms, if you are out at a bar and spill my drink, it’d be the right thing to go and buy a new drink at your expense. Asking for more detailed reports only addresses part of the issue the community has with this.
Simply put the drinks are being spilled, do the right thing please.
The reason this wasn't covered in this post is because it's been covered in many other posts in the past about the Input system refactor. When changing the input system, we were aware that there would be one off issues like these, and told everybody in advance. In the beginning we were getting those reports, but after about a month, it just turned into "Input issues are back", and we stopped getting reports that were helping identify and fix issues.
So, since we re in this all Transparency and Communication mood at the moment, I would like to ask:
What. About. The. AI.
It's the exact same thing as you read here. There have been absolutely no changes to the AI, but what people often call "AI Changes" are the same issues that are described here, timing issues. The opponent reacting too quickly or acting out of the norm is not at AI change, but issues like the ones described here can come across that way as well. That's why we need those issues reported with the same level of detail as we mentioned here for delayed or missed inputs.
How you guys want to classify input issues, AI changes etc isnt really important. We tell you what we are seeing and you take that info and figure out why it's happening. You're the experts. Most of us don't know how to program a mobile game.
To us, when the AI starts waiting out timers, which it never did before, acting passively and all that jazz, TO US it looks like the AI has changed.
When our inputs are misread or ignored TO US it looks like input issues. You guys are the experts.
Right, and this is why we're telling you how to identify them so that you're able to articulate the problems that you encountered. What Looks like Input Issues to you are not generic input issues, and we can't address them as such. Without proper identification and bug reports, we can't address them because we don't know what they are. Our goal here was to equip our Community with the information they need so that when they are taking the time to report bugs, they can do so in a way that actually helps get them addressed.
With a post like this it’s nice to see acknowledgement of the issue(s), finally, so thank you for that. But one thing the original post never addressed is, why?
Why at this point and time are there so many little issues when there wasn’t before? And what changed to cause these issues? Why does the game feel as broken at times as when the input refractor issues first occurred?
One thing that is clear is that this multitude of issues isn’t due to the player base. So why is the expectation that we recklessly risk our resources and for some of us our cash to play the game in this state? Or maybe don’t play while you sort it, but is that really good for either party?
Maybe it helps to put it other terms, if you are out at a bar and spill my drink, it’d be the right thing to go and buy a new drink at your expense. Asking for more detailed reports only addresses part of the issue the community has with this.
Simply put the drinks are being spilled, do the right thing please.
The reason this wasn't covered in this post is because it's been covered in many other posts in the past about the Input system refactor. When changing the input system, we were aware that there would be one off issues like these, and told everybody in advance. In the beginning we were getting those reports, but after about a month, it just turned into "Input issues are back", and we stopped getting reports that were helping identify and fix issues.
So if this has been a known issue from the start why did compensation for consumables stop? Sorry just the actions and the story aren’t really matching up, it’s an honest question for clarity
Today in AQ, Invisible Woman boss against Apocalypse threw a sp1 intercept in the middle of my MLLL combo chain. I’m using and iPhone13 Pro… but that’s also an interaction I’ve only heard about recently… so again why is this happening now if the input refractor was updated a year ago?
You know what? The major reason as to why people think the swipes are not recognized, is because the gamespeed of this games changes frequently. Take sp3 of aarkus for wxample. In real time it takes about 12 seconds Sometimes it takes less, and sometimes it takes more. You can actually see and feel how fast or slow it takes for his ice hand to come out, grab the enemy, and throw them to the wall.
It’s this difference in speed that catches you off-tempo, and where you would have succeeded previously in your accustomed speed, you fail to swipe at proper moments when the game lags
No I don’t think it’s the input control’s fault. It the change in the damn game speed thats causing all these troubles
I like this idea. I can recall times where the opponent dashes in at lightning speed, almost too fast to react. It's weird
I have had this issue with the game randomly changing speeds from fight to fight or even within a fight for a long time, predating the input system changes. The worst is perhaps when it starts to move extremely fast but all the variations cause problems because I can't adjust my reflexes and timing as quickly or as often as I would need to.
So you stop getting info that you need and instead of making something interesting for players, you just threw us into the control issues hell? Why not make some rewards for "bug hunters"? For example, you get helpful info about bug (with descriptions you need and video with recording taps and swipes) and give player for that titles or profile pic or tokens that can be exchanged for some gold or iso maybe? Why you want to get required info from players suffering?
The explanation of complex controls issues like the ones explained in this posts are great, but I’m looking for something much simpler because the issues some players are experiencing are much basic control issues like sensitivity, missing/delayed inputs, etc. Something similar to the data they were sharing with us when the new input was being developed e.g. parry and dash back response times using the robot (hopefully poor robot still alive and well, haven’t heard from him in ages;)
Why can’t developers and the engineering team keep sharing that? Is it because the investigation and optimization of the new input system stopped, or the robot method was just not successful as initially expected?
Also, I’m wondering if the engineering team can come up with a similar tool to investigate sensitivity issues. Sensitivity issues are not new and seems to happen often with new phone release, like the old post below.
I think this is a bug oart of the current problem here…. Maybe some kind of systematic test and come up with the cousin (second gen) of the robot but maybe capable of doing more inputs like dash in/back with different “thumb” and different swipe lengths.
Good luck to the team in coming up with improvements to the input system but we need something really urgent we don’t need this to drag like it did last time
The major reason as to why people think the swipes are not recognized, is because the gamespeed of this games changes frequently.
Take sp3 of aarkus for wxample. In real time it takes about 12 seconds
Sometimes it takes less, and sometimes it takes more. You can actually see and feel how fast or slow it takes for his ice hand to come out, grab the enemy, and throw them to the wall.
It’s this difference in speed that catches you off-tempo, and where you would have succeeded previously in your accustomed speed, you fail to swipe at proper moments when the game lags
No I don’t think it’s the input control’s fault.
It the change in the damn game speed thats causing all these troubles
Defending Champion - Viv Vision
Game mode - EQ TB difficulty
Actions that occurred immediately prior to the potential bug - dexterity
Device you are playing on - Samsung galaxy s20
Any other details you can include about the specific encounter - when i try to dex while blocking, champ just stand still and do nothing. I experienced it in every gamemode against every champion. Couldn't attach video (format not allowed)
I can make this kind of videos everyday in every game mode. That's not a new problem, it was actual since beta started. That's the reason why i didn't used that option. EQ exploration is a real pain now and i don't think that something good will happen in battlegrounds.
I suggest you give us back the weekly compensation.. only until you fix these bugs
So it is perfectly appropriate for the devs to state what specific details are important to them, and how best for the players to report them. Because I've had more people tell me "I can't print" than I can count, and the range of problems that has actually encompassed is so larger it might as well just be "something's wrong." A significant fraction of the time, the problem has nothing to do with printing itself. I don't expect users to know this, but I also can't help them if they can't give me more useful information.
Why at this point and time are there so many little issues when there wasn’t before? And what changed to cause these issues? Why does the game feel as broken at times as when the input refractor issues first occurred?
One thing that is clear is that this multitude of issues isn’t due to the player base. So why is the expectation that we recklessly risk our resources and for some of us our cash to play the game in this state? Or maybe don’t play while you sort it, but is that really good for either party?
Maybe it helps to put it other terms, if you are out at a bar and spill my drink, it’d be the right thing to go and buy a new drink at your expense. Asking for more detailed reports only addresses part of the issue the community has with this.
Simply put the drinks are being spilled, do the right thing please.
17 revives only in 2.2 eq tb difficulty, what can i do for you to get this fixed? It's ruining every game mode