Timegate = No participation from me

Timegates for rewards and entries to side quests personally unmotivates me into doing it all together. If you don’t want us to receive rewards quickly just go back to the boring weekly quests. Kabam, please consider allowing players to grind events at their own pace and not yours.
Also this is like the boring side quests .
Yes being able to do week's worth of sq asap would've been great.
Yes it was alright back in 2017, when people could claim there is nothing else to do if they speed run SQ in first days, but now with so much content and so much going on, no one can claim that.
I’ve completed all permanent content, and still always there is a ton of things to do.
I’d like Kabam to allow me use my time on the content I can focus on each day, not setting me outdated time gates in order to mess my schedule and annoy me.
This ain’t fun and the game is supposed to be, or at least try to 🙂