SOS Toad AI is the single worst thing in the game

MØNK3YMØNK3Y Member Posts: 14
Whoever was lead designer of this fight, respectfully, you need to be fired and have any degree in software revoked. You are terrible at your job.


  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 5,900 ★★★★★
    Theres threads about this that u can contribute to instead of creating another
  • mattavelimattaveli Member Posts: 78
    It’s BS. It could be a fun fight but when using Hulkling it’s the worst fight I have ever taken. Most of the fight is just me baiting the SP1. It’s painful. I hope more ppl post about it. The more threads the better.
  • Will3808Will3808 Member Posts: 3,740 ★★★★★
    The nodes on this fight aren’t bad. It’s the AI. If toad would throw a special attack, it would be a very simple fight. The sp1 isn’t bad rooted and then you have to remember there are reverse controls and occasionally intercept. Now saying that, this fight sucks cause the AI is so bad. It’s not skilled based cause the AI won’t throw special attacks, so you’re stuck baiting for the vast majority of the fight.
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