Does anyone else remember....

SbkruebSbkrueb Member Posts: 602 ★★★★
When kabam said they would simplify SQ??

They made it simple one month and now this month is the most confusing piece of content they have ever put out.

Do you want to do 73 different types of bounty missions?
All with special keys and access items?
How bout we add a bunch of objectives that are either solo or alliance based?

Ooohh.... and then let's bugged the rewards.

Oooohhh oooohhh.... and we will add a bunch of chests for rewards but we won't tell you what's in them, it's a surprise !!!

And then you ask "so I just fight a bounty champ and then it's done and my goal is to beat them all and explore the map right?"

No Way!!!

You can rerun paths and get the chests again but you still don't know what's in them unless you make your own spreadsheet. You know, with all the free time you have.

This is not fun and it breeds a constant feeling of missing out on rewards because no one knows what the rewards are.

I love this game.
I love my alliance.
I even love a ton of things kabam is doing lately.

This bounty **** is a HUGE fail. Isn't fun. And makes me resent this game.

Add that to the realm events being a catastrophic failure that make players feel angered, hopeless, and failing, and this all just sucks.

I get an anxiety attack just launching the game this month. What a waste.


  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,721 ★★★★★
    Agreed I think this bounty hunting is too long for one month, it should split across a few months instead
  • Friendly001Friendly001 Member Posts: 880 ★★★★
    I believe SQ and EQ are being worked on in 2025.
  • jdschwjdschw Member Posts: 555 ★★★
    I do agree with the point about the chests. I wish I knew what the rewards for each bounty path were. Even if the rewards were laid out on the path rather than in chests, we often don't get the chance to look at the map when we have to pick the bounty.

    Another thing I'm unclear about: if we pick more bounty targets instead of rerunning the same one, does that mean we'll have more eligible fights to score more points for the alliance events? Or do we automatically get points for fights with any bounty target, regardless of whether we've picked them or not?
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,877 ★★★★★
    edited October 2024
    Please for God sake kabam, stop giving us gazillion titles and profile pics, No one gives a damn about it.

    One or two each month is fine. Idc if you don't give us real rewards, but for god's sake no unwanted profile pics or titles. Reserve them for special events like pride month, women's day or valentine's day.
  • FurrymoosenFurrymoosen Member Posts: 5,502 ★★★★★
    edited October 2024
    I just want to be able to do it all on day 1 if I feel like it. The over-the-top time gating of entries and rewards has gotten extremely old.
    I understand why they started to do it. Players would blitz SQ and then complain about having nothing to do for the rest of the month. But those complaints were happening before we had BG, and they're doing far more content now than back then when the game was super dry outside of a couple months a year.
    It is time to end this once a week, twice a week and every other day nonsense. There is now too much going on in the game to spread everything out as much as it is. Let the blitzers blitz.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,877 ★★★★★

    I just want to be able to do it all on day 1 if I feel like it. The over-the-top time gating of entries and rewards has gotten extremely old.
    I understand why they started to do it. Players would blitz SQ and then complain about having nothing to do for the rest of the month. But those complaints were happening before we had BG, and they're doing far more content now than back then when the game was super dry outside of a couple months a year.
    It is time to end this once a week, twice a week and every other day nonsense. There is now too much going on in the game now to spread everything out as much as it is. Let the blitzers blitz.

    Yeah first they made us do each week sq in two iterations, and now it's 3! For god's sake please stop. Doing SQ nowadays feels as complex as doing calculus.
  • OurobørosOurobøros Member Posts: 2,108 ★★★★★
    The the Side quest is the one with entry cost, the other ones are not the same thing. Bounty Hunt is Ally based, if you want to do SQ, do the one with the entries
  • abelarmiabelarmi Member Posts: 101
    Pepperidge farms remembers...
  • LilMaddogHTLilMaddogHT Member Posts: 1,211 ★★★★

    Please for God sake kabam, stop giving us gazillion titles and profile pics, No one gives a damn about it.

    One or two each month is fine. Idc if you don't give us real rewards, but for god's sake no unwanted profile pics or titles. Reserve them for special events like pride month, women's day or valentine's day.

    I'm just patiently waiting for the Title & Profile Cleansing Realm Event 🤓
  • DiscoNnectKingDiscoNnectKing Member Posts: 529 ★★★
    100% agree
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,721 ★★★★★

    Please for God sake kabam, stop giving us gazillion titles and profile pics, No one gives a damn about it.

    One or two each month is fine. Idc if you don't give us real rewards, but for god's sake no unwanted profile pics or titles. Reserve them for special events like pride month, women's day or valentine's day.

    Yes please Kabam, we need meaningful stuff such as ISO, Catalysts, awakening materials, and crystals as well.
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,346 ★★★★★

    Players would blitz SQ and then complain about having nothing to do for the rest of the month. But those complaints were happening before we had BG.

    We got a couple occasional troller, but that too came only during BG off season.
    And to top it off, now even they can't troll as players can do BG during off season lol.
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