5* Groot.

Not going to lie, pulling a champ like Groot from a 5* crystal that you've spent weeks saving up for is quite disappointing. Only my 4th 5* in my 8 months of playing and really am not seeing the "future of the game" with these champs. They take so long to earn, but don't seem to have any use when I can can get more useful 4* champs (despite lower PI).
I know this is just a rant thread and don't expect anything in the game to change. That being said, any way to salvage a pull like this (synergies, usefulness in specific quests, war defense nodes, etc), or is this just one more champ to sit on the shelf while I earn more shards for the next?
I know this is just a rant thread and don't expect anything in the game to change. That being said, any way to salvage a pull like this (synergies, usefulness in specific quests, war defense nodes, etc), or is this just one more champ to sit on the shelf while I earn more shards for the next?
Post edited by Kabam Vydious on
Without T4CC, 5* (even with the few strong champs) are really not that useful. The max PI is below 3k at rank 2 (which required five T1A).
My first 5* was Iron-Man. I took him to rank 2 during the time period when rank down tickets was made available. Less than a week, I unrank him back to level 1. Now, I am thinking those resources could be plowed back too for 4* or even 3* or 2* champs.
You could be earning T4CC on regular basis (I can't tell). If so, then Groot is for Arenas.
This is a game for the long haul. Joining an active alliance or a higher tier will help to get T4BC faster. I used to have to wait for 6 months to get 1, not any more, but it's still not like getting one every other week.
That isn't the problem. What sucks is when you grind for hours, week after week, to get the shards for a rare crystal, you expect to get something that will actually be worth the time and effort. I'm not expecting to get boss-killers with every 5* crystal, but it's not unreasonable to expect a prize that actually can be effective and help with game content.
If their only use is more arena fodder, then why are they even in the game?
But behold they still suck and we still won't use them anywhere. Maybe that means they'll be fixed/buffed/altered. Or maybe(most likely) that means they force them out as 6* now hoping we will just give in and use these boring and unsatisfactory champs. I hope the latter is not the case but there are just too many champs that are just missing something in the game.
I want to believe that there should never be a point where a champion is so heavily undervalued that getting them would invoke anger, frustration, disappointment, and/or regret.
There are a lot of champions in the middle, but no one's gong to downright hate it when they get a Drax or a Rogue for instance. Because even though they aren't the best at what they do, people can AT LEAST find a good use for them, be it for questing, AQ or AW offense.
But when you have a champion where the only probable use for them is AW defense, that's a problem. More specifically, those tanky champs like HB and Groot. High health, armour and resistance is not very useful in the face of harder content because you are going to get whacked dead in 1 or 2 combos regardless of those stats.
Players would much rather have champions who can excel in dealing lots of damage either directly or indirectly (through abilities) to end the tough fight quicker. This is why champions like SL, Gwenpool, SW, and Thor are so highly favoured: They can deal a lot of damage.
Don't even get me started on the explicitly specific champions who are so generic that they just don't excel in anything in particular, looking at you Spider Gwen.
This is what I expect the baseline for a 5* champ should be. Middle of the road AT A MINIMUM. Useful, decent synergies, have a couple of spots in Act 5 or RTTL where they could shine.
Agreed. We all prefer the high-end champs. Those are the ones that drive our desire to get more 5* champs.
If this was a racing game, you start with Hondas and Toyotas. Upgrade them while you try to unlock Audi and BMW. Build those up to ultimately unlock a Mclaren. Once you have your Audi, you don't work through the harder content to unlock another Toyota with some upgrades...
If you saved that long why wouldn't you save until October or November when the champs are much better?
Set it up so there are only about 30 champs at 1 and 2*. Least powerful champs (Toyotas, Subarus, & Honda). I'd put most of the Skill class here.
Have a completely different 20 or so champs with significantly better stats for your 3* rosters. (Camaro, Mustang, M3, etc). Champs like the Mutant and Tech class.
Then a 3rd tier of champs for 4* (Porsche, GT-R, Mercedes AMG, etc). Thor, Hulk, Captain, Wolvie (the strong champs that everyone knows and loves...most of the game content would be here)
5* and 6* champs would then be the likes of the elite champs (Lambo, Ferrari, Mclaren, etc). Phoenix, Dorm,
Each level being able to have significantly more upgrade-ability (using ISO to specifically boost individual attributes like attack, crit rate, armor, etc).
This would also solve the Hawkeye vs Hulk "balance" issue that Kabam loves to throw around.
The point is that unlocking a higher tier champ then opens up more game content.
what do i use him for... ?
WAR, HU! What is it good for?
Absolutely nothing!
I feel your pain.my first 5* was Groot as well. I consider him next to useless. My 2nd pull last week was OML which I felt was a little bit better. But not much. I'd rather IP or sg anyway. I'm hoping.my next will be skylord or vision or Ultron. Or iceman.
Arena, like all other 5 stars
Really... like really groot... What benefit does he bring to a player?
bleed immune, regen, stun immune pretty much (he's my least favorite champ in the game, i hate groot)
Fair points but seriously so many better options for all of these abilities. He is last in line for most of these. Defending groot as a serviceable champ is just wrong.
Btw remove stun immune because he is still 100% stunnable with typical mastery set ups.
Personal view. I don't mind Groot. He's pretty good defensively, Cruelty comes in handy. Does good Damage with I Am Groot. L3 has decent Bleed and Damage. The Crystals drops what it drops. All we can do is make best use of what falls. Otherwise it's a game with the same Champs floating around and that's not amusing at all. We all get rolls we don't like. I just keep moving. It's not personal. It's RNG. Lol.
Like i said, he's my least favorite and he sucks, i just listed the benefits. He shrugs stuns off much faster, like rogue so you gotta list it otherwise the list is just too short haha
There is a saying that goes something like, In the valley of the blind, the one eye is King; so Groot has its place depending on whereabouts the Summoner is at.
So, if a Summoner had reached a level where Groot is mediocre, it does not mean Groot is bad for others.
Won't waste a single resource on either, or the KK 4* from earlier in the week and I am far from an endgame player.