Character Wishlist Thread 3.0



  • ReinaReina Member Posts: 280
    SummonerB2 wrote: »
    Basically all symbiotes

    No... More... SPIDERVERSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Turns super saiyan.
    Look at how many
    X-men characters there are
  • The_Prankster16The_Prankster16 Member Posts: 84
    Romyjart wrote: »
    You should add superman.5766160-actioncomics976-gary-frank.jpg

    He’s DC this is a Marvel game

    You do know he was joking, right?
  • Dan99Dan99 Member Posts: 132
  • rihoriho Member Posts: 14
    Jean Grey, or Rachel Summers
    Emma Frost
    Mr. Sinister
  • Cosmos_2002Cosmos_2002 Member Posts: 137
    edited November 2017
    Marvel Contest of Champions

    Silver Surfer
    Class: Cosmic

    Passive: Power Cosmic

    When Silver Surfer has more power than his opponent : + 60% Special Damage

    When Silver Surfer has less power than his opponent : Passively steal 5% of the opponent's max power every second as long as they are in PROXIMITY (Like blade's power gain and Mephisto's Aura)

    Special attacks

    If Silver Surfer has more power than his opponent at the time of activation, power lock the opponent for upto 9 seconds based on THEIR power.

    If Silver Surfer has less power than his opponent at the time of activation, steal 50% of the power consumed by the special .

    Signature Ability

    Passive: Cosmic Armour

    Gain upto 50% energy and critical damage resistance based on lost health

    Cosmic Fury : Gain upto +400% attack rating based on how much more power you have than your opponent.( higher the difference between yours and your opponent's power, higher the bonus)

    Low attack rating
    High crit damage
    Medium crit rate
    High base armour

  • RiaculaipiakdRiaculaipiakd Member Posts: 2
    ****!!!! I been saving my 4* crystal just to open a better or a new champs but it keeps me getting an old 4* champs!!! What is ur basis on getting a new 4* crystal!???? I saw somebody open an new feature crystal but i get frustrated evrytime i open a 4* crystal even a 5* crystal!!!! **** you!!!! You keep frustrting me!!!! Now tell me if u have favoritsm ir somebody whos spending money to get nice champs!!!! I need ur response as soon as posible or i just leave this **** game
  • Dan99Dan99 Member Posts: 132
  • nickpatchez27nickpatchez27 Member Posts: 7
    GLADIATOR HULK FROM THOR RAGNAROK! There are currently 4 hulks (Hulk, Red Hulk, Joe Fixit, and She-Hulk) and the original Hulk is my least favorite of them all. It’s disappointing because i really love the Hulk. If you can add a Thor Ragnarok and Hela character to MCOC and not add the new Hulk, i believe the game is missing out on an amazing opportunity since he looks amazing with the armor, helmet, and hammer. The current Hulk looks bland and boring. His class would be Science but i would be fine if it was changed to a Skill class. PLEASE ADD GLADIATOR HULK TO THE GAME PLEASE!
  • 23russia23russia Member Posts: 1
    Не многим известный персонаж, но очень крутой , я осень хотел себе "Guyver" гайвер. Прям с детства персонаж))
  • Riggs_97Riggs_97 Member Posts: 111
    How about Heimdall? I reckon he'd be a good addition to the game tbh
  • LordBaldyBaldLordBaldyBald Member Posts: 265
    3 things:

    1) Can we update Carnage to make him a bit better?

    2) Can Iron Fist be updated to be able to switch between his 3 auras? (Red grants fury, Blue grants block proficiency, Green grants lifesteal for 30% of damage dealt. Switched by holding block for .7 seconds)

    3) Can we put Anti Venom in the game?

    Anti-Venom (Cosmic or Skill)

    Stats somewhere between Carnage’s and Venom’s.

    Signature ability: The Purge. Any buff nullified grants Anti-Venom an 8 second fury buff increasing attack by 50%.

    Passive: 40% to bleed with basics for 8 seconds. Crits activate deep wounds on a bleeding target.

    Permanent fury buff increasing attack by 150% granted when facing symbiotes.

    Heavy attack (extends fingers through target): ability: Purifies target by nullifying a buff.

    Special 1, Tendril Flare: Ground wave of tendrils burst from the ground similar to Juggernaut’s special 1 or Hela’s heavy attack. 80% chance to cause an 8 second bleed.

    Special 2, Symbiote Frenzy: Venom’s special 2. 60% chance to cause an 8 second bleed per hit.

    Special 3, The Solution: Anti-Venom slashes the opponent ferociously then disappears (much like Venom), then pops up behind the opponent about twice as large as before, claws stretched and extended, enveloping the player in a sinewy white death grasp. Then the screen blacks out and cuts to Anti-Venom shouting up to the camera in the typical symbiote fashion. 100% chance to place a permanent stack of bleed on the opponent. Nullifies all buffs on the opponent and fate seals them for 20 seconds.


    Seething Hatred/Family Affairs: (Venom, Agent Venom, Carnage, Spiderman (Symbiote)): Fury buffs 20% more effective.

    Enemy of my Enemy: (Spiderman, SpiderGwen, Spiderman (Homecoming), Spiderman (Miles Morales)): +20% crit rate.

    Heroes Hatred: (Iron Man, Captain Marvel, Ghost Rider, Luke Cage): +20% ability accuracy.

    Heinous Intent: (Electro, Punisher 2099, Juggernaut, Hybrid [put him in the game lol]): + 3 second debuff duration.
  • LordBaldyBaldLordBaldyBald Member Posts: 265
    edited November 2017
    Or set it up so his nullify actually purifies and permanently removes a buff for the remainder of the fight. That was my other idea but i didn’t want him to be unbalanced because of the bleed he could do too. That way you could shorten all bleed durations for Anti-Venom and put the symbiote synergy to increase bleed duration (since they all cause it) by 4 seconds or something instead of the fury (which you could take from his signature ability to balance it more)
  • MkdemariaMkdemaria Member Posts: 119
    Quicksilver & Silver Surfer.
  • nickpatchez27nickpatchez27 Member Posts: 7
    Oh dang Quicksilver... im down for that
  • Dan99Dan99 Member Posts: 132
  • TurbulentUrFaceTurbulentUrFace Member Posts: 311
    I think Quicksilver, Sandman, all 4 of the Fantastic 4, and Doctor Doom would all make great additions.
  • Bryon_502Bryon_502 Member Posts: 133
    With addition of green goblin can we get Silver Surfer.
    Why no Fantastic 4
    And with each new monthly event can we get a new Stage to fight on.
  • Dan99Dan99 Member Posts: 132
  • Xcrøss_TRXcrøss_TR Member Posts: 142
    @Dan99 I think he is a little bit too op
  • ZzyzxGuyZzyzxGuy Member Posts: 1,292 ★★★
    Hopefully, the duo of Korg and Miek will be added to the game.

    But, not as individual champs. Kabam could have them fight as a team; kind of like what Mortal Kombat X did with Ferra/Torr.

    I think it could work well, and they could even be added to the hurting classes of science and cosmic (although they are probably skill).

    It would be a shame for Kabam to pass up this opportunity like they did with Gladiator Hulk.
  • The_Prankster16The_Prankster16 Member Posts: 84
    Fantastic 4
    Doctor Doom
    Silver Surfer
    Jessica Jones
    Squirrel Girl
    Hope Summers
    Proffesor X
    Red Skull
    Spiderman 2099
    Spider Woman
    Superior Spider Man
    Anti Venom
    Emma Frost
    Kitty Pryde
    Ghost Rider (Robbie Reyes)
    Amadeus Cho
    Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell)
    Wonder Man
    Captain Britain
    White Tiger
  • Dan99Dan99 Member Posts: 132
  • KenesAllDayKenesAllDay Member Posts: 4
    So, what's the prefered format for suggestion? Should I just start listing names in no real order, or should it be a very organized list? Or would a thurough detailed analysis including specials, signatures, ans synergies be prefered?
  • Bajan_SamuraiBajan_Samurai Member Posts: 109
    Dan99 wrote: »

    You are onto something here with the Absorbing Man, but for balance and diversity of the abilities, it would be smart to make him the inverse of Rogue a bit. Since he's traditionally known to adapt inanimate properties and inorganic materials, he should be able to adapt properties of any champ that holds a weapon, is armored or is robotic instead of biological abilities.

    This would include (but not be limited to) the various Stark armors (except Superior Ironman because of Symbiotic organics), the Caps' shields, the Thors' hammers and shield, the various swords and MK/Gambit's staffs. To keep borrowed abilities manageable, he would take the general attack or defensive effect associated with being like the material (bleed, fatigue, armor break, stun, energy absorption, armor up), copy health steal and stagger if contacting a mystic weapon, and have a base increase in physical and energy resistance when any copy happens separate from armor up chances. He would become bleed immune whenever he adapts the properties of weapons and armors.

    For champs that are not armored but have a weapon, contact seems to only be 'realistic' when the opponent is blocking or if receiving a hit by the opponent. Gamora's sword and OML's claws, for example, are never out unless using a special, unlike Nightcrawler or Guillotine who has theirs drawn so it is part of a block. Several other champs send solid projectiles but otherwise are organic and unarmed during melee (Punisher, Hawkeye, Agent Venom, Red Hulk). As such, his signature ability would involve awakening a chance to activate the buff of specials received by various champs that make weapon contact with him (ranging from a 25-85% chance from sig 1-200 for a 5 & 6 stars, and 20-70% chances from sig 1-99 on 2-4 stars; -12% chances if contact is while he is blocking). Additionally, he recovers 10.5-60% (based on sig) over 3 secs from specials that involve a physical weapon only if hit (for someone like DD this would only happen during Sp3 since that is the only time he hits with his signature billy clubs). Although this is probably possible in the comics, have him unable to copy Colossus's organic metal, but get stagger from Unstoppable Colossus despite him not having that Juggernaut like debuff. Champs that throw pure energy or only use unarmed combat (Electro, Rogue, Cyclops, Black Widow) would bypass this ability.

    The resistances that come with adapting to inorganic contact would make him very Ant-Man-like (glancing effect) in defensive play combined with some Ultron-like (energy absorption) mini repair.
  • Bajan_SamuraiBajan_Samurai Member Posts: 109
    Hey guys. Just had a thought. Not sure if it's been suggested or not. Cloak And Dagger would make great additions. Perfect for a Monthly Event. :)p9r68cncnal1.png

    I completely agree. I like to only suggest new champs that bring new mechanics to the game. Here, Dagger would be doing all the melee fighting while Cloak is floating behind. Low tax on processing for animation because Cloak can be treated (mostly) like a bigger version of existing champions' capes. Dagger would have a ballerina-like fighting style and Cloak would be floating like DS without a need to animate arms and legs because of how the cloak drapes (reducing lag with less involved animation+buffs like Dormammu). He'd be only involved in Sp2 and Sp3 (the latter as a cut scene animation shrouding everything in darkness, draining HP before the opponent gets blasted out by dagger barrages). Alternatively, Dagger could be the only one moving while Cloak is a stationary overlay on the stage, casting a few shadow zones on parts of the battlefield. If an opponent is pushed into a shadow area, they start to degenerate as life is leeched by Cloak's cape.


    They'd make interesting synergies to get a reference to the Dark X-Men by association with the existing Iron Patriot, but it would be great to introduce Namor and the White Queen Emma Frost to play up more Dark-X-Men cross-synergies. Spider-Man would be another natural 'friends' synergy for them, but I'd add Wolverine (original) and Punisher (Castle) as alternates in that same 'friends' synergy screen. Despite the mystical connections their powers seem to be connected to, and the mutants-or-not back and forth over the years, they would belong in the Science Class referenciing the drug experimentation that triggered their abilities.


    Another water based addition (who would also have a number of other elemental abilities) would be Crystal. What she would add is a game mechanism that has not been exploited much in the game yet: Zone related buffs and debuffs (hinted at by Cloak's cape being part of the battle stage). Crystal would use a different effect based on Earth, Air, Fire or Water depending on where she is located. These can either be by dividing the battlefield into four segments (switching between them depending on how far back she is or how far forward) or into two (giving 1 attack as Air and defensive ability as Earth when back in her half, and 1 attack as Fire and defensive ability as Water when in the opponents half)
    • Earth would be good for well timed blocks to cause armor break
    • Air would be good for attacks to cause weakness as breathable oxygen is reduced on organic opponents, or oxidation on non-organic ones (increasing damage on top of armor breaks)
    • Water would be good for removing buffs and lowering ability accuracy due to equilibrium distortion
    • Fire would make chances at incineration from basic attacks (melee) and 100% chance to make or stack incineration from special attacks
    • If it is one buff per field-quadrant it would be well timed blocks causing a debuff on the opponent related to the element, while follow up attacks can prolong the effect, even when pushed into another zone, and special attacks would stack them
      • e.g. Earth in the 1st/back most quadrant: parry-like timing causes armor break, allowing melee hits to cause more damage while each hit extends the 1 armor break timer even if pushed into the 2nd/Air quadrant
      • then adding a Sp1 in that location stacks a second armor break, increasing the % of damage follow up melee causes;
      • alternatively, Sp2 would cause 3 armor breaks in the back quadrant instead of 2, or 2 armor breaks and the affect of another quadrant if pushed there (2 armor breaks, and 1 weakness/ability cancellation/incineration)
      • It would also be possible to time a block well and trigger another effect while the first is still active and keep both extended with successful melee and both stacked with successful specials, giving potential for 6 active debuffs simultaneously


    What has always struck me as missing from Wolverine is his berserker rage (like Hulk has rage but no mechanism for healing). Similarly to being back in her 1st quadrant, and also similar to how Rhino can trigger fury with a combo if pushing an opponent back against their wall, OG Wolverine would do well to have an ability added like this but inverted. If his back goes against the wall, he temporarily triggers 'rage' (like a cornered animal). While under rage he would gain attack % hit power from one fury buff for X seconds and resist 1 instance of stun. Any parry or stun debuff placed on him would remove the fury instead, similarly to how Iceman's ice armor shatters and prevents a stun, or King Groot's fury cancels preventing a stun. This would align with Kabam's need to improve some of the older champs to be more in line with the improved abilities and mechanics of newer champs. As only one fury buff that wears off and also activates only in a vulnerable spot like backed against a wall, it is a good buff to make as a general improvement without just being some unique synergy active on him when a new champ has him in a special synergy spot.

    ADDITIONAL ZONE RELATED ABILITIES: KLAW (release around the Black Panther movie launch)

    So, as we mention Zone placement dependent abilities like Rhino cornering opponents with a combo to activate fury, the recommended addition to Wolverine to activate fury if cornered, or an entirely new champ like Crystal with different elemental buffs and debuffs depending on where on the stage she is located, the thing they all have in common is fixed placement. A creative design for Klaw could involve a non-static debuff. Give Klaw (Tech class) a relatively low damage Sp1 (or even that appears to do no damage) as an all directional wave of sound (avoidable by dexterity) that affects the surrounding stage. It would have the added lingering ability to cause echo vibration damage if the opponent dashes back too far from Klaw or is pushed back a certain distance by Klaw's melee.

    This would force champs facing Klaw to have to stay on the offensive or parry well to avoid being knocked over and damaged, since regular blocking can knock champs back. It would also give potential problems for auto-dodgers who tend to back up in their evasion motion. This causes problems for DD who would auto dodge a follow up Sp1 that counts as a projectile, the Spiders (Classic, Morales and Stark-Enhanced or Gwen and Cosmic after Sp1 dodge activation), Nightcrawler, Vulture or even Quake if she is evading due to built up tremors (and proposed champs that would be projectile dodgers: Wasp and Wasp; science based Janet and tech based Hope). It can be cancelled by a counter-wave that triggers if a successful heavy attack hits Klaw, but otherwise it lingers for 5 seconds.

    Due to vibranium present on Black Panther, Black Panther CW, Captain America, Captain America WWII, Civil Warrior, Ultron and Vision AOU (and a proposed addition like Misty Knight) they cancel out the echo effect automatically. Falcon also prevents it if his Red Wing scan is active, but Vision (original), Jocasta (proposed addition) and Ultron Prime do not have vibranium (Prime is adamantium based) so it affects them. If knocked over by the Echo zone effect, Klaw's opponent will have reduced defensive ability accuracy for several seconds. As a being composed of sound, residing in a shell, Klaw would have 50% reduced damage from environmental attacks such as tremors, limbo, cold-snap, radiation, electrical feedback, incineration and (maybe) degeneration, and is bleed immune. His sonar would also work like DD's radar sense to not be susceptible to The Hood's invisibility.
  • Bajan_SamuraiBajan_Samurai Member Posts: 109

    What has always struck me as missing from Wolverine is his berserker rage (like Hulk has rage but no mechanism for healing). Similarly to being back in her 1st quadrant, and also similar to how Rhino can trigger fury with a combo if pushing an opponent back against their wall, OG Wolverine would do well to have an ability added like this but inverted. If his back goes against the wall, he temporarily triggers 'rage' (like a cornered animal). While under rage he would gain attack % hit power from one fury buff for X seconds and resist 1 instance of stun. Any parry or stun debuff placed on him would remove the fury instead, similarly to how Iceman's ice armor shatters and prevents a stun, or King Groot's fury cancels preventing a stun. This would align with Kabam's need to improve some of the older champs to be more in line with the improved abilities and mechanics of newer champs. As only one fury buff that wears off and also activates only in a vulnerable spot like backed against a wall, it is a good buff to make as a general improvement without just being some unique synergy active on him when a new champ has him in a special synergy spot...

    As I mentioned Hulk before, adding the Leader would be a good way to beef up Gamma related champions. About Hulk's absent healing, although he is very much improved with the added rage event at low health and chances at stun, it would be interesting to add another ability to all the Gamma family: Gamma Regeneration. Hulk, She-Hulk, Red Hulk and Abomination (maybe also Rhino on a technicality) could benefit from a healing mechanism that I thought of, and which Kabam has since introduced a related version of in Blade, and different to Joe Fixit's. I figured, it would be interesting if Gamma champions would be able to heal, but in a way that does not make them too overpowered. This way would be by reaching Sp3 levels, but not using the Sp3. Keeping the power bar full for 5 seconds would trigger a healing over time effect that consumes one third of the power bar to restore up to 11% of max health (if full sig) by the time the bar is reduced to Sp2 level over 6 seconds. This would make She-Hulk and Red Hulk a lot more interesting to use as more than arena fodder. For Hulk this could add another dynamics, where as he takes damage and gets stronger, regenerating in this way keeps all of the gained strength in his fury buffs. This means his standard hit power would still max out but then reduce proportional to how much he has healed back but his hit power could spike up very high when a fury is triggered.

    A bit like SL he would be an option for building attack power over time, but unlike SL it would not be with every hit. The plus is that he does not have to maintain a combo, but the minuses are that he passes on Sp3s to heal, probably best to avoid using up Sp1s and 2s to get back to Sp3 faster, doesn't hit as hard every hit, has to risk some damage to gain hit power then heal back, and is less effective during lowered ability accuracy times that reduce the number of furies or heal block times that prevent building things up. There would also be a limit from having to use up time (at least 11 seconds each time) on top of building power up as a 3 minute timer runs down, and prevention on power-draining-over-time nodes. The plus though, is that he would be able to have a fair claim to the title of Strongest One There Is. Since this is probably too much to ask for to make basic for all Gamma champs, and the jury is out on items that would allow this to be catered to them (add a gamma hashtag to their attributes section) it could be a title that is obtainable in an event that summoners must switch to to activate this ability, or it could be an added champ that has Hulk, Red Hulk, Abomination and She-Hulk in a special unique signature spot. The LEADER would be the most fitting champ to have a connection to these four (and not necessarily to Rhino). Since others do not have a mechanism for gaining hit power, the Unique Synergies section could be split up in the following way:
    1. The Leader+Hulk/She-Hulk - Leader (heals Gamma champs 11% max health over 6 secs after Sp3 is held stored for 5 secs - does not stack with duplicate synergies); Hulk (builds fury damage as health is lost, even after gamma healing reduces base attack damage); She-Hulk (builds Special Attack 1 and 2 damage by 3% for every 10% of max health is lost, even after gamma healing)
    2. The Leader+Abomination/Red-Hulk - Permanently builds energy damage +2% anytime 10% health lost
      • Abomination would intensify potential radiation damage as he takes damage, but could heal if Hulk or She-Hulk are also present with Leader's other synergy, keeping increased radiation output while regaining some health
      • Red Hulk would intensify the incineration damage from his Sp2 as he takes damage, likewise keeping the increased damage output if the healing synergy is active
      • The Leader would have a psychic based attack that would benefit from adding 2% damage output for each 10% lost.
    3. Rhino, as a different type of Gamma character, would still benefit from Sp3 consumption healing activated by the Leader+Hulk or Leader+She-Hulk synergy that extends to any carrying the Gamma tag, but since he is not in the unique synergies list he does not increase damage output and has no energy related attacks
    4. Leader+Joe Fixit - Leader starts with two additional Gamma charges* and Joe Fixit permanently adds up to 10 of each card suit with every successful heavy attack (this sets up Joe Fixit as a potential beast, since every heavy can add healing (hearts), base attack (spades), toughness (diamonds) or critical damage (clubs). If Hulk or She-Hulk are also present, he has the potential to consume Sp3 for additional healing, but does not need it if the Hearts suit is stacked.
    5. *Gamma Charges would be passive buffs on the Leader that he can place as non-damaging debuffs on opponents with a heavy. They can continuously stack but it takes a combo of 10 for the Leader to gain another. His psychic blasts during Sp1 converts each Gamma Charge to additional energy damage, Sp2 also converts Gamma Charges to energy damage, but they also transfer up to 2 additional ones present on the Leader that were not placed on the opponent during a heavy. Sp3, like Sp2 counts both sources of charges, but also adds damage if the opponent has other buffs active at the time.
  • Bajan_SamuraiBajan_Samurai Member Posts: 109

    What has always struck me as missing from Wolverine is his berserker rage (like Hulk has rage but no mechanism for healing). Similarly to being back in her 1st quadrant, and also similar to how Rhino can trigger fury with a combo if pushing an opponent back against their wall, OG Wolverine would do well to have an ability added like this but inverted. If his back goes against the wall, he temporarily triggers 'rage' (like a cornered animal). While under rage he would gain attack % hit power from one fury buff for X seconds and resist 1 instance of stun. Any parry or stun debuff placed on him would remove the fury instead, similarly to how Iceman's ice armor shatters and prevents a stun, or King Groot's fury cancels preventing a stun. This would align with Kabam's need to improve some of the older champs to be more in line with the improved abilities and mechanics of newer champs. As only one fury buff that wears off and also activates only in a vulnerable spot like backed against a wall, it is a good buff to make as a general improvement without just being some unique synergy active on him when a new champ has him in a special synergy spot...

    To address Hulk's absent healing, adding the Leader would be a good way to beef up all Gamma related champions. Hulk is very much improved with the added rage event at low health and chances at stun, but adding a Gamma Regeneration mechanism that I'd been thinking of to Hulk, She-Hulk, Red Hulk and Abomination (maybe also Rhino on a technicality) different to Joe Fixit. Kabam has since introduced a related version of in Blade. Introduce it in a way that does not make them too overpowered by them reaching Sp3 levels, but not using the Sp3. Keeping the power bar full for 5 seconds would trigger a healing over time effect that consumes one third of the power bar to restore up to 11% of max health (if full sig) by the time the bar is reduced to Sp2 level over 6 seconds. This would make She-Hulk and Red Hulk a lot more interesting to use as more than arena fodder. For Hulk this could add another dynamic, whereas he takes damage and gets stronger, regenerating in this way keeps all of the gained strength in his fury buffs. This means his standard hit power would reduce proportional to how much he has healed back but his fury related hit power would still climb with any new health loss.

    Like SL, Hulk would be an option for building attack power, but unlike SL it would not be with every hit. The plus is that he does not have to maintain a combo, but the minuses are that he passes on Sp3s to heal, probably best to avoid using up Sp1s and 2s to get back to Sp3 faster, doesn't hit as hard every hit, has to risk KO taking damage to gain significant hit power before healing, and is less effective during lowered ability accuracy times that reduce the number of furies or heal block times that prevent building things up. There would also be a limit from having to use up time (at least 11 seconds each time) on top of building power up as a 3 minute timer runs down, and prevention on power-draining-over-time nodes. The plus though, is that he would be able to have a fair claim to the title of Strongest One There Is.

    Since this is probably too much to make basic for all Gamma champs, and the jury is out on items that would allow this to be catered to them (add a gamma hashtag to their attributes section) the LEADER would be the most fitting champ to have a connection to these four (and not necessarily to Rhino). Since others do not have a mechanism for gaining hit power, the Unique Synergies section could be split up in the following way:
    1. The Leader+Hulk/She-Hulk - Leader (heals Gamma champs 11% max health over 6 secs after Sp3 is held stored for 5 secs - does not stack with duplicate synergies); Hulk (builds fury damage as health is lost, even after gamma healing reduces base attack damage); She-Hulk (builds Special Attack 1 and 2 damage by 3% for every 10% of max health is lost, even after gamma healing)
    2. The Leader+Abomination/Red-Hulk - Permanently builds energy damage +2% anytime 10% health lost
      • Abomination would intensify potential radiation damage as he takes damage, but could heal if Hulk or She-Hulk are also present with Leader's other synergy, keeping increased radiation output while regaining some health
      • Red Hulk would intensify the incineration damage from his Sp2 as he takes damage, likewise keeping the increased damage output if the healing synergy is active
      • The Leader would have a psychic based attack that would benefit from adding 2% damage output for each 10% lost.
    3. Rhino, as a different type of Gamma character, would still benefit from Sp3 consumption healing activated by the Leader+Hulk or Leader+She-Hulk synergy that extends to any carrying the Gamma tag, but since he is not in the unique synergies list he does not increase damage output and has no energy related attacks
    4. Leader+Joe Fixit - Leader starts with two additional Gamma charges* and Joe Fixit permanently adds up to 10 of each card suit with every successful heavy attack (this sets up Joe Fixit as a potential beast, since every heavy can add healing (hearts), base attack (spades), toughness (diamonds) or critical damage (clubs). If Hulk or She-Hulk are also present, he has the potential to consume Sp3 for additional healing, but does not need it if the Hearts suit is stacked.
    5. *Gamma Charges would be passive buffs on the Leader that he can place as non-damaging debuffs on opponents with a heavy. They can continuously stack but it takes a combo of 10 for the Leader to gain another. His psychic blasts during Sp1 converts each Gamma Charge to additional energy damage, Sp2 also converts Gamma Charges to energy damage, but they also transfer up to 2 additional ones present on the Leader that were not placed on the opponent during a heavy. Sp3, like Sp2 counts both sources of charges, but also adds damage if the opponent has other buffs active at the time.


    The presence of Namor in the game could bring in a water based buff dynamic that does not yet exist in the game. Like Hyperion, his Sp3 can be field changing, as he knocks opponents to a part of the battle realm that has a sea, dives in to punch them out of the water back into the original battle environment. The dip in water could strengthen his offensive and defensive stats temporarily, and using his trident weapon in Sp1 can send a wave of water from behind him to knock back opponents (like Magneto's Sp2) removing debuffs on himself, raising the offensive and defensive stats again, and causing one 100% chance to prevent a future incinerate debuff. The water would also temporarily short out shock related abilities of Electro and Nebula, giving temporary contact immunity to those effects (hitting Electro or hitting Nebula's well-timed block) but not to their electrical projectiles, or the lightning of Storm/Thor/etc.

    Good synergies would include the Dark X-Men one from Cloak & Dagger [external]
    An 'Enemy' (or Grudging Allies) synergy with Hyperion [external]
    A 'Royalty', 'Regents' or 'Rival Nations'* synergy with Black Panther (classic) and Black Bolt (*something hinting at their tense alliances after falling out with the Illuminati, and his flooding of Wakanda while in the Phoenix Five) [internal]
    A Cabal synergy with Iron Patriot, the Hood and the White Queen (if she can be added) [internal]
    An 'Order' synergy with Hulk and Dr. Strange would be suitable [internal]
    A 'Thing for Blondes' synergy with White Queen [external] or 'It's Complicated' in Emma's synergy list with Namor and Cyclops NXS as the triangle (which would be fitting that both versions of Cyclops end up in an 'It's Complicated' synergy list: Phoenix's (Cyclops BT and Wolverine) and White Queen (Cyclops NXS and Namor)
  • AngelLordAngelLord Member Posts: 62

    Combination Mutant / Mystic or even Tech / Mystic or do the first 3 way Mutant / Mystic / Tech Similar to how Karnak is Skill / Cosmic

    Immune to Poison (Her Tech and mystic shields prevents it from working)
    Immune to Bleed (same reasons, she has mild regenerative powers)

    Heavy: Instead of performing a Heavy attack: Spiral stands still while a her many arms form a whirlwind of blades around her. This creates a mystical and physical shield that reflects any attacks back on it's initiator. She does not move while this attack is going off, but timing this attack well could reflect someone elses special damage (sp1 or sp2) back at them, and could also reflect normal physical attacks back as well.

    SP1: Mystic Bolts fly from her many arms at the opponent: this would be 6 attacks all mystical (similar to War machines sp1 but mystical). After this attack she triggers her teleport abilities and gains the equivilant of "Bamf" for 2 seconds.

    SP2: While weaving a spell with her upper and lower hands she attacks with swords in her primary hands striking with the blades before the spell finally goes off (could be done similar to Psylocke's SP2). Added effect of "Unstoppable" while doing this attack showing her overrun with her many limbs.

    SP3: You can have fun with this one: Her multiple arms allow her to cast multiple spells at once, so she could teleport behind the opponent, draw them into a prism (or even a web effect) and then slash at them with swords in all of her limbs while they are held like that. This would inflict bleed for X damage and X seconds (depending on awakened level).

    Awakened ability: The Body Shoppe, As proprietor of the Body Shop, Spiral can add new technologies to herself to combat any foe. At the beginning of combat she gains one Buff that is the antithesis of who she is fighting: Physical resistance if fighting a physically attacking foe, Energy resistance against an energy foe...this resistance lasts the duration of the fight.
  • Mexxy143Mexxy143 Member Posts: 1
    Hello Kabam, I just wanted to say something about"Old Man Logan" .. Please Upgrade him and give him something extra ordinary like Wolverine. I've been Playing this game since 4 and a Half month and collected 5* shards. When I opened my 5* Hero crystal I found "Old Man Logan" which is not as good as I thought. He's useless if He can't actually bleed other champs.. hope U Guys will upgrade his paws soon enough.. thanks
  • MarzGrooveMarzGroove Member Posts: 903 ★★★
    edited November 2017
    Jack of Hearts...

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