Modoks Lab quests

Swing and a partial miss. Not a fan of the RNG system put in place for mix and matching random champs with random buffs. The rewards are okay but would really like a little less luck involved with beating your game content thanks. I mean who’s bright idea was it to do a random buff system with rerollable buffs but then limit the amount of rerolls to just punish a player who gets stuck in a bad situation and forced to abandon the quest cause no items to power through and can’t reroll anymore. Seriously this is the type of thing that should be pitched to the community first and feedback taken before actually releasing it.
Always have 12+ re rolls remaining and I'm a new player.
IMO, people's biggest issue with it is that they aren't honest with themselves about their ability to clear it. If you get Iceman, Dormy, Spidy, Taskmaster, Ultron Prime and Hype and don't have the roster for it just back out. Using you're entire stash and all your units on the first champ is silly.
NO. What is silly is a design decision to have random buffs and other stuff basically making luck the thing that determines success. How can someone expect to take advantage of these quests if RNG gives them the big middle finger. Also this month more than ever before there is such a thing as being spread too thin for ones roster. People talk about using the best champs for any scenario but sometimes those champs are needed in things like AQ/AW or something and you don't have them available. Stop being an apologist and realize the design is flawed.