About balance update The Serpent

The Serpent deserves a nerf for defense, he is the most annoying defender in the game and has the least counter.
The regeneration should be of base health and not maximum health, the power gain is absurd at the end of life and reducing his damage a little by blocking his specials.
The regeneration should be of base health and not maximum health, the power gain is absurd at the end of life and reducing his damage a little by blocking his specials.
At least the regeneration should be of the base life and not of the maximum life.
He is the first champion that even with an invulnerability amplifier, taking his S3, he will already have another full S3
Undeniable: New ability
If the opponent bans Serpent in BGs, you automatically win the first match.
We think with this new ability, Serpent is a well-rounded and balanced and totally fair defender. Thanks for all your feedback!"
Do you ever have a post where you’re not just incessantly whining
Serpent stalls like 90% of the champs in the game even if they can play around his abilities well enough (Kushala, Chavez). Bullseye is annoying but fragile is what I like to say. Always have someone for him on my deck, but serpent not so much
Well, I wish they nerf him by releasing counters, a.k.a more neutralize/power control mystics.