Please FIX Daredevil glitch immediately [Fix in Progress]

YaBoiLoCoYaBoiLoCo Member Posts: 13
edited July 2017 in Bugs and Known Issues
One of my three accounts I play with is my son's old account..he has not used it in almost a year. I have taken it over spent money, and slowly making it a strong account.

It has great champs & has had some good luck with crystals.

I have a top 3 with synergy that I've worked hard to create consisting of Superior Iron Man, Ultron, & Dardevil .

The reason I say everything above is I'm happy and worked hard for this. So it's not fair what is happening to me.

Daredevils opening strike when dashing at someone is and uppercut . But when he throws this strike it's almost as if his arms are too short. Lol

I laugh and joke but it's not funny. When I'm in AQ and getting hit, loosing health that I should not be.

His dash forward strike needs to be changed IMMEDIATELY!!

His uppercut is NOT MAKING CONTACT!!

it will only land 1 out of 5 times.

I will Parry and strike..this works..

But if I hold block..wait for them to wind up for a block break..evade back...then dash in..he NEVER CONNECTS..

Every other single champ connects with their dash in intial strike..

This is the entire style of the game that is taught during the tutorial at the beginning of this game.

Please remove the is not connecting..make a round house kick like electro or something.


I've had to use health/revives that I SHOULD NOT HAVE HAD TO USE..and I will never get those back...the least that can be done is fix this IMMEDIATELY...the most that can be done is fix it, and gift those who have this problem with this I'm sure I'm not the only one.

Post edited by Kabam Wolf on


  • Shakal108Shakal108 Member Posts: 8
    totally agree that kills the game with DD
  • FrankenHammerFrankenHammer Member Posts: 127
    Which Daredevil is it?
  • Kabam WolfKabam Wolf Member Posts: 1,277 ★★★
    Hey there @YaBoiLoCo. The team is currently working on a fix for this, and it's looking like it should be ready by 14.1. That being said, I will make sure to keep you updated if anything changes. Thanks for hanging in there!
  • weavileweavile Member Posts: 288
    this bug happen last year, they said they are fixing, and I quit. After I came back the newest update said it's was fixed just now, that was 12.1 or something. Now we are facing 14.1 and look at DD
  • NikskiniNikskini Member Posts: 237
    There is an bug with DD he evades starlord L2 even after getting first hit. He takes punch but still evades bullet @Kabam Miike
  • FrankenHammerFrankenHammer Member Posts: 127
    Nikskini wrote: »
    There is an bug with DD he evades starlord L2 even after getting first hit. He takes punch but still evades bullet @Kabam Miike

    Daredevil evades all projectiles! Including Ironman s1/s2
  • FrankenHammerFrankenHammer Member Posts: 127
    How an energy beam qualifies as a projectile is beyond me. Lol
  • asgardtrollasgardtroll Member Posts: 9
    edited August 2017
    @Kabam Wolf The whiff bug unfortunately is still hapening. Most notably when fighting symbioids
  • YaBoiLoCoYaBoiLoCo Member Posts: 13
    @KabamWolf it's still happening...mostly with symbiotes...not cool..need to keep as much health possible during AQ..then this happens. :(
  • KestrelleKestrelle Member Posts: 441 ★★
    Does what the OP described count as sharing accounts
  • HaydyhoHaydyho Member Posts: 3
    Same thing happening to me, seems to happen a lot against characters that have the backflip kick heavy attack. Not as common as it use to be but always seem to happen at the worst possible time. Hardly use him anymore because of this.
  • RedWombatRedWombat Member Posts: 1
    I stopped using my DD for that reason- only on defense now :-(
  • mydnightmydnight Member Posts: 671 ★★★
    Iron Man and Hawkeye also used to have this problem with their little knee lift they do when they attack. Don't know why this has gone on as long as it has with dd. Maybe bc he is much more useful?
  • Dusky_DawnDusky_Dawn Member Posts: 60
    I find this bug to be most irritating. DD is fantastic, I love to use him so much, but he always whiffs...fix it kabam!
  • JohnnyB83JohnnyB83 Member Posts: 2
    I just ranked up my DD classic and I am having this same issue. When will this be fixed?
  • ThalionThalion Member Posts: 65
    JohnnyB83 wrote: »
    I just ranked up my DD classic and I am having this same issue. When will this be fixed?

    a lot of threads like this, this glitch is here forever
  • hooveralbertohooveralberto Member Posts: 15
    También tengo el mismo problema con DD netflix cuando se esquiva un golpe fuerte y se realiza el contra ataque este lo falla al no impactar el oponente generando la perdida de la batalla.
  • ThisguyThisguy Member Posts: 80
    I have it happen with wolverine as well. Go in for a dash attack after an opponents heavy and it wiffs. Usually leading to me taking a combo to the face. Thank God it's wolverine though, can usually regen it back..
    seems like they will NEVER fix this
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