X-Men Legend Run times



  • Dungy1983Dungy1983 Member Posts: 22
    Hoping so
  • DukeZmanDukeZman Member Posts: 698 ★★★
    Bruh, I'm so nervous. I'm doing mine tonight. First shot at every doing one. I've got all my boosters, masteries, potions, E refills, etc. I'll post my time after I finish. Hoping I can get inside the cutoff.
  • Dungy1983Dungy1983 Member Posts: 22
    Please post your time in this forum after your done
  • LosspikLosspik Member Posts: 253 ★★
    Im getting nervous 3:39 with a 5/65 AA & 4/55 Drax for sentinals
  • WoolyWooly Member Posts: 24
    Siliyo wrote: »
    @Wooly what was your team?
    I used mutant crit team
  • G-Hun-GearG-Hun-Gear Member Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
    edited March 2018
    According to this thread:

    In last month’s event 3:32 got it, 3:47 didn’t...

    So my wild guess is that anything around 3:30 will be a tough call, anything around 3:20 should be fine...
  • G-Hun-GearG-Hun-Gear Member Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
    As far as I see, it was quite competetive, though...

    3:24 placed 55th
    3:32 placed 96th...

    So I guess, the cut-off must have been around 3:33... Minus 20-25 minutes for this event (less paths on the last 2 maps), so the cut-off for x-men event might be around 3:10 - 3:15...
  • DukeZmanDukeZman Member Posts: 698 ★★★
    Dungy1983 wrote: »
    Please post your time in this forum after your done

    I didn't make it. First try went well, just not fast enough. Due to all the robots I made the last minute decision to run with my 4/55 Angela instead. Probably the wrong call; maybe just wrong month to try for my champs, but as I mentioned earlier I'd already bought all my energies when they were on sale so they had to be used so I went for it.
    But as soon as I went over 3:40 I called it quits and went to bed (I still had full explore of 3.2 left :-\ )
  • G-Hun-GearG-Hun-Gear Member Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
    Sorry to hear that... Best of luck next time, hopefully next month's event will be full of science-opponents!
  • DukeZmanDukeZman Member Posts: 698 ★★★
    edited March 2018
    Cihag wrote: »
    Sorry to hear that... Best of luck next time, hopefully next month's event will be full of science-opponents!

    But then it'll be all modok's and spidermen lol, plus the blade folks will be just that much easier time LOL
  • WesleySnipesWesleySnipes Member Posts: 2
  • T9951T9951 Member Posts: 103
    Cihag wrote: »
    As far as I see, it was quite competetive, though...

    3:24 placed 55th
    3:32 placed 96th...

    So I guess, the cut-off must have been around 3:33... Minus 20-25 minutes for this event (less paths on the last 2 maps), so the cut-off for x-men event might be around 3:10 - 3:15...

    Same amount of refills so will still be around 3:33ish
  • G-Hun-GearG-Hun-Gear Member Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
    T9951 wrote: »
    Cihag wrote: »
    As far as I see, it was quite competetive, though...

    3:24 placed 55th
    3:32 placed 96th...

    So I guess, the cut-off must have been around 3:33... Minus 20-25 minutes for this event (less paths on the last 2 maps), so the cut-off for x-men event might be around 3:10 - 3:15...

    Same amount of refills so will still be around 3:33ish
    Are you sure it‘s not more empty nodes and fewer fights?
  • SadPandaBearSadPandaBear Member Posts: 3
    My time was 3:18 is this enough?
  • WoolyWooly Member Posts: 24
    My time was 3:18 is this enough?

    I hope so
  • beyonder8421beyonder8421 Member Posts: 881 ★★★
    I had connection issues doing heroic, everything went downhill after that :p
    I will probably try again in 6 months.
  • ks101ab486ks101ab486 Member Posts: 51
    3:32 for my first run

    Used 5/65 AA, 4/55 Iceman, 4/55 Drax, Mag+Wolv for synergy - used 20% att/hp & 15% att boosts for 30 min then did 2 hours of the 30% att/hp & 20% att boosts the rest.

    Drax for tech or some sentinels. Iceman sometime for sentinels & Luke Cage - AA for all else.
  • Jaqen8Jaqen8 Member Posts: 8
    3:14 here.
  • goshgodgoshgod Member Posts: 17
    3:14 as well
  • SiliyoSiliyo Member Posts: 1,514 ★★★★★
    3:19 here
  • MattyloMattylo Member Posts: 234
    edited March 2018
    r5 5* blade
    Wolvie, GR, Sparky, Mags
    Suicides and boosted whole time
  • George007George007 Member Posts: 2
    Well done guys! That’s a good time. I’m going for the title in a couple of hours. I’m bringing 5/65 Hyperion with the guardians of galaxy crit team (that’s in case I can’t finish sabertooth in the first 10-20 seconds of the fight I can bring SL). After suicides and some boosts I should have an attack of around 5.5k. Hopefully, this with a few fury stacks and a sp2 will kill everything that’s moving. This is a great opportunity for those who want a legend title and don’t rely on a blade. I’ll post later the time, good luck to all of you.
  • MattScottMattScott Member Posts: 587 ★★
    This month was def shorter than last month. A lot of paths only had like 5-6 fights. My guess is too 5 times will be right under 3h, and cutoff will be 3:20ish.
  • G-Hun-GearG-Hun-Gear Member Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
    edited March 2018
    George007 wrote: »
    I’m bringing 5/65 Hyperion with the guardians of galaxy crit team (that’s in case I can’t finish sabertooth in the first 10-20 seconds of the fight I can bring SL).
    I didn’t know you could build a crit team around the guardians, I only know about the perfect block team (helps extend the parry stun in Labyrinth)... However, good luck with your run!
    MattScott wrote: »
    This month was def shorter than last month. A lot of paths only had like 5-6 fights. My guess is too 5 times will be right under 3h, and cutoff will be 3:20ish.
    Yeah, that’s my prediction as well... Mattylo should have a good shot at a top-position with his 3:01...

    One question though: I see a lot of users with the profile picture being “behind bars”... what does that mean?

  • Dungy1983Dungy1983 Member Posts: 22
    Unknown to me what the behind bars means maybe a temporary ban?
  • Rashawnljay2Rashawnljay2 Member Posts: 3
    I want blink she is a really good hero and she can teleport
  • Jojo2322Jojo2322 Member Posts: 5
    3:11 with 5/65 starky (did almost all fighting), blade, storm, GR, and 6* nebula. Full suicides and 30% attack/health boost + 10% or 20% attack depending on where I was in the quests. Not even convinced that will get it. Posts on Reddit are claiming a lot of 3:00-:05 times, and rumors of people doing it under 3. Hoping 3:11 makes the cutoff.
  • JC_JC_ Member Posts: 517 ★★★
    @Cihag @Dungy1983

    Temporary bars just mean they got a warning on forum and are in danger of having forum account banned. It doesn’t have anything to do with the game.

    Some people really like the bars. ( @Dropfaith @NastyEfnNate ) :smile:
  • RektorRektor Member Posts: 678 ★★★
    Jojo2322 wrote: »
    3:11 with 5/65 starky (did almost all fighting), blade, storm, GR, and 6* nebula. Full suicides and 30% attack/health boost + 10% or 20% attack depending on where I was in the quests. Not even convinced that will get it. Posts on Reddit are claiming a lot of 3:00-:05 times, and rumors of people doing it under 3. Hoping 3:11 makes the cutoff.

    Reddit users have a tendency of claiming times they’ve seen others get but didn’t actually do themselves, and it’s usually 10+ mins faster than any actual time. Like the mythical 45 min for the killmonger quest.

    There’s one confirmed time under 3 hours so far and he’s not a normal player. There might be others, maybe. But only one has publicly backed it up. 3:11 is definitely safe.
  • SatsuiNoHadouSatsuiNoHadou Member Posts: 753 ★★★
    Take it from me, a 5x legend. Timings of 3.5 hrs are still safe for this month. There’s always gonna be a spread. Just like how my timing of 1:00:34 got me 8th for MBJ challenge, while the 100th was like 1:07ish
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