Infinity Chaos Event Energy Requirements [Merged Threads]

It's starting to feel like Act 4.
70 energy isn't good enough to get a full lane done in 3.2 and there are 4 tiles separating champs in the outer edges each needing 3 energy. This is starting to become silly.
70 energy isn't good enough to get a full lane done in 3.2 and there are 4 tiles separating champs in the outer edges each needing 3 energy. This is starting to become silly.
Post edited by Kabam Lyra on
While the actual amount of energy to finish a Path in a certain Quest might change from Event Quest to Event Quest, the overall amount of Energy required to Master the entire Quest does not change too much. There will be a little bit of a discrepancy from month to month, with some requiring more energy, and some requiring less energy, but overall, it is not changing too much.
Devs don't seem to care (not the mods fault they just do what they're asked). It's obvious what's happening. I don't like the direction this game's taken at all the past year. We're being squeezed in every way possible.
@Kabam Miike I understand the overall amount is relatively the same, but this month's energy requirement for 3.2 is completely unbalanced in a quest with the most difficult boss. And to "balance" that out, 1.1 has the lowest energy requirement and the most face roll boss (only made easy by the node).
Dude this isn't that that hard..... Just maybe the first King Groot and the Gully in the end a bit. But if you beat the Collector and are uncollected then you should be able to get through Gully and not complain lmao.
@ItsTheBroski King Groot is easy. The bosses for 1.2-3.1 are manageable. Guilly is considerably more difficult. This event quest is great in the sense that is forces many of us to change our usual game play and try something else. I'll admit I had some difficulty with Guilly as my intercept game is not that strong, but I got it together (although I had to pop some revives for trial and error) for the initial completion. I am not thrilled about the 80-90 energy requirement for one run.
But thanks for the "git gud" response.
It's really not that much at all. You have to put into consideration that you have a full month to complete it. One not using units can easily 100% Uncollected and Master before the month is over. When I 100% everything I have a good 15 days left in the Event while doing 5x5 in AQ and active war and I'm like damn I should have went more chill. Like on paper it looks bad but it's not that bad at all being honest. I'm working on 100% Master as we speak. And it's only day 2-3 of the event. Realize that MCOC isn't meant to be an easy game for everyone. There's a reason why they made Act 5 so annoying and LOL such a pain the first time around as well. There are things way more important for Kabam to change like gold and bugs and maybe if they don't mind bumping up the rewards in AQ and AW Seasons. But not the energy cost, at least not in my opinion.