Character Wishlist Thread 3.0



  • The_Boss9The_Boss9 Member Posts: 1,390 ★★★
    Its so cool so many of the first ones on this list were actually added, Mephisto, Blade, Carnage etc..
  • xdarktigerxxdarktigerx Member Posts: 2
    white tiger(high evolutionary version)-skill
    white tiger(ava ayala)-skill
    captain marvel(mar-vell)-cosmic
    wolverine weapon x-mutant
    horseman death wolverine-mutant
    thor stormbreaker version-cosmic
    scarlet spider-science
    thanos(playable version)-cosmic
    emma frost-mutant
    shadowcat(kitty pryde)-mutant
    daimon hellstorm-mystic
    adam warlock-cosmic

  • xdarktigerxxdarktigerx Member Posts: 2
    red skull-skill
    dark phoenix-cosmic
    nick fury-skill
    iron monger-tech
    world breaker hulk-science
    fin fang foom-cosmic
    lady deathstrike-mutant
    Sebastian shaw-mutant
    beta ray bill-cosmic
    professor x-mutant
    lord tiger-science
    sir lyan-science
    high evolutionary-science
    lady death(cosmic entity)-mystic
    Lucifer the Morningstar-cosmic
    kid omega-mutant
    kid gladiator-cosmic
    iron spider-tech
    Jessica jones-science
    omega red-tech
    ultimate scarlet witch-mystic
    man- beast-science
    amatsu mikaboshi-mystic
    red she hulk-science
    wolverine x force-mutant
    world war 2 wolverine-mutant

  • KBMwarboundsKBMwarbounds Member Posts: 2
    Ad0ra_ wrote: »
    New forums, new Character Wishlist thread :) Just as a reminder, our rules:

    Character requests are still a very frequent topic of conversation within our community, and with good reason - there are a ton of amazing Marvel characters in their universe.

    The old Character wish list thread was ballooning a bit, and several characters requested in that thread have since been added to The Contest. We're starting up a new thread to house these discussions so that they can continue, but in a more up to date manner.

    A few FAQ's:

    1) Why haven't you added (X character) yet?!

    A: there are so many characters we want to add, but simply haven't gotten to yet. A character's lack of presence in the Contest currently does not necessarily mean that we've overlooked them or that we don't already have them on our radar. Our teams have a finite amount of time in order to produce content, and we'd love to bang characters out quicker - but still need to maintain realistic developer cadences.

    2) We need more female characters and more diversity.

    A: Our own team is quite diverse itself, and we agree that representation is an important concern!

    3) Why do you bother adding (X re-skinned character) when you've not even had a chance to add (x character not in The Contest)?

    A: While some people are not a fan of character re-skins, MANY of our players are. The Marvel universe is one with a lengthy lore, and almost every beloved character has gone through some sort of costume change or shift at some point in their super-powered careers. These differences offer a good opportunity to re-introduce players to content they may not have managed to obtain the first time around, and allowing new players to pick up a certain champion while still keeping things a bit fresh. Our goal is to have a healthy balance between release types.

    4) Can you confirm if a requested character is going to be released?

    A: The short answer is no. We have specific timelines regarding when we can announce content, and that means that we can't pop in to say 'hey, that person is coming!'. For those wanting to keep on top of our latest announcements or teases, following our Twitter and Facebook accounts are your best shot. We also have an Instagram account that you should follow. Here are our social channels for easy access:

    Facebook -
    Twitter -

    Instagram -

    So go forth, and suggest! We're not going to individually reply to the comments and suggestions that we see, but we are reading everything.

    This should go without saying, but please discuss the characters you'd like to see without insulting each other or trying to discredit someone's opinion. Friendly debate is welcome, but the emphasis here is 'friendly' ; )

    Can you guys add Nick fury ,red skull, or stan Lee like a special stan Lee event
  • cUbA_LiBrEcUbA_LiBrE Member Posts: 1,123 Guardian
    Dr. Doom


    Class: Mystik

    I have only one suggestion...

    Reduced ability reduction by 40% for all Champions with #Hero ;) There might be room for a synergie with Mr. Fantastic ;)
  • Alexxo376Alexxo376 Member Posts: 1
    I think, just for fun, bring in squrriel girl! Don’t make here the best champion in the game but make her good enough to where shes fun to play as?!
  • The1_NuclearOnionThe1_NuclearOnion Member Posts: 908 ★★★
    Abilities centered around actual playable speed increase for short duration and maybe larger parry and intercept windows.
    Also, could make stun immune champs stun-able for a short time.
    He could also pause DOT debuffs on himself to delay their effects (depending on how often he triggers the effect).
    He could also have a 6 - 9 hit combo possibility (maybe sig ability?).
  • R3al3voR3al3vo Member Posts: 4
    <3<3 John Allerdyce he a popoular xmen character and i think he is a good champion but the mcoc no have lot of female champion: sue storm very good female champion and I realy want she in my champion colection
  • YouconfusedYouconfused Member Posts: 274
    -blue marvel
    -(revamped Hyperion)
    All of the above should be immune to bullet and bleed caused by bullets or swords)
    Mystique( with a mirror buff ability)
    Seriously why haven’t mystique and sabertooth already been added ?
    Nova quasar beta ray bill silver surfer(Thanos imperative event quest. Gladiator would tie into this as well)
  • rookerooke Member Posts: 19
    1 quicksilver
    would have super speed power that slows opponent down for 5 seconds after each special attack
    2sm, Bucky and thor IW
    these characters would be nice to see
    also it would be nice if thanks and king were more available
  • rookerooke Member Posts: 19
    one more so technically, big hero six is marvel right so I think it would be awesome to have a baymax/hiro character
    sp 1 shoots his fist
    sp 2 flying atk
    sp 3 hero takes out baymax's nurse card and Amax wreaks havoc
    awakened ability
    "I cannot be deactivated until you are satisfied with my care"
    at 1 life baymax gains indestructible for 5 seconds
  • starblue027starblue027 Member Posts: 4
    edited June 2018
    Personajes que deben agregar:
    01. Baron Zemo (Nivel Habil o Cientifico)
    Traje como de Avengers EMH:
    2 Estrellas:
    Nemesis con Todos Los Capitan America y Bucky Barnes*
    3 Estrellas
    Rivales con Falcon, Winter Soldier y Hawkeye
    Socios con Trickshot* y La Encantadora*
    Thunderbolts con Taskmaster y Songbird*
    4 Estrellas
    Recuerdos de guerra con Capitan America 2GM, Red Skull* y Wolverine
    Inteligencia de Hydra con Red Skull*, Strucker* y Crossbones

    02. Bucky Barnes (Nivel Habil)
    Traje de Sidekick
    2 Estrellas:
    Brillante Pasado con Oscuro Futuro con Winter Soldier
    Amigos con Capitan America 2GM
    3 Estrellas
    Socios con Capitan America y Wolverine
    Justicia de Guerra con Nick Fury*
    Enemigos con Strucker*, Zemo* y Red Skull*
    4 Estrellas
    Estragos del Tiempo con Civil Warrior y Kang

    03. Bullseye (Nivel Habil)
    Traje como ocupa normalmente
    2 Estrellas
    Nemesis con Daredevil y Daredevil Netflix
    Pesadilla de Hell's Kitchen con Kingpin
    3 Estrellas
    Enemigos con Punisher
    Asesinos a Sueldo con Deadpool y Elektra
    Experto en Dardos o Usurpador de traje con Hawkeye
    4 Estrellas
    Rivales con Black Widow y Crossbones
    Thunderbolts con Taskmaster y Venom

    04. Wonder Man (Nivel Cientifico)
    Traje negro con rojo y ataque final convertido en materia purpura vida
    2 Estrellas
    Rivales con todos Los Iron Man y Vision
    3 Estrellas
    Socios con Miss Marvel (Carol Danvers)
    Romance con Scarlet Witch
    4 Estrellas
    Avengers con Hawkeye and Capitan America
    Creacion o Maldicion con Baron Zemo* y Modok

    05. Wasp (Nivel Cientifico)
    Traje parecido a Avengers EMH o en El film de Ant-Man 1
    2 Estrellas
    Romance con Ant-Man
    Familia con Yellow Jacket
    3 Estrellas
    Vengadores con Capitan America, Iron Man, Thor y Hawkeye
    Enemigos con Ghost* y Torbellino*
    4 Estrellas
    Socias con Miss Marvel y Mujer Invisible*

    06. Hawkeye Traje Purpura (Nivel Habil)
    2 Estrellas
    Socios con Iron Man
    Romance con Black Widow
    3 Estrellas
    Rivales con Capitan America
    Amigos con Ant-Man y Hulk
    Socios con Falcon y Black Panther
    Vengadores con Scarlet Witch y Quicksilver*
    4 Estrellas
    Enemigos con Taskmaster y Bullseye
    Identidad Secreta con Ronin

    07. Hawkeye Old Man Logan (Nivel Habil)
    2 Estrellas
    Hace Tiempo con Old Man Logan
    3 Estrellas
    Enemigos con Ghost Rider
    Nemesis con Red Skull*
    Esperanza de Justicia con Thor y Spider-Man
    4 Estrellas
    Recuerdo de Los Vengadores con Capitan America y Iron Man
    Terror en la Carretera con Venom

    08. Captain America Falcon (Nivel Habil)
    2 Estrellas
    El Manto De Capitanes con todos Los Capitan America
    3 Estrellas
    Enemigos con Baron Zemo* y Red Skull*
    Nemesis con Crossbones
    4 Estrellas
    Rivales con Mephisto
    Socios con Vision y Thor Jane Foster

    09. Quicksilver (Nivel Mutante)
    2 Estrellas
    Familia con Scarlet Witch
    3 Estrellas
    Rivales con Antorcha Humana*
    House Of M con Scarlet Witch, Magneto, Polaris
    Enemigos con Magneto

    10. Spider-Woman (Nivel Cientifico)
    Jessica Drew Traje como en New Avengers
    2 Estrellas
    Amigos con Capitan America y Miss Marvel
    Arañas Al Ataque con Spider-Man
    3 Estrellas
    Socios con Iron Man y Sentry
    Romance con Iron Fist
    4 Estrellas
    New Avengers con Luke Cage y Wolverine

    11. Jessica Jones (please) (Nivel Habil)
    2 Estrellas
    Romance con Luke Cage
    Nemesis con Purple Man
    3 Estrellas
    Investigador Privado con Howard El Pato
    Amigos con Miss Marvel y Spider-Man
    4 Estrellas
    Socios con Daredevil Netflix y Iron Fist
    Enemigos con Kingpin

    12. La Encantadora (Nivel Mistico)
    Traje de Avengers EMH
    2 Estrellas
    Es Complicado con Thor
    3 Estrellas
    Socios con Baron Zemo
    Inseparable con Verdugo
    Poder Mistico con Loki y Hela
    4 Estrellas
    Fortalecimiento Oscuro Con Surtur*

    13. Deadpool Jugable (Nivel Mutante)
    2 Estrellas
    Rivales con Wolverine y Old Man Logan
    Socios con Cable y Domino
    3 Estrellas
    Mision Especial con Deadpool X-Force
    Sueños Locos con Spider-Man
    Nemesis con Taskmaster
    Enemigos con Cable y Bullseye*
    Idolo con Capitan America
    No Molestar con Hulk y Black Panther
    Armados y Peligrosos con Moon Knight
    4 Estrellas
    Trato Asgardiano con Thor y Loki
    No Me Importa con Iron Man y Hawkeye
    4 de 5 Momentos con Coloso
    Thunderbolts con Punisher, Elektra, Ghost Rider y Agente Venom
    Weapon X con Mr. Siniestro, Dientes de Sable y X-23

    14. Wolverine (X-Force) (Nivel Mutante)
    2 Estrellas
    Socios con Deadpool (X-Force)
    Mi Nombre es Logan con Wolverine
    3 Estrellas
    Socios con Psylocke y Arcangel
    Socios con Fantomex
    Lider con Ciclope Traje Azul y Cable

    15. Taskmaster (Nivel Habil)
    2 Estrellas
    Enemigo De Los Vengadores con Capitan America, Ant-Man y Hawkeye
    Nemesis con Deadpool
    3 Estrellas
    Profesores Del Crimen con Crossbones
    Ideas de Hydra con Red Skull*
    Es Hora de Pelear con Spider-Man
    Rivales con Moon Knight
    4 Estrellas
    Thunderbolts con Bullseye, Venom y Songbird*

    16. Cable (Nivel Mutante)
    2 Estrellas
    Amigos o Rivales con Deadpool
    Familia con Todos Los Ciclope
    3 Estrellas
    Romance con Domino
    Experimentos con Fenix, Mr. Siniestro* y X-23
    Virus Tecnoorganico con Apocalipsis*
    Viajeros en El Tiempo con Bishop
    4 Estrellas
    Sancion X con Capitan America, Iron Man, Wolverine y Red Hulk
  • NevaFreezeNevaFreeze Member Posts: 3
    2.Ebony Maw(Cosmic)
    3.Silver Surfer(cosmic)
    4.The Ancient One(mystic)
    5.Molecule Man(Universal)(unplayable)
    6.Franklin Richard(Universal)(unplayable)
    7.Cull Obsidian(Cosmic)
    11.Red Skull(Skill)
    12.Iron Skull(Tech)
    13.Dr Doom(Tech)
    14.Profesor X(Mutant)
  • starblue027starblue027 Member Posts: 4
    Ya hice una lista de personajes, pero hare una Segunda lista de heroes y villanos que pueden agregar:
    01. Dr. Doom (Nivel Mistico)
    Traje que ocupa siempre
    2 Estrellas
    Nemesis con todos Los 4 Fantasticos
    3 Estrellas
    Enemigos con Iron Man, Thor y Black Panther
    Protector Del Pais con Capitan America
    No Molestar con Spider-Man y Deadpool
    Socios con Loki y Red Skull*
    Robo De Poder Cosmico con Silver Surfer
    4 Estrellas
    Rivales con Magneto y Thanos
    Familia con Kang

    02. Silver Surfer (Nivel Cosmico)
    2 Estrellas
    Nemesis con Galactus*
    Amigos con Los 4 Fantasticos
    3 Estrellas
    Vengadores con Capitan America, Iron Man, Thor y Hawkeye
    Defensores con Hulk, Namor* y Dr. Strange
    Robo De Poder Cosmico con Silver Surfer
    4 Estrellas
    Enemigos con Thanos

    03. Mysterio (Nivel Cosmico)
    2 Estrellas
    Nemesis con Spider-Man (Mejora De Stark)
    3 Estrellas
    Socios con El Buitre y Scorpion
    Enemigos con Spider-Man
    Socios con Dr. Octopus, Kraven y Electro
    4 Estrellas
    Ilusion Mistica con Dr. Strange y Mordo
    Rivales con Daredevil, Wolverine y Old Man Logan

    04. Okoye (Nivel Habil)
    2 Estrellas
    Protector De Wakanda con Black Panther y Black Panther (Civil War)
    3 Estrellas
    Rivales con Killmonger
    Enemigos con Proxima Midnight
    Socios Del Infinito con Scarlet Witch, Black Widow, Vision y Capitan America (Infinity War)

    05. Mr. Siniestro (Nivel Mutante)
    2 Estrellas
    Nemesis con Ciclope y Cable
    3 Estrellas
    Rivales con Deadpool
    Socios con Gambit y Mystique
    Enemigos con X-23

    06. Kitty Pryde (Nivel Mutante)
    2 Estrellas
    Amigos con Wolverine
    3 Estrellas
    Romance con Coloso
    Socios con Spider-Man
    Agenda Mutante con Storm, Bestia y Fenix
    4 Estrellas
    Viaje Espacial con Star-Lord

    07. Nick Fury (Nivel Habil)
    2 Estrellas
    Agentes De Shield con Hawkeye y Black Widow
    3 Estrellas
    Enemigos con Strucker*
    Socios con Capitan America y Iron Man
    4 Estrellas
    Credencial De Shield con Quake y Mockingbird*
    Mision Especial con Winter Soldier

    08. Red Skull (Nivel Habil)
    2 Estrellas
    Nemesis con todos Los Capitan America
    3 Estrellas
    Enemigos con Falcon y Winter Soldier
    Rivales con Bucky Barnes* y Wolverine
    Socios con Dr. Doom
    Amigos con Crossbones
    4 Estrellas
    Vas A Caer con Old Man Logan
    Familia con Sin

  • R3al3voR3al3vo Member Posts: 4
    :) Dear kabam maybe the next update can you add mysterio.?
  • IamVictorCreedIamVictorCreed Member Posts: 6
    Here are a number of characters I would like to see in the game:Gladiator Quasar Mystique Spiral Lady Deathstrike Nova The Submariner Beta Ray Bill Blackcat Exodus Sebastian Shaw Thunderstrike Wasp to name a few
  • Kinja7810Kinja7810 Member Posts: 5
    My Wishlist:
    I only want 1 champ!
    - Black Panther (2018)
  • NightSilver117NightSilver117 Member Posts: 1


    I for one love the idea of re-skins,
    It'd be cool instead of getting a new champ with a different skin, you could pay a certain amount of units for a new skin of that original champion.

    Also I'd love to see Quicksilver (Age of Ultron Edition),  Fantomex (Uncanny), and Apocolypse
  • Aleks112358Aleks112358 Member Posts: 51
  • Captain_XavengeCaptain_Xavenge Member Posts: 19
    I really would love more 80's/90's Xmen, (Emma Frost, Quicksilver, reskinned Storm) and more Spidey characters (Silk, Spider Woman.) BUT PLZ DO MORE XMEN I LOVE THEM AND I NEVER GET THEM
  • Captain_XavengeCaptain_Xavenge Member Posts: 19
    Yoo and Mystique she's so dope
  • Captain_XavengeCaptain_Xavenge Member Posts: 19

    I for one love the idea of re-skins,
    It'd be cool instead of getting a new champ with a different skin, you could pay a certain amount of units for a new skin of that original champion.

    Also I'd love to see Quicksilver (Age of Ultron Edition),  Fantomex (Uncanny), and Apocolypse

    ew age of ultron quicksilver is so lame do evan peters's quicksilver he's rad
  • Captain_XavengeCaptain_Xavenge Member Posts: 19
    also I feel like we need a new version of Scarlet Witch
  • This content has been removed.
  • SebastianTheToastSebastianTheToast Member Posts: 1
    All I want is Kaecilius (Mads Mikkelsen Version) <3<3
  • JACK007JACK007 Member Posts: 3
    Ad0ra_ wrote: »
    New forums, new Character Wishlist thread :) Just as a reminder, our rules:

    Character requests are still a very frequent topic of conversation within our community, and with good reason - there are a ton of amazing Marvel characters in their universe.

    The old Character wish list thread was ballooning a bit, and several characters requested in that thread have since been added to The Contest. We're starting up a new thread to house these discussions so that they can continue, but in a more up to date manner.

    A few FAQ's:

    1) Why haven't you added (X character) yet?!

    A: there are so many characters we want to add, but simply haven't gotten to yet. A character's lack of presence in the Contest currently does not necessarily mean that we've overlooked them or that we don't already have them on our radar. Our teams have a finite amount of time in order to produce content, and we'd love to bang characters out quicker - but still need to maintain realistic developer cadences.

    2) We need more female characters and more diversity.

    A: Our own team is quite diverse itself, and we agree that representation is an important concern!

    3) Why do you bother adding (X re-skinned character) when you've not even had a chance to add (x character not in The Contest)?

    A: While some people are not a fan of character re-skins, MANY of our players are. The Marvel universe is one with a lengthy lore, and almost every beloved character has gone through some sort of costume change or shift at some point in their super-powered careers. These differences offer a good opportunity to re-introduce players to content they may not have managed to obtain the first time around, and allowing new players to pick up a certain champion while still keeping things a bit fresh. Our goal is to have a healthy balance between release types.

    4) Can you confirm if a requested character is going to be released?

    A: The short answer is no. We have specific timelines regarding when we can announce content, and that means that we can't pop in to say 'hey, that person is coming!'. For those wanting to keep on top of our latest announcements or teases, following our Twitter and Facebook accounts are your best shot. We also have an Instagram account that you should follow. Here are our social channels for easy access:

    Facebook -
    Twitter -

    Instagram -

    So go forth, and suggest! We're not going to individually reply to the comments and suggestions that we see, but we are reading everything.

    This should go without saying, but please discuss the characters you'd like to see without insulting each other or trying to discredit someone's opinion. Friendly debate is welcome, but the emphasis here is 'friendly' ; )

  • JACK007JACK007 Member Posts: 3
    Spider-Man 2099– skill/cosmic
    Miguel O'Hara is a highly skilled geneticist and gifted with genius-level intelligence. Though he did not take combat training, he quickly develops an effective fighting style that maximizes the use of his superhuman agility, strength, senses, and intellect.[volume & issue needed]

    After having half of his DNA re-written with the genetic code of a spider, Miguel develops a wide array of powers. He has the proportionate strength, speed, and agility of a spider. If his strength is equal to that of the original Spider-Man, he should be able to lift a maximum of approximately 10–15 tons and leap roughly 30 feet in the air. His speed allows him to dodge gunfire from a short distance away and move several times faster than a normal human being can. His superhuman agility and dexterity allow him to perform complicated acrobatic and gymnastic maneuvers that would be impossible for even the most highly trained athlete and help him achieve and regain perfect balance even under extraordinary combat situations. Access to these abilities are largely instinctual, due to his re-written genetic code.[volume & issue needed]

    Miguel's powers give him increased vitality and resistance to injury. He once suffered a punctured lung, broken ribs and major abrasions, and was still able to make it to a hospital where doctors said only his amazing constitution kept him alive. His metabolism allows him to heal a few times faster than a normal human, although he does not have a superhuman healing factor such as Wolverine.[volume & issue needed]

    Unlike the original Spider-Man, Miguel does not possess an extra-sensory "spider-sense" that warns him of oncoming threats. Instead, Miguel possess enhanced vision and hearing, which the original Spider-Man does not have. He can see in complete darkness and can accurately perceive and zoom-in on people and objects that are a great distance away. His enhanced vision causes him to be extremely light sensitive, however, requiring that he wear tinted glasses to avoid being blinded in normal lighting conditions, which he passes off as a side effect of the Rapture.[volume & issue needed] The irises of Miguel's eyes became red, although when he uses his enhanced sight to zoom-in on an object that is far away, his eyes often become completely white, with no visible irises or pupils.[volume & issue needed] Thanks to his enhanced vision and reflexes, he can accurately perceive objects in motion that a normal person would see only as a blur. Miguel's hearing is also enhanced, though not to the extent of his vision.[volume & issue needed]

    Spinnerets in his forearms enable him to fire an organic adhesive substance from the top of his wrists, usable in a wide variety of ways. Like the original Spider-Man (Peter Parker), Spider-Man 2099 can travel at high speeds swinging on "web-lines" when necessary, and he can use his webbing to ensnare enemies. Over time, this webbing loses its tensile strength and can be removed. Pressure applied to his forearms has occasionally caused him to release webbing without meaning to.[volume & issue needed]

    Although the original Spider-Man is able to have any part of his body (such as his back) adhere to surfaces through unknown and invisible means, Miguel can only cling to surfaces with his hands and feet due to angled talons protruding from his fingers and toes. These talons are not retractable but can fold down when Miguel concentrates and do so automatically when he touches his own skin so that he does not injure himself. Though only approximately an inch in length, Miguel O'Hara's talons are capable of easily slicing through flesh and plastic. They can even rend metal armor.[volume & issue needed]

    Miguel possesses venom glands and pronounced, pointed canine teeth. When he bites a foe, he can release a toxin that temporarily paralyzes his enemy. While the exact makeup of his venom has never been discussed, it seems powerful enough to affect such foes as Thanatos and it differs from real spider venom in that it does not seem to act as a digestive agent. Miguel also cannot retract his fangs and so has had to learn how to speak in a way that does not reveal his teeth. On occasion, this has caused others to accuse him of mumbling
  • Dan99Dan99 Member Posts: 132



    Fear: purges all fury effects and makes the enemy "freeze in fear", limiting their evade chance. (opponents with maxed Courage mastery limit the effectiveness of this)

    Doubt: lowers ability accuracy of enemy by x%...........not effective vs intelligent champs

    Hate: grants the enemy a stack of fury but also an ongoing degen........more effective on villains; less effective on heroes.

    Maybe the mode he starts with can be determined by synergies (ex. maybe if he has a synergy with Hate-Monger, he starts out in "Hate mode". If paired with Nightmare, he might start in "Fear mode".)

  • imaginejimimaginejim Member Posts: 333 ★★
    Yeeter wrote: »
    I think a Spidey-Verse crystal should be added with:
    1) Spider-Man 2099
    2) Spider-UK
    3) Cosmic Spider-Man
    4) Superior Spider-Man
    5) Silk (Cindy Moon)
    6) Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew)
    7) Spider-Ham
    8) Spider-Man (both Kaine Parker and Ben Reilly)
    9) Spider-Girl (May Parker)
    10) Spider-Noir
    11) Secret War Spider-Man
    12) House of M Spider-Man
    *by Ben Reilly I mean Scarlet Spider
    I know there are more but these are the ones I would like to see the most

    Only one from your list would be pulled from this Spider-verse Crystal (Cosmic Spider-Ma, i.e. Symbiote Spider-Man) since none of the others are in the game. They do two characters a month and twice a year they add three new playable characters since a new character is released every two weeks. They don't do a huge dump of characters for a specific crystal.

  • imaginejimimaginejim Member Posts: 333 ★★
    R3al3vo wrote: »
    :) Dear kabam maybe the next update can you add mysterio.?

    @R3al3vo He's rumored to be the villain (or at least one of the villains) in the Spider-Man: Homecoming sequel. I imagine he would be slated to be added then.

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