M.O.D.O.K's Block Proficiency

Why M.O.D.O.K's Block Proficiency is Very Low?When Using Him Against opponents with high attack rating he takes huge damage through the block.If He's Duped he gains block proficiency for each champion class defeated within the same quest but duping a 5/6 star Champions is Not easy for players like me. Please Kabam Increase His Block Proficiency. 

other champions with auto blocking has more block proficiency
Yes but his auto block is more frequent and annoying than say Medusa’. So I pls don’t change nothing. He’s already hard to fight...
I’d say that’s fair. If he’s auto blocking all the time why would anyone agree that he should have a higher block proficiency. I’d like to use my spiderman classic, but he evades pretty much everything, so I can’t parry half the time. Some champs I think are made for defensive position.