SILENT BLADE NERF??? [Admin Note: Confirmed NOT Nerfed]

Seriously? what's happening to the game. those nerfs so called "bugs" and silent changes???
I'm 100% sure that Danger sence of blade is NERFER, check yourself if you don't believe.
i had some test fights with magik, juggs, mordo, rhino. i had stark and ghost synergy.
magik activated limbo 2 times from 3 with only first bar of energy, and aslo with the two bars, 2 times from 3.
80% of the time juggs still activating his unstopable buff. i saw very big difference there, i remember that juggs was activating his untopob. buff very rearly.
rhino still dashing forward with unstopoble buff, and his dash attacks are unblockable more often.
MORDO is always triggers astral evade, i'll say again alaways from my heavy. 10 out of 10 times he evaded my heavy attack and gave me degen. PLUS he's triggering powergain without any problems.
overal picture is that this game is broken, and devs are not communicating with the players. they're doing everything wrong.
I'm 100% sure that Danger sence of blade is NERFER, check yourself if you don't believe.
i had some test fights with magik, juggs, mordo, rhino. i had stark and ghost synergy.
magik activated limbo 2 times from 3 with only first bar of energy, and aslo with the two bars, 2 times from 3.
80% of the time juggs still activating his unstopable buff. i saw very big difference there, i remember that juggs was activating his untopob. buff very rearly.
rhino still dashing forward with unstopoble buff, and his dash attacks are unblockable more often.
MORDO is always triggers astral evade, i'll say again alaways from my heavy. 10 out of 10 times he evaded my heavy attack and gave me degen. PLUS he's triggering powergain without any problems.
overal picture is that this game is broken, and devs are not communicating with the players. they're doing everything wrong.
Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on
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so you're saying that when balde has stark + gr synergy and mordo triggers astral evade 10 out of 10 times, and always triggers powergain thats normal because of RNG? hell no
i have blade for half yeah already i know how he works. there is a difference, his ability got neferd, any long time blade user can check and see that.
of course. i had blade+stark+gr+dorm.
try with stark, it will be same lol. minimum 7 from 10.
well, my magik isn't. also drax got nerfed tol, he can't hit mordo during stun anymore.
and all those changes were silent.
yep, you had only 40% danger sense but still,
that should be enough to stop minimum 4 unstop. buff from 10. but even with stark, jiggs was triggering his buff 8 out of 10 times.
It baffles me that people won't accept that each chance is in its own little bubble universe, unaware of something that happened earlier....
i get that, but still.. that RNG was lot better before and is lot worse now.
10 out from 10 astral evade? then rng is bs.
everyone knew that RNG was very shady in lot of things, even with classic ultrons evade for example. but now it got even worse.
Ofcourse u're right. But still, something feels off.
And with all the other silent changes, u can't blame us for being suspicious.
Yeah, We got our guard up,They tried to distract us with compensation too
Now, if ALL fights are going to be that way, then yes. But today I took out mini boss Magik in AW. With Blade, no Sparky or GR with me. She triggered Limbo once.
It's a chance trigger, I think the changes are making people mildly paranoid (no offense, I DO get the reaction!) resulting in discussions on here fueling eachother's paranoia even more. Again, no offense meant, it's an observation...
They don't give a **** on us players. We are just a source of income for them and that's all.
I am curious if they will even reply to this thread
Technically speaking its a 40% ability reduction without synergies and 58% with spark. If the ability has a 100% chance to proc, that means he can still proc at a chance of 60% since it's a reduction. Or 42% chance with synergies. That is still a pretty high chance of it happening. Not only that but if you are letting Juggs get 10 specials off during a fight then you are underpowered to begin with.
2 times she limbod did no damage to blade
2 times she limbod did not damage and didn’t heal
1 time she limbod and Did damage. I would say he’s working at intended.
Remember from the way I’ve read blade his synergy with ghost and stark work this way:
40% x 45% which is basically 4x4.5
So 40% + 18%= 58% ability decrease not 45+40 = 95% ability decrease.
I could be wrong but trucos also understood it the way I did. At first j thought I was wrong but seems to be the way he works. So essentially he she could trigger a little under half the time. If you fill 20 power bars she could trigger 11 times (for simple math)
of course it's not 95% everyone knows that.
try blade against mordo and then tell is the results please.
*grabs popcorn*
It is a little out of control right now. But it is also a little bit of karma too, don’t you think? It’s not like you can shut down threads and ignore posts forever and expect your customers to give you their blind, unbridled trust.
Dr. Zola
this blade is not even with stark spidy
now go fight mordo and check the difference.
Yet you have many people on here saying they see no change but you keep saying its a nerf. its simple RNG man. There hasn't been a nerf to blade.