A possible solution to the AW defenders synergy problem

Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
As you know (or don't know), synergies don't work for AW defenders. This has been brought a lot. Kabam Mike has responded why:
The short answer is yes. But this is not going to be a quick or easy fix. Aside from having to fix the issue that we're having with synergies not working, there is a bigger issue at hand that needs to be addressed as well. With new Unique synergies that supply enhanced abilities, there could be some unexpected surprises when you're fighting a Defender that you didn't know had a Synergy active.

You could be part way through a fight against Hulk (Ragnarok) when suddenly, his SMASH attack becomes Unblockable because he has a synergy with Thor (Ragnarok) that you didn't know was active. Now, we're not saying that this is a bad thing, but we want to give players the chance to be prepared for these kinds of things. We're currently exploring ways that we can do this.

So, yes, we are working on fixing this, but unfortunately, there is more to this issue than just what it seems like on the surface.

So the problem is visibility. I think I might have an idea that could fix it. It is very simple: linked nodes. All AW defender synergies could be turned into linked nodes. They have the same blue colour as in the team screen. When you place your defenders, blue arrows pointing towards the champions indicate synergies. This also makes it possible to break those synergies: KO the linked champion. It will probably take some development time to catalogue all synergies into nodes (especially the unique) ones, but I think this approach is viable. It will also open potential to use the same synergy nodes in regular event or alliance quests, to make them extra spicy.

It is obvious, but AW defender synergies should only apply to your team, not the other AW defenders. So no Hulk (Ragnarok) in one defender team and Thor (Ragnarok) in another team. That would make things way too complicated developmentally and potentially overpowered.


  • SandeepSSandeepS Member Posts: 1,308 ★★★★
    Thing with this is you could guess the linked champ by the synergy which is activated by the link. Some synergies have multiple options so could work. Other option is to make the champs visible and leave it to the player to work out the synergies.
  • Jaws32zxJaws32zx Member Posts: 41
    How about no synergy for defenders....only attackers...dont the node buffs do enouph for defenders
  • Jac094Jac094 Member Posts: 198
    What's the sense of placing a synergy if you can break it? ._.
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    SandeepS wrote: »
    Thing with this is you could guess the linked champ by the synergy which is activated by the link. Some synergies have multiple options so could work. Other option is to make the champs visible and leave it to the player to work out the synergies.
    I think Kabam wouldn't accept it (me neither).
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    Jaws32zx wrote: »
    How about no synergy for defenders....only attackers...dont the node buffs do enouph for defenders
    Well, a lot of people do request synergies to work. Kabam is working on it anyway, so better get used to it.
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    Jac094 wrote: »
    What's the sense of placing a synergy if you can break it? ._.
    I think the mechanic of linked nodes obligates the removal of synergies. Besides, some unique synergies are very powerful and it would be useful if you could remove it.
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