Alliance Wars - Suggestion
Even with all the changes done to Alliance Wars, teams still work to finish the map with 100% Exploration, little to none Attacker Kills, try to max their Defender Diversity and still there are times when they come very close to a tie or lose by very few points, so with that said, an idea came to mind that I don't think it has been considered before... Time Challenge, extra points for every hour or minute you have left on the clock from the moment you either get the Boss Kill or 100% Exploration, this would make things a bit more interesting and would push the players to participate more and have less downtime, thoughts?
Yeah. If they added a time challenge, certain areas of the world would be at a disadvantage to other areas of the world. But I agree with the very close wars/ties.
Like here they won by placing less defenders than us, so placing less defenders is a strategy to win wars?
No, they won by diversity and getting more attack bonuses.
Every alliance starts their own AW search during their time zone or schedule, and most alliances have players in different time zones, they would accommodate to it, anyhow, it's an idea that I feel would make things a bit more interesting if not fair
We killed every defender they had, they placed less defenders, which means less attack bonus for us. This was the point I was trying to get across, placing less defenders gives the opposing alliance less attack bonus, so less points for them.
No they don’t. If you pass that node you get the attack bonus instantly if it’s a node that should have a champion. They beat you because of what @Demonzfyre said.
In my alliance, the last 5 wars both us and the opposing alliance 100% explored. So if we placed less defenders, in those cases, they would have had less points from attack bonuses. I know that placing less defenders to win sounds stupid, but in my case it could be used as a strategy to make the opposing alliance have less points. Especially if your alliance always 100% explores.
Because you died more
No they don't, I'm a leader of an alliance with people from all over the world, we start aw as soon as matchmaking opens.
Let's assume the leader went to sleep at the time search is open. He wakes up 8 hrs later and starts the search , the Alliance will more than likely not have a 3rd war in that week in this scenario.
So 1 attempt= full points 2 attempts= lesss and 3= even less.
You should really research how war scoring works.
Almost every alliance has players from all over the world, we do too, in any case, a Time Challenge would only mean you get more points for finishing first, we've done wars in less than 12 hrs, that should be worth some extra points