Gulk Face Me not working?

For Bane, I am 100% sure that Gulks face me is not working. Bane is passive degen and face me says that any passive damage activates Face Me. (Works for Starburst and Limbo since they are both passive...) Just wondering why it isn't working????
What he said, some Degen Nodes just don't give Hulk Rag Face Me because then it'd be too easy. Though some are understandable, I think there's a Node that gives you an Attack Boost but at the cost of Degen.
Actually I think I'm thinking of the Node that Degens you but gives you Life Steal on hits.
But what I'm saying is that the description says passive. Yes, there are degens that don't work for Face Me like Omega Red, but those aren't passive degens. Starburst and Bane are both passive. Face Me activates for any PASSIVE debuff.
I don't think bane is passive.
It might not be passive but it’s not like AV/CB/KP can shrug it off either.
And Starburst is the only degen node I know of where Gulk’s Face Me works. Flare, bane, degen, and life transfer do not trigger it.
In theory it should Gulks abilities are stated it should...needs further clarification from Kabam.
That's literally the definition of a passive debuffs. it can't be bypassed. Like Starburst can't be bypassed which makes it passive. Bane can't be bypassed
In theory, it should work with Ghulk ability. But it was designed to not work due to how the node itself works, as well as other aspect's in the game like balance.
Alright. I respect that... I think Kabam then needs to change the icon for Bane because it has the borderless circle which technically makes it passive. If they add a boarder to the icon, it doesn't become passive anymore and it wont be as confusing i guess. Guess it looks like a passive ability, so they need to change it to not look passive in my opinion then... thanks.
If it looks active then people will complain that AV, KP, and CB can’t shrug it off. Most likely that was the “safest” way to release bane because back when it was released, no champion could interact with passive abilities/nodes. Then when they released Gulk, they had to find some way to balance him without breaking things. They probably determined with life transfer you can heal, so no reason to trigger Face Me, Flare you already get a sizeable attack bonus, and bane you can just practice and get the timing down for transferring the degen. Starburst you just literally lose more and more health, there’s no real “counter” to it so they probably figured Face Me could be the one counter to it. Really not sure why he doesn’t counter normal degen though. That one is a head scratcher.
I understand what you are thinking. Bane is in a class of its own for the type of debuff it is. AAR, nullify, willpower, etc... Have zero effect on Bane so Gulks face me wont have an interaction with it either.
@Kabam Miike, would you please elaborate.
Bane is not meant to interact with Face Me, and is not a Passive Debuff, as some have stated above. You're right that the Icon could be misconstrued, and I've raised that to the team for future consideration.
So it’s not passive and it’s not active as AV, KP, and CB can’t shrug them off. So what’s this new category of debuff?
Passive Aggressive?
Moneygrab debuff
Of sorts.
Bane has been in the game for quite awhile. Its never been able to be affected by any champion abilities. Willpower doesn't even work with it. How has it ever been inconsistent?
That's honestly the most bs answer I've ever seen.
It's not passive, it's not active, but a whole NEW type of debuff??
You're seriously the only video game that would make **** up like this.
Are you kidding me? Bane has been in the game for well over a year and you are just now taking issue with it?