Ayden_noah1 ★★★★
This character sounds like Batman in the old days. The brain behind the scene. Now Batman has plot armour so he can beat anyone without any effort. Just give him prep time and the One Above or Below all will be no more.
Speak of the devil. The great @willrun4adonut is in the house.
I think he said Sinister and Hulk was his R3s. Congrats on becoming Valiant. Also great choice with Sinister and Hulk. Two great champs.
That is some very bad RNG if the last 4 titan cyrstal is The Leaderless. He has a very niche use and 99% of the time, it's not worth it. I wish they would give him an upgrade but they won't so this is a bad pull.
My predictions for champ number 300 is Mystique. She has been here all along disguise as a different champ and now she is revealing herself for the first time.
We aren't saying that you can't ask questions. It's when there are 100 questions that pops up when BG season starts " do you think this match making is fair". Instead of adding to the first post, everyone creates a new one.
Timeless champs can be about champs displace into a different time line and they must find a way to get back for time itself is shattered. Like the Loki series with the TVA.
I wonder which has more post, which champ to rank up or BG matching is unfair? I know BG is newer but in the beginning every other post was about unfair match making.
Red Skull, Arcade, Luke Cage or Rintrah. If Domino was awaken I would change to her. Some players will say Crossbones an Spiral. You have some good options.
I was 185 short of a titan crystal so I bought so I spent 50 units and I got my most wanted champ (Rintrah) from the titan crystal. Now I would like to awaken her asap. Hoping for the next titan crystal to be just as good.
I see that someone has been haning around Cheech and Chong for too long.
Definitley not worth it, but if you need like 200 shards this might be worth it.
This announcement just popped up about the express arena. https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/387195/summoners-sigil-compensation-update#latest
Those 6 stars are worth ranking up but not over a 7 star Kushala and a 7 star Hulk. Those two are top tier 7 star champs so focus on those two first. Ranking up 5 star isn't worth it unless those are your top champs.
Ok, good to know.
This is the correct answer. You just get double the titan shards. Hopefully they upgrade this in the future to be able to pull a 7 star Iron Fist, 7 star awakening gem or a 7 star sig stones.
If my son uses my credit card to buy items at the store, is it against TOS. He doesn't have a credit card himself.
It will closed either way but I want to see how and why it's closed.
Now, I'm hooked, need to see how this story ends.
I'm still waiting for the one troll to choose Galan. There's always at least one with every poll.
Hopefully Kabam reads this post and start making content for the Deathless team to excel. Maybe end game monthly quest using on Deathless champs or special events that you can only use them. I still need to get Deathless King Groot before I try for Deathless Thanos but it would motivate me to grind for units to get…
I just looked up the word and now I'm going to use it from now on. Ban posts are the best. They are always confidence that they didn't do anything wrong or they cheating method isn't suppose to be detectable. Now they come on the form demanding their case be heard first and wants justice for plight. Got to love these kinds…
I didn't have a 7 star Serpent and my Rank 2 Odin was my MVP. I used about 15-20 revives. Congrats on the Deathless She Hulk dupe. She is fun to use and I will definitely R3 her soon.
So Kabam's new Raid slogan is Deathless doesn't accept failure but there's a cap of 12% max damage so it will take at least 9 tries to take down one defender. That's failing 8 times minimum, most will fail more than 8 times since you need role charges to be able to hit harder. If they take away the time limit and the…
7 Star is always better if it's a good 7 star over a 6 star. Kushala is a great 7 star so that's an easy answer.
My first R3 was an awaken Domino and my second to get me Valiant was an unawaken Kilmonger. I wanted to get Valiant asap so ranking up Kilmonger who I like was a no brainer. Once you get Valiant R3 materials comes so much easier, now I have 14 plus the ability to R3 3 more.
I'm a proud owner of a R3 Sentinel as well. No regrets. His buff made him better, so he's my second R3 tech along with the Hydra leader Red Skull.
Silk, Deadpool X-force, Black Cat and Juggs are great options.
If I remember correctly, Maestro isn't the strongest version of the Hulk, it's the fact he's got Banner's intelligence with the brute strength of the Hulk. Maestro didn't beat Hercules, he used Vapor to poison Hercules and Maestro used a weapons made by someone else to finally take Hercules down.…
Nobody can beat Marvel Squirrel Girl unless it's the MCOC Squirrel Girl version.