Well I applied & sent you a friend request in game...names the same as here
Lol at the very least discontinue 2☆'s c'mon Kabam, keep that for the noobs in a select crystal
Uhm, please check your in-game chat requests? :)
You guys are stacking the electroshocks & parrying to transfer as shocks to the opponent before SP1 right?
Still looking for someone?
SAME! I was fine till master mode yesterday, all normal & suddenly dropping blocks, not picking up blocks, jetting around! Then exactly the same in AW (which is a REALLLLLY annoying mode for it to happen in) madness, went & checked my touch sensitivity settings & it was fine too (and just to be clear, no, Im not one of…
Thanks, still what rubbish? 😂🤣
Shes been nerfed right down, literally used her just before the update & just after the update & its so noticable, takes forever to stack & seems to do less?
Same Q here
Theyre again catering for a small percentage of players, like the ones who apparently use Cyclops really well. Seeing as Im not one of them I may as well just stop playing. Thats really the take away here. We can moan as much as we want but at the end of the day, Kabam cares only for that holy grail of "Elites" the 5% that…
If this crystal was 10k, Id consider it a okay move & you kept the normal featured. This is just a money grab. Please name & shame who said Cyclops is amazing for AW/AQ?! Loki & Antman? Guys please just give us a polling event rather, make it proper feedback for just the forst one even, you can determine the max & min you…
Was gonna say, surprise2000 works & you can enter surprise1000 afterwards, I got both lots of pts.
Theres no update, the event should just be there?
Lol absolutley, Il just "get good" and walk through unavoidable damage like Gwenpool through a soft buttery Luke Cage suuuuure thats what it is, my skill level surley. Yeah sure, you can counter with champs that shrug off but youre just gonna get another debuff OR buff along the way with this darn bug that either gets you…
Wait for Void. Theres always a great champ & a sorta okay to decent champ (on a lucky month).
Yeah agreed, hes super lame, youd be dead before you hit that 40 combo & even then you're hitting it for no reason lol Ladies & Gents, the new pillow fists 😂 #CarbageChamps
You mean Sentry no? Everyone is complaining abiut Void being broken with his degen triggering on buff & debuffs (which it shouldnt be). Or are you talking about Heroic/Master because those difficulties arent really relevant anymore with uncollected out. Flip through the forums first page on General Discussion, theres 2 or…
Lol whos the people that said yes? Do they know Kabam? 😂Lol
Can one of our fantastic Kabam mods ring in here? Is every 2018 champ gonna be bugged for when we play them & nerfed just in time for their arenas where we actually obtain them? Dodgy business I tell you. Turn down control sensitivity, beef up champs so it looks like theyre amazimg then zap it as we spent & grinded to get…
There has to be an active shock (one or more) on the oppenent, then it works just fine for me on my 5* Nebs, maybe try that?
Yep its down yet again. Well done Kabam lol As long as the event comes after this & just flows, I dont mind but I highly doubt itll be stable given Kabams recent, dismal, performance. Still, fingers crossed :smiley:
Long ago & wrong forum, just click on help while at Waiting for MODOK event pts now lol
Okay also explains why it was such a large download. Does this mean future pathces wont be as large or is this a constant now? (e.g: adding Febs EQ data in the Jan update)? I only ask because it doesnt show in the patch notes on Playstore & for larger downloads I feel like just saying 'additional content for future events'…
Was just about to say, over on the Sentry post, Kabam Mike said that theres no update fod this month's EQ, theyll let us know when thats coming. GENIUS! If you dont push an update, you dont have to abide by the ToS of Apple I guess? lol Go ahead and call me whatever lol theyve never done this before from when I started…
So, uh, where are the patch notes? Just on a side note
Hey, How does she stop regen? Just dont see any mechanic for it sorry :blush: lol
This Dave guy is always trolling & causing issues, its actually quite sad, just ignore him like I do lol he can quote me or call me out, I dont even read what he posts when I see his name lol its not worth my time. Dunno how a post that was just saying 'Hey, thanks Kabam, I appreciate it' got so out there, they need to…
Just one comment on this, I get the qty is small so it wont mess with it much, regardless the gold & iso are easy to get, people struggle more with t4ccs & t4cs, also gold should be abundant right now with gold realms?
I think for them, the issue before was people using the resources to rank up & down & up again when an SA came along, hence to reduce misuse of the tickets, theyve added this. Sure its a drawback BUT it makes them more sustainable from a business perspective so we could see them being released more readily now that they've…