Big_eggy ★
You bait a heavy and hit her with a medium to disable it
Medusa should be up there soon once we get the gem🔥🔥
What am I supposed to do with this?
I'd assume it's because the Beta hasn't acc started yet.
I would finally feel smart.
Trade in all your class catalysts.
Are you telling people how to spend their money?
Nice. Congrats!
2 hours mate. Just Google 12pm PST to your timezone and you'd know.
Tier 4!
6* CGR to r2 because he's a beast. 5* Ægon to r5 because I got a Skill 4-5 gem from Variant 6 and he's my only good skill character.
If you don’t have him then chuck them into Ghost.
I’m gonna be completely honest. This calendar is utter ****. Like really ****. However, with all the good things which happened this month I don’t mind too much.
IGN: Big eggy Rewards: No preference. Best thing this year?: I only really started playing in March so a lot has happened. Best thing probably is pulling a 6* CGR from an Epoch Crystal/ Getting Cavalier.
250 4* shards, I think a 3* sig stone and a 4* tech awakening gem.
Carries in V5 and V6. 100% worth it IMO.
Wow! What an idea! If only it were that easy... Took CGR to r2 after completing v6 and I only got in 13 levels from the Halls of Glory, Solo Objectives and a 5* dupe. Pretty dang good...
They can’t do the 6* arena. Only UC+.
Maybe not chapter 2 of the Champions Challenge but the rest is doable.
10/10 Havok counter...
So Variant 6 Hyperion in the first chapter, first quest. I go in with Ghost and Hood figuring I can rank SP3s any day. Hype gets to sp3, I phase so I shouldn’t take any damage. Right? But I do. Just wondering, but does Hyperion counter that synergy? Or am I really dumb?
There’s 5 quests, right? He’s probably doing one of the earlier ones! @Smoke23, go Archangel for Howard and Guilly2099 for Mysterio.
I have to admit, while this guy must be a troll his comments have cracked me up.
It just seems the synergy might be screwed up. Got clipped by Storm PX’s Special 1 (noob gameplay). Got a Coldsnap and still took damage while phasing.
Exactly my thoughts.
I like to stare at Claire...
Buff Maw?