Boboman ★★
Hyperbolic Time Chamber Konoha Cells Arena Kamui
The Queen of my 5*
First 5* which was Iceman and atm its my latest 5* Warlock
Thanks for the info
I would say same boat as you hope my 5* i open this week is good
Is varient one hard?
Flavorful Noodles
It's so simple now. No more searching on different sites and easy access
My First 5* was Iceman so that can't be true
BG has a really nice vid on Man-Thing and he talks about what makes the champ nice
5* Hype
Yes I think because I was able to do the heroic one twice today
HQ Sean also I think he completed LoL first so he has a chance
His good with out an awakening
Iceman was my first 5* and almost duped him next crystal
Storm is pretty good with sp2 but not the hardest hitter
Human Torch is good for dps and mystic killer and reverse regen. When you hit nova flame most things will burn away
Can I add you in game first?
Still looking
No sorry
Still looking
Also regen characters get dusted. His so much fun once you bulid him up
No need to
Okay I'll check you guys out
What's the ig ally name?