Signature Ability Quiz!
Thought this might be a fun thing to try out. Let's see who knows their stuff! Every champion has a signature ability, as I'm sure you know. But do you know which ability belongs to which champion? Here's a thread with some questions that you can test your knowledge with, and if you want to, you can make some questions, too! Below is an example of what a quiz question could look like. I would love to see what kind of questions you guys come up with!
Signature Ability: Dark Dealings
Signature Ability: Dark Dealings
The Hood
Signature Ability: Unrelenting Agility
Who am I?
Signature Abillity:
Double Down.
Who am I?
Who am I?
Signature Abillity:
Who am I?
Signature ability: Enthusiastic Punishment. Who is it?
Bishops signature is Foresight.
Heimdalls one is "All Seeing"
Signature Ability: Symbiote Enhancement
Signature ability: Enthusiastic Punishment. Who is it?
Signature ability: master plan
Who is it?
Who's signature is Second Strike?
Signature ability: master plan
Who is it?
Potato head
Who am I?
I always remember this one because it's kinda useless imho
Signature Abillity:
Dark Dealing.
Who am I?
Signature ability: master plan
Who is it?
Master plan = MODOK
Sig Ability: expertise
Whose am I?
Sig Ability: expertise
Whose am I?
Red Cyclops?
Signature ability: master plan
Who is it?
Master plan = MODOK
Sig Ability: expertise
Whose am I?
The ultimate Mcoc god and kabam Miike’s boyfriend?
Who am i ?
Who am I?
Signature ability:
Chain combo
Who am I?
Signature ability: vanishing act