Carossy ★★★
She's pretty nice, almost immune to everything and also helps out with evading characters.
The new summoner calendar gives also a good bunch of gold, just login everyday until September.
And AW rewards for middle/low tiers.
Gold crystals in glory store should be updated, at least to uc gold crystals, I'd buy all of them without doubt.
Sell champs.
Yo! I don't know if someone already suggested it in all the 56 pages, but I think gold crystals on AQ store should be updated, I know arenas and UC arena crystals are the best option to get gold, but tbh, I ain't that type of person who likes to do arenas, specially when you find deathmatches, hate that. My suggestion is…
No, it wasn't.
She was already nerfed, they (Kabam) reduced their damage from her signature like to half, so, you should be grateful.
All credits to me lol (Hope subtitles be ok).
Oh my :pensive: , sorry I don't know very well english dude, thanks for the correction amigo.
Well, the trial ends tomorrow, but the timer to exchange shards and other things, yes, you have to wait til expires, as I said before, like glory shop.
Yes you have to, but if you complete acts, I mean if you become Contender, Challenger, or Uncollected, the time resets, tho that's only if you're beginner, it's like Glory points, you have to wait til the time resets.
Loved that SW's serie :heart: .
After finishing Master & UC MQ and buying their bundles :joy:
Hey fellas, wanna share something that happened to me in AW. I use the trinity of Blade, but in this war, Spidey was KOed and GR had low hp, so I had to do it w Blade, I tought "This is going to be tough, but it's going to be funny and challenging" so I entered the fight, everything was ok and I was about to kill her, 5…
They actually did, they said "Due to she's too powerful we seemed in the necesity to nerf her", they reduced the energetic damage that the opponent received.
My bad I wrote Summonsers xD, Summoners*
Dunno Rick, this seems fake :unamused: .
Sadly not.
I know, just wanted to highlight that, let's keep the memes.
In the ss I was in arenas, no node no sinergies no nothing, just Jane and him.
C'mon, Flah only appears in Spider-Man 1, I didn't see him in 2 and 3 :confused: .
- Here's a video that I took when I was fighting him on dungeons, check when he regens his ice armor.