Del_Boy00 ★
Who should I level up to help me getting uncollected ? Any tips/advice i would appreciate it.
Grinded for Blade when he was available. I got him but was disappointed he wasn't as good as I would have liked him to have been. Not get me wrong, fun to use but far better champions were available at the time
Drax was my 1st 5 & then OG Storm. They were also my 1st 2 4* but Storm then Drax
Magik Emma Frost Black Widow DO Black Widow CV Shang-Chi
Regret: Colossus. Like the damage but to me Emma Frost much better all round Favorite: Pyslocke. Power locking fun throughout a fight
Perhaps our alliance will suit you
Thanks for this. Using Void was alot easier than i thought.
I jusr r4 my 4* Void sig 30. Never used him before. Whats the best way to use him ?
Ive read other threads on Red Mags but its clearly me not understand but he doesnt hit hard.
Im still very new and learning alot but what you mean 4/5 in MD ? Sorry if this a stupid question Also thanks very much for the tips
Need some advice who I should rank up please