Donal1981 ★
Same happened to me. Nigh invulnerable crystal already claimed but nowhere to be found.
Even with so much signature stones into Daredevil Classic still can not evade Bullseye special in MCOC, really he is in sad condition. With sharp superhuman radar and enhanced strength he still look so bad shape. Please buff him. He need utility, more damage buff and that sharp superhuman radar to evade projectiles in…
War season 50 already started and took so long loading time to just get into war or placing war def! Whats going on?!
Same here. It freeze when joining AW !
Battleground is so sucks. After winning 2 battles then the screen is freezing. After a while the results suddenly emerge and I lost lol.. what !!? Costing huge energy for nothing also 15 energy ! Yikes, why 15? So buggy, guess you guys launching broken battlegrounds to early!
Agree. The network issues is trending now. Open crystal, get into arena, quest, etc just so annoying because of that disconnection symbol occur everywhere, anytime. This ruining the game experience.
Blocking is failed in quest and war ! Cant block ! Please aimed your fix on the blocking function too !
After last update game acting weirdly. Fail to dex in arena, the screen freezing and lost connection eventhough other games just run smoothly. This game experience is getting bad. Please fix this guys.
Try this battleground and just disconnected. And its saying no connection. Not working at all just wasted energy.
Yes. The loading time taking do looooooooooong tiiiiimeeeee.. I even can have a cup of jasmine tea while waiting the loading time between arena and quest 🙄 The request help in champions screen sometimes freeze and need to restart . Please fix it guys. Thank you.
The parry systems is so broken. The parry not working properly. Good job guys! The parry systems even worse now.
I am a fans of Ultron and was hoping for new animation of this new ultron but it still use an old animation :( His fighting style and sp1 so similiar with ironman and so boring. Why no new animation ? Disappointed coz New ultron supposed to be a badass powerfull boss but still NO even after buff.
Yes Nick Fury is start the fight with LMD mode. CONFIRM this bug! Its like fixed but then in a few days this bug happen again. They seems dont pay any attention to this bug coz its just happen to many times from being fixed.
Yeah. Im having this issue too. Nick Fury start the fight with LMD mode! Please fix this.
Oic thanks. That tricky boost thing. Its getting harder and harder these days. Defender health point is raising so crazy. Range 100k up to 300k for boss.
Yea the biggest issue is the grinding - difficulty changes. After latest update they make the arena become more sadistic. They state in their email CHANGES TO ARENAS which we as summoners will now be " LESS " likely to encounter enemy teams that have more than 2 times than their power. In FACT we as summoners now " ALWAYS…
Bro u must praise the Lord Allah that you lived in Turkey and its update fix works for you. But not for us in different country. I've already update the phone to the latest patch and also its security. I also do all troubleshooting that their moderator ever told me to do. But none all of it fix this LOST CONNECTION ! You…
Device Samsung A70 with newest update ,security patched and best internet speed. Problem : - More than 1 minutes in fight will cause the game LOST CONNECTION ! - Idle in game more than a minutes also will cause the game LOST CONNECTION ! - Even when just checking and reading the champion profiles more than a minutes also…
Hello Im also A70 user. Already do the software-update (newest security patch 1 Feb 2020) but still the red light occur. Why?!
Already chceck update with the latest android 10 and still that dang red light occur in the end of fight. Show us the proof ! Nope. Its still the same painfull as before. Its still nonsense.
What kind of nonsense is this ??? Which update fix the dang red light prob ???
I thought the last emergency maintenance fix the lost connection problem. But the red light -> lost connection still haunting us there. What the point you create this Lag, Crashing and Performance Investigation if you all ignore us all the android users ? No fix for this more than 3 months! In current AW i even have to…
Many posting from variants device phone about this lost connection in game for more than 3 months. 3 months ! Yet this problem still troubling. Cmon please put your attention on fixing this problem. Regards.
My device, model and operating system also same as K_k. Im 155% agree with K_k, this problem has been troubling us so long but no fix yet up untill now. The problem also the same. Keep disconnecting from game, in long fight, in aq or aw and mostly in the end of fight. Win the fight but then auto disconnect itself..while…
No fix mention yet? Enough already of this auto disconnect thing.
Uninstall the game. You'll never see that 2* again forever!
Maybe they should closed this game for a while untill it fixed. Wonder why they not test their game update on first hand before launch it? So there will be less people cursing for their latest bad update!
My device is samsung galaxy s. No any specific champion but it happen to all champs. Now the game keep restarting itself so many times in arena... Making me tired of this auto restarting game, so I stop grinding. No more restarting ****! Worst case is when in aq or aw battle, which cut the champ's health to half before…