IanMoone ★★
I pulled pun2099 as my second 6* while others enjoying 6* domino.corvus.cap iw.void.im iw
Can the sym pass chapter 2 and 3 without boosts which of course is for them bosses lol
Cherish every moment
Was true strike successful against IMIW or you didnt boost the sym for that fight lol
If your in tier 1-5 bleed immune there other tiers are normal
The problem is if you run out of strands you have 2 options play other difficuilt or drop money in the unit store so in a way your spending money no matter be it on energy refills or unit store. No win for anyone but the company themselves
You were right it was doable its just his timing to block when he had low health was perfect all the time but for us summomer thats never the case
Yup that explains alot lol
The wording states successful specials so if you block specials doesnt that cancel aspect of death? If was attacks as well it would of stated successful specials or attacks will be lethal for 4 secs
If you block their special and 4 secs start but parry them will that kill u lol
What bout Oneplus 6 device?
Besides cleanse do you know what other boosts to use on sym to end fights fast and avoid unblockable??
Ahh i thought they go both after 50 secs lmao
Seriously its bugged aspect of war...i set a timer so i can be ready...i go in with SL and get hit 4 times then AA uses his special and suddenly goes unstoppable and fun part is 50 seconds wasnt even up only 10 secs gone by and he was already unstoppable. Fix the game sick and tired of being blinded and screwed over
I tired wasted 120 units and still cant beat him :(
He is in supreme strange boss map
Im only 400 shards away from my 2nd 6* guess next month it is
I ended up with 1% glitch when using my sym :'(
Blade users be like.
Really? You telling me you didnt spend units on dormammu who is r5 6* at sig lvl 200 with aspect of chaos node?
I used sym as well but problem will lay in dormammu aspect of chaos he is r5 6* with sig lvl 200
I used sym on both and blade on ronan but be aware AV and Dormammu have aspect of chaos....dormammu will be a pain not to mention will have to fight him twice
This is in epic event quest aka blood and venom
This isnt the lab i gave up on that from day 1
I did when i went back in....just lost my entire team to dormammu on aspect of chaos and aggressive node :(. Not mention he is r5 sig lvl 200 giving the degen really strong
Once again i wont be able to finish this month UC....first it was abomination on counter tactic with at r2 with sig lvl 100 causing his poison to stack high and now this A r5 6* dormammu at sig lvl 200 how in the hell is this a god damn fair fight not to mention he is on aspect of chaos and aggressive node...i am literally…
Back then i wasnt aiming that high lol 7.4 was enough to be in 1-10% lol
3.1 has brute force on entire map...3.2 has different aspect nodes