Johnnoooooo ★★★
I have 2 cats too., they wake me up earlier than the kids on weekeds. I literally missed it, I came on to general discussion seen on Google search, then immediately composed this for a quick answer.. I have since seen the sigil post, and tbh, wasn't expecting the backlash.. I don't mind quite a few things on the store,…
Thanks, and actual answer, much appreciated 👍
Nope, I don't even own a computer.. But like anything else posted on this forum when I sometimes come here, you ask a question and you're greeted with other irrelevant answers..
Yeah I'm not an avid forum user I tend to work or spend time with the Mrs and kids in my spare time, and hardly known or want to know how to use it...
Should have a separate option saying, "here as much as @Demonzfyre " haha.. but then again it would only get 1 vote
As much as i like this, I would always choose a R2 as 7s are where the investment is at.. not having the choice is allowing me to make fun rank ups
Read my history haha, I been rough on kabam John for the banquet, but credit where credit is due
There's lads at my work, they have more tools than they'll ever use and they're awful engineers, but they have them to look good and show they fit the part.. this reminds me of the saying, all the gear and no idea. Simplicity is king, and the old school method of just reading would be much more effective
Pikolu and Dna3000 use to be cool
I don't think theres anyone who really cares that tbs are happy, it's more the fact that in the lives they said thronebreakers wil be getting loads of R3s, meaning they'll be getting valiant level rewards or T4A, when in fact, it's not that, it's valiants getting thronebreaker rewards, no one cares if thronebreakers are…
Mate it wouldn't have been bad if out of 70 crystals ide see any R3 materials, my son's f2p new valiant account pulled 2 full T4A today from 4 crystals he picked up via accolades, you can't make that **** up lol
I'm finding light intercepts with Jack o lantern really hard to land, it's as if his light is dead slow and the opponents reacting super fast
Yeah, I'm still bitter about crashes comment on thronebreakers getting R3s, I've seen hardly any T4A from any openings, so was pretty much speaking bs There's loads of R2 materials, slither of t6cc here and there however.. not enough for there to be "plenty of R3s"
Some people just love it mate.. makes him happy being here on the forums like that, can't knock him for it lol it's his fix, we all got something right..?? Like, I like taking the Mrs out nice places, he likes correcting people on the forums, leave him be
I don't think anything is rigged, or fixed for anyone, I don't believe in content creator luck or anything, I've stated in support for kabam in these instances, my post is in relation to how this event and these crystals were beyond hyped and really miss sold to valiants players..
Well that is a better and more clear answer that I appreciate you giving me, and yes I read into it more than I probably should have, I read one section, then the 2nd section and felt they contracted themselves by saying factors influence the outcome, to me that's not fully random. But like I said above, I feel champion…
Maybe I've interpreted it wrong, but it was a conversation about me opening about 60 feature crystals and not pulling a kitty pride I think, and the response was that.. certain items (in this case champs) were kept to keep a balance, so basically kept rare for you, in order for you to maintain a target (or tinfoil hat…
Though I completely get what you're saying, I'm pretty sure I raised a ticket a few years back about drop rates, and the "weighted champs" theory was actually confirmed in a ticket response I got . I'll try and screen shot it and share it.. I'll have to go back in my emails a fair bit though so bare with.. I don't think…
My sons account, TBF, he was thronebreaker for a week, I showed him a few bits of content to smash through to get him valiant.. his account is about 4 months old and pretty much free to play.. you're right in what you say.. the games at a point now where valiant isn't hard to get.. albiet he's had some mad f2p luck with…
Maybe an intimidate debuffs on the opponent might work instead, still leaves a chance of getting struck but will help.. but personally I like to keep the relic ready, I'll throw that while charging if they decide to dash in..
Ide like to formally apologise to the community for misspelling "misled" Now can we move on chaps...
30% for t6cc, but most of the community seems to feel like it's more like 90% t6cc and the lowest at that... But I can say initially I did not even check, I had the livestream hype resonating with me at the time of wasting 4k units ide saved.. but I never spent the cash I had put aside though for more, after the dumpster…
Yeah, he was harsh but fair
Though that man was fairly abrasive at times, you're correct.. he never did the community this dirty
Certainly not truthful and pretty deceitful either way. Just thankful these were just free ones picked up this week.. I feel sorry for spenders this year
Every single SBC I open, it's 5.2k t6cc.. like 10 more I've opened and it's all the same bs... We got flat out lied to
Thankfully I also invested in cyber weekend, and spent real cash there, I did however grind and work hard for units for banquet over a long period of time, so I'm thankful for that too.. but my previous point still stands, they might not have hyped you but they hyped their upcoming product, which ended up being a big fat…
On the livestream, where a heck of alot of the community go to see what's up and coming, they were all there hyping this event, and implying that these crystals contain crazy items for your 7 stars, that will heavily progress people's accounts, saying that even thronebreakers will be getting loads of materials to rank 3…
Exactly this, lied to and mis lead horrifically