Joker1976 ★★★
Not Gord,..anyone but Gord!! We will miss you Gord.
Sig is signature ability and level after a champ is duplicated or awakened via an awakening gem. Crit means critical damage output of champions (some champs don’t even crit) which can be beneficial when it works with the nodes in specific quests. Sigil is a monthly subscription that gives discounts on certain rank up…
I have a 1-2 and 2-3 six star relic rank up gem sitting in my inventory for over a year now lol. Because who cares,..i only use them when they are mandatory for new story content and then disable them when it’s finished.
First indicator should have been the 10k units for such a low dollar cost. Over 3 Odins worth of units at that, obviously there’s gotta be a catch. Catch is a hell of a lot of grinding and well over a year to see your return,..that’s why when i read the details i didn’t buy the deal. …going into negative units just…
I mean,..all due respect Correct me if i’m wrong.
Much more. Special events such as banquets have quadrupled in unit cost to clear. I could list many more instances,..but regardless the overall value of a say an Odin has considerably depreciated in regards to the increase in overall unit increase to obtain max objectives.
Disagrees are alright. But so sorry if i look at the dollar value in comparison to unit value that is obtained. Special event cost (in units),..goes up, while low value in buying units stays the same. Once upon a time buying an Odin actually meant something,…now it is but a drop in the bucket. So what is 10k units in a…
Yeah,..just gotta grind and wait a year and a half at least. Any number or us could be dead by then,..from natural causes or the unknown. Lol,…what a bargain!! 😂
Lol,..first thing i did was count the units. Most important thing is the units (besides the 7* champ). Maybe because the champ was Dazzler they overvalued her and reduced the unit haul? …anyways glad i paid attention to the unit count and didn’t buy lol. Happy 10th anniversary from Kabammed 💣
To be fair it’s “his opinion”,..and he does state that people are free to disagree with him. He does also make the point of defensive value and offensive value in other game modes not being necessary the most ideal. I haven’t subscribed to any of the mcoc youtube gang tbh,,,but I appreciate that he is direct and to the…
Yeah i agree,..reason i took my Jabari to R3. Zero regrets,..awesome and very useful champ.
@Perfect_jab ,..i hear you bro, Don’t pay attention to the champion reel. Your crystal is decided for you as soon as you claim it,..the rest is just visuals to try to get you to take the bait (of what could have been),…trick is not to take it. Trust me i know it’s frustrating sometimes,..last 20 odd 7* basic crystals i…
More like incoming: “who cares about the rewards”. I work outside and make money during livestreams,.,that’s the REAL reward. But anyway, complaints here about others receiving them even if i won’t. ….all good, all who participate..enjoy! 😀
It’s a game structured around gambling. To get you frustrated enough to spend the money to eventually get a winner,..and if you do (spend or not) to get that winner, there are champions introduced every month to create a new sought after target. So it never ends,..and the house always wins. 😉
Kinda meh. But i bought 3/4 of the 400 unit tier 4 alpha deals which got me another r3 seven star, I’m happy.
Killmonger cause in battlegrounds i value dual threats over nukes. Xbones has a bit more value than Shang chi on defence,..(which isn’t saying much cause Shang chi has zero). Xbones on defence is easy,,,bait sp1
Maybe because it’s a horrible long slog of reading countless bs nodes and so time consuming, ( especially when you’re trying to play catch up on progression tiers). That’s why when new story content drops i dive right in, waiting for youtube guides or what have you, and i will do the same when 9.2 drops…100%.
Same,..nada/ zip/ zilch.
If it is worth it to you then it is worth it. I personally don’t see the value in the offer,..but that doesn’t mean it isn’t of value to others.
Awesome !!,..good for you,..and congrats 🥳
Yeah all the protection/ unblockable/ unstoppable stuff and then the nodes sometimes neutered the class bonus on the path along with puzzling choices as defenders was a bit overplayed.
Ah,..didn’t realize,…good info..thnx.
Would rank up be a requirement? I would just chip the target down and finish them off with champ that meets the objective requirement. That’s what i did with the “do you bleed” black panther,..Domino did the work and then quit out at 5% health remaining,..then brought in my 6* r1 Electra to finish him off.
Hype is cool, … but Hulkling is a much better and useful champion.
Sympathy. If i could send some of those mats your way i would. Hang in there,..’tis the season soon and those resources should be available in other ways.
You’re not missing much tbh. You only get mysterium and it’s about as fun as watching the paint dry.
10 free Paragon crystals, would they appear out of nowhere?,..hmm i wonder. No reason to quit the game though,..sounds more like he took the deal and didn’t like what he got tbh.
Excellent,..thank you for the feedback and response.
To clarify,’s not just the rewards i am after. It’s more about what areas i put my limited time into the game,..and i somewhat enjoy going into the new act content a little bit blindly,..(maybe for kicks i suppose).
Wondering, i have gotten invites to many before and either declined or accepted and didn’t bother. Do the beta acts cost resources such as energy or revives ?,.,and as you stated about rewards for participation, it instant within completion or do you have to wait until the beta run is over to collect?