KoiBoy18 ★★★
Lol. Just 2 weeks ago and much of the community was complaining the Banquet crystals gave too much T6CC.
Nice job OP. We need more posts like this in forum. (And more "I got banned for no reason" threads, please)
Squirrel Girl keeps obliquely referencing me in conversation but I don't mind! We're best buds - that's me on the right
Same. Note that all screenshot in this thread are against Spider-Man Ham defender
Won't drop.until daily update, just over 5 hours from timestamp on this post
AW - P3 with assigned lanes and defenders. Tier 2 map. 3400 rating. Just missed P2 last 3 seasons and working to get there AQ - map 6 and we do Raids. 24.7k alliance prestige BG: 1-10% alliance rank with 100k minimum contribution. Finally, we are part of the Symbiotic Alliance, a group of 12 alliances where you can move…
[107SJ] The Starjammers are looking for 1 players with 22k+ prestige and AW Tier 2 experience AW - P3 with assigned lanes and defenders. Tier 2 map. 3400 rating. AQ - map 6 and we do Raids. 24.7k alliance prestige BG: 1-10% alliance rank with 100k minimum contribution. Finally, we are part of the Symbiotic Alliance, a…
This content has been removed. (For anyone over the age of 18)
Your idea comes from a good place but every alliance will just make everyone an officer so everyone gets the higher rewards
From your description, it sounds like the alliance went up or down an AW map difficulty tier. This happens as your AW rating goes up or down after each match See attached chart - there are several points where you change map difficulty like between tiers 9 and 10 or tiers 5 and 6 When you do change, you get different…
For wont of a zero, the Kingdom was lost...
Reach out on LINE ID: KoiBoy18 I think we're exactly what you're looking for
What is your war rating? I ask because if you're right on the border between T1 and 2 you'll sometimes be matched against an opponent in the other tier. Frustrating - it's happened to us a few times
If you're on Android, it's very easy to check purchase and refund history 1. Open Google Play app 2. Click on 3 dots icon in upper right corner 3. Choose payments and subscriptions 4. Choose budget and payment Im sure Apple has a similar feature..,don't know about Xolla
Safe minimum estimate of 140 million but could go higher. First offensive banger in a long time so will be very popular
I tried but couldn't find your line ID. I think we have what you're looking for. Reach out on line: KoiBoy18
Lol. His username checks out
Expecting plot development in a Deadpool movie. Lol.
It's very straightforward 1. You bought a deal with your debit card. Google or Apple gets your money 2. Google/Apple pays Kabam their share of your payment 3. You then refunded one or more of tge purchases. Google/Apple gives you your money back 4. Google/Apple then takes their share back from Kabam, making Kabam lose…
[107SJ] The Starjammers are looking for 1 player with 21k+ prestige and AW Tier 2 experience AW - P3 with assigned lanes and defenders. Tier 2 map. 3280 rating AQ - map 6 and we do Raids. 21.7k alliance prestige BG: 1-10% alliance rank with 100k minimum contribution Finally, we are part of the Symbiotic Alliance, a group…
Infographics are great but please provide plain text descriptions as well. So many crystal types its hard to be certain what is what. Thx
Huh. Still won't let me find you. Please tag me at KoiBoy18 on LINE if you'd like to chat more
411TI looking for 2 players with minimum 15k prestige to join our wacky family. AQ map 5/5/5 Oprional AW Gold 4/5 with 2 BGs. Very organized with assigned defenders. We have a good mix of alt and retired account boss killers No BGs requirement but most of us are very active We use LINE for communication - if you're…
Tried to contact you on LINE but couldn't find you. Can you double check your ID? Thx
It needs to be both a clarity AND skill champ. That's why DKG didn't work unfortunately
Wow. We have never needed Kabam Miike as much as we do now. Can he come back for 2 minutes to drop the ban hammer one more time?
[107SJ] The Starjammers are looking for 1 player with 20k+ prestige and AW Tier 2/3 experience AW - P3 pushing P2 with assigned lanes and defenders. Tier 2/3 map. 3150 rating AQ - map 6 and we do Raids. 21.7k alliance prestige BG: 1-10% alliance rank with 100k minimum contribution Finally, we are part of the Symbiotic…
Blue Cyclops F in the chat. Buen suerte Miike!