MFlo_83 ★
Still looking
Need to replace a slacking player. Map 6 player ideally
Add me in game MFlo83~1 or on discord MFlo83#6495
Need someone for Bg2. Mix of map 5 & 6
Would like to fill this last spot ASAP. Can take a spot in bg1 or bg2
Need to replace one player who needs to leave due to life changes. Add me on discord or in game
Still looking…
Bumping this. Need to replace one who left and one who got a new job that is not going to allow him to be as active. Add me on discord or in game
Need to replace a slacker. Add me in game or on discord
Add me in game or on discord
Add me in game or on discord (discord is required). Ign: MFlo83~1 Discord: MFlo83#6495
Still looking, can make room for 3 if 3 are looking
Don’t use line, what about discord? Lol. Think we could be a good fit. My ign is MFlo83~1
Just added you in game. MFlo83~1 Discord is required. We do mostly map 5, with some map 6 for BG1. 3 BGs of Aw when in season, but not stressful as AQ is the focus. Feel free to add me on discord MFlo83#6495
Added you in game and sent an invite. Discord is required. Ign MFlo83~1 discord MFlo83#6495
Added you (ign: MFlo83~1). Discord is required. We run mostly map 5, with some map 6 and are doing two BGs of AW next season.
Sent you an invite in game. Feel free to add me on discord MFlo83#6495
Have one spot I would like to fill ASAP. Add me in game or on discord
Need one
Just looking to replace the mini of an officer now
Sent you a message on line
Need just one now
Could not add you in game, but we fit what you are looking for if you are willing to use discord. Sent you an invite. My ign is MFlo83~1. It will show we are full right now, but I can free up a spot as an officer who has a mini does not want to run a second account anymore. Add me in game or on discord for more info…
Still looking. Great alliance and a great group of people to join
Added you in game (MFlo83~1). Would love to have you. AQ is focus, would put you in a map 5 Bg. War is optional. Discord is required
Messaged you on line
You can also contact any of these leaders of the alliance on discord: General Amador#8230 Longsword156#5138 Thebosss312#3387 Virtualenemy#7369 Good luck on your search for an alliance
Add you in game and messaged you on line. MFlo83