Marlo_Mike33 ★
Maybe 350. Did it with all 4* 5/50s and 5* Hype
It was a good year
Exactly, the shard upgrade is something i needed lol.Its not as intimidating as we think. You can get him down. Take the easy path and have a few team revives and you can do it!!
4* Vision 4* Medusa 4* Human Torch 4* Domino 5* Hype 3/45
Thanks man. And hopefully so lol
Lol its 6 pm here but i didn't intend to start an arguement with you ( i know thats common here) Enjoy your rest
It cracks me up when people act like you should prioritize this game over everything. Im not really bothered by the rift thing, it is what it is. But the time limit thing is dumb. As we've seen today its flawed. You never know whats going to happen once you open a rift, could be a family emergency or anything and they give…
Well my master rift expired. No reward and no 5,000 epic coral to do my next rift. That was fun
Dont mean to pile on but ummm, im n tha middle of rifts too
Energy refills. 20 I think. Seatin just completed it, I think thats where the pic is from
The points and rewards just take a long time to come in. Around a month I think
Ummmm somebody tell Feige he's got his Phases wrong
Its the last movie of Phase 3. Its directly after EndGame
Phase 3, easy. If not just by quantity then by quality.
He's talking about the message on the screen. Can't send items anymore
, I'm not on apple lol
I don't wanna speak to fast either but I'm on android and the game is definitely running faster and smoother.... for now lol
It would make them easier targets for Blade users, thus the whole reason for them not having the villain tag, to me anyway. I mean if you're a villain in the movies and a villain in the comix... Some tweeners could have been argued like Venom even Magneto and Doc Ock have been on the good side sometimes, but the Black…
Jus let it go man, you'll never get one. I'd be lying to myself if I even believed Marvel cared about what tags they put on a character.
Which is almost what I said in another post. Its their game, so they can decide to label people as they see fit. But I'm never going to believe a person from Marvel told them not to label villains as villains (unless i saw it from a Marvel rep) when its clearly just so Blade doesn't get Danger Sense over more champs…
Yeah but when facts aren't being presented from either side, I'll choose my common sense ✌
These are your villains, a good chunk of which are way less evil or just as evil as the Black Order. Again, its a GAME and its Kabams game, so they can tag who they like how they like but I'm not going to believe a Marvel rep said yes to these people as villains but not the main villains in their biggest movie to date.
Kmsl. All that enthusiasm and positivity, gone 🤣🤣. The next one will be better no doubt
Yeah. To that point tho I'm sure tags were a thing before Blade was intro'd. Anyway the fact is they are villains. I would be surprised if anyone could find any instance of a Black Order member being anything other than evil in Marvel comics so why a Marvel rep would say "yeah they're not villains" especially when they are…
Listen man. You're right, you really are, but there are 2 characters on here with their head engulfed in flames who can still be "incinerated" for damage. Just take your logic and throw it away
I don't know if I can be excited. I just poured a lot of skill iso into taking my awenked 4* Gwenpool to max R4
You're using the space stone. U have to use the reality and time stone. I made the same mistake
None of these polls have been about the game lol. I don't think he cares about the game
There arent 4 Caps in the movies eithier, Its the same guy, playing the exact same character so NONE of them are better than the other. So obvious conclusion I asked which he meant. Since obviously other people were confused too.
Top 5 to me, no order Civil War Infinity War Endgame Black Panther Ragnarok I still haven't watched Homecoming 😔but I will before Far From Home drops