Nacho98 ★★★
No. That’s called being an uninformed consumer and gullible.
Agreed. It would be very helpful if Kabam told us if they will be acquirable and in what form.
Got 8 valiant crystals. Got 8 5 stars
Are yall serious? It’s comical how consistent the disappointment from this company is
Retweeting this 100 times
I haven’t done it in over a year. Waste of time for horrible rewards
Mutant- Sinister (I don’t have onslaught yet) Skill- Bullseye Science- Pig or Photon Mystic- Kindred Tech- Red Skull Cosmic- Serpent or Deathless Thanos
Dislike them. Not mcoc’s style
I’m F2P. I have 12 R3’s and am currently in mysterium in the GC.
It’s difficult because this has been asked for for how long? And at what point is the threshold of praise vs frustration that it took so long. I think this will only be relevant for whales. And I think yall know that. The gap has never been wider between whales and the average player. The average player isn’t dropping…
I would advise against R3 Juggs. He does A LOT at rank 2. And so often metas shut him down completely. My R3 photon is unawakened and has been used in essentially every meta. Sinister is a good option as well
What’s the point of these posts
Slow if anything
So instead of improving the event and making reward relevant yall just scrap it? Why is there a limit on how many events can take place in a year? Disappointing…
Mine is at sig 175. Have only used the deathless sig stones in him. Is it really worth sig 200? All I have to do is hit the opponent twice before I’m at 30 energy.
Can we get an update on when the next “event” will be? January was pretty rough to get through
Bullseye, Korg, Serpent
Addressing all these comments lol. Yes I’ve played bishop. Mine is R2 and I never use him. On attack, he’s extremely underwhelming. He relies on crits on the SP2 for damage and it never happens. I could list 10 mutant attackers that finish fights faster than him. And for defense, he’s not a threat at all. All you have to…
Under no circumstance should you rank your bishop or put sig stones into him.
You mean Twitter?
Why are you guys even trying to buy it? It’s a complete waste of money
This is embarrassing lol
Can you comment on why sig stones were put in the milestones that were specific to the six champions? That are nearly impossible to use without spending thousands of dollars.
Genuinely curious, not trying to be a d***. What prompted you to state your sexuality in an in-game chat of a marvel fighting video game?
I fought a R4 onslaught. I also did not win
Give me stingray
You guys will complain about anything
I have a R3 shocker and he’s so much fun. Sneaky good on defense too. Jack is also a great nuke tho