OhGodYes ★
I can’t find the button for gifting. Bug?
They would be fine. They could just incorporate some of the many new nodes they created since 12.0 to manage them.
I appreciate all the constructive responses. I know it’s not a popular thread, but still hope a Moderator sees it and passing on some of the issues we brought up. Thanks guys.
Yep, not refreshing for me too. Wanted to use him for Dis track node but can’t....
Why nerf the challenge? I found it actually fun. Don’t get me wrong I got my butt kicked and I fought the fight probably 50 times before being able to 1 shot him. I didn’t use items because 3000k shards isn’t worth it. Now I do think the rewards just need a buff. Should have been 6*s because the people beating this content…
Doesn’t seem to work for me:
This just seems odd. I haven’t done any daily quests in like 5 months yet one day it lets me do hard and easy. The next day it lets me do just medium.
I appreciate the help. Now each damage of the two were different values. The first being 5k and second being 7k. Wouldn’t the two Damaging values be the same with massacre?
Guys, they are fixing an exploit. Basically what they’re doing is starting the match with health or 1%, getting in all their hard guaranteed crits and then hitting pause until the timer ends. Then they repeat it. If they get hit while they have 1% and they have charges, this allows them to pause the game before they die…
I had to do the full factory restore to get it taken care of. That was ridiculous. But its finally working. I missed my calendar prizes though since I was down for 30 hours.
Finally there are others out there with the same problem. Ive been posting this issue since yesterday and they keep ignoring me. They closed my post and gave me some BS generic response saying I need to download the latest iOS. Im like, guys, im not a noob here.
#05302603 Is the reference number.
Maybe for you, but I can’t even log into the game. I have received No response from forums, email from support or anything. Not if an acknowledgement in known issues that there are a small group of people that can’t even join the game.
It’s been over 24hrs and I still cannot log into game. I submitted a claim but haven’t had a response back, not even an auto response. Here is my claim number #05302603 Help me @"Kabam Miike" you're my only hope!
I’ve done everything. I’ve let it sit for 15+minutes on the screen. I’ve deleted the app and reinstalled it. I sent a ticket in. Just hope it was to the right place.
I think I’ll miss the daily calendar along with not being able to finish last war and AQ, join this next war and AQ, play the daily event that yields 1500 5* shards etc.
It’s now been 16 hours and I still can’t log in. Does anyone have a link to the support page? I usually find it in game but I can’t get in...
I take the opportunity to go outside and see what it feels like when the sun touches my skin...
I can’t get past the Fantastic 4 log in image. It never loads. I deleted the app and reinstalled it but still doesn’t load. Anyone else?
I just submitted it. I was trying to follow their support suggestion “ The error affects the whole Community: If the error is community-wide, make sure that you visit our forums and join an active thread before you submit an individual report. We have most likely already received several reports from other players and are…
What is the difference when I fight abomination then? https://youtu.be/bz7y7vFe9vk
But that’s now how he works. If I’m attacking with him, which includes the split moment between each hit, all the damage I should have received is suppose to reflect as energy damage back at Morningstar.
After the combo no damage was dealt back. I couldn’t find any description on Morningstar having energy damage reduction so that couldn’t be it either.
No delay when I fight others. Seems like it’s only her. I just don’t know if I’m missing something or it’s a bug.
I did a full 5 hit combo at the beginning while bleeding and no damage was reflected. I slowed the video down.
What the heck Kabam. This is a seriously unwanted, un-needed and unnecessary change! Why would you do this? It blows my mind. I can dig back years of forum posts and find ZERO people saying: Oh wow, you know what would be great, if only the special button is moved up higher, that would really change my experience... NO…
Did you guys give us an end date that you would stop offering the daily specials with the coral? If not then I feel cheated a bit. I saw the end date of the event and thought that you would continue to offer the deal, but you ended it 2 days before the event was over. When doing the math I believed I could buy a certain…
They just need to add one more day in the daily specials for coral and lots of people will be happy
Ahh team vs individual. I see it now I think
Level 1 alliance revives. Can’t trade up. I accidentally wrote potions. I mean revives. See images.