Congratz on your great pull All i get was a bunch of 3 stars and some 4 stars with a 5 star beast
He is really great, he shreds especially with bleed on him. You need him at high sig tho, like say 120+. But 83 is still great! Keep pumping stones into him!
Here is mine
Congratz bro!! Start buying the cavalier crystals and reward yourself (after cyber weekend ends)
Add me in line pewboom001
I find her ok, I have her at r4 and don't have Nick fury too. Her fury will drop a lot faster so you gotta plan your attacks well
Mutant: Omega red Skill: i only have korg atm Mystic: Symbiote Supreme Science: i dont have any :( Tech: just no Cosmic: medusa or cap marvel movie
Probably a bug, I'm using my Medusa fine
I think it's pretty worth it, at least explore epic 100% and get a free 5*
Mine was a 6* massacre and winter soldier and 5* such as she hulk and morning star
Congratz bro!!! Time to pop some cav crystals to celebrate
You guys are NOT lame and it looks really good! Great job!!
10/10 agree, and congratz! I put up about 2.5mil and was lazy to go on haha
Opening basic will be better cause if you accidentally get someone you don't like from the featured then it is an extra 5k shards waste
I do feel your pain, but try to enjoy the game for having the randomness sensation on getting either a good champ or bad one
Still looking
we are creating our alliance too. wanna merge? if interested hit me up on line pewboom001
hit me up on line pewboom001
hit me up on line pewboom001
if youre still finding an alliance hit me up on line pewboom001
Hit me up on line pewboom001
we are a little low on members too. Wanna merge? hit me up on line if you do. ID: pewboom001
I messaged you on line already. Do join us if youre interested
We do map 5 and 4 quest. We do war but not as mandatory as aq. PM me if interested on line: pewboom001 or IGN PEW PEW BOOM
I just find him really fun to play with especially with lots of regen and fury
Would appreciate more advice from the community :smile:
Thanks, I'll think a while, cuz this is the first time I'll be spending on this game. I waited so long for this day to get a semi let down
I have gotten 10 sig stones from 2 unstable rifts. I did a stable one yesterday and gotten 1k 6* shards. Just wanna share it here
Congratz mate!
Ok thanks for the feedback!