Pikolu Guardian
Last years was not great in terms of mileatone rewards either. This year, gor solo event it is 12k units and it is 15k units only if you want 7* isophyne dupe. If you plan on spending money, kabam has always had the 10 crystals for $50 USD which saves you 3k units.
You have to throw the sp1 from an attack that is not your last medium. I typically just parry, LML-sp1. It is very annoying, especially when I was using her in Necro
Crazy how kabam hasn't "kept their promise" when work hours haven't even started yet for them. If you hired someone to lay concrete on Wednesday, do you get upset when they haven't finished the job at 8AM?
That's because you need FAM. This isn't a want, it is a full requirement if you want to do it in minimal revives. I personally think it is the worst of the challenges and the least fun of them all. I'd rather fight abyss collector at this point.
You have to be in the alliance for 14 days to participate. That means no buying or opening crystals. If you swap right now, you will have just barely 2 days to actually participate in banquet at the very end of the event.
It should be permanent
There's no need to feel ashamed with not being able to read. It happens to the best of us. It is also like the running joke with IT where they ask if you turned it off and back on again since that fixes 95% of computer problems. Same goes for mcoc where actually reading something and understanding solves a ton of "bugs"…
Actually got the Chavez cheese this time and even then, from a boosted r3 Chavez, that is only 1 mil health in damage because once you're out of charges, you can't reverse his power gain anymore. You're looking at 7 revives minimum with a r3 Chavez if you get the cheese everytime and dependant on your crit rng
As someone who has been on this fight for 40 minutes and spidey is still above 65% health, that is stupid difficult to even try because 1 dex and then wither comes to eat your dimensions. So you have to shallow dex while building up dimensions and it even fell apart for me midway and I ended doing 4% of his health. The…
You don't have 7* wong? With basically him alone, you can do the 10 year challenge on the titania-apoc paths relatively cheaply. The gods and Cul challenge is pretty easy too from what I hear, especially with 7* Odin and serpent. The mutant challenge is pretty easy to Brute Force with quite a few good options. Sinister…
I've done the challenge and stryfe is pretty good for it. I haven't used Northstar personally, but he is also probably decent. For stryfe the annoying part is his initial ramp on the first fight. The benefits though are his mediums bypass evade and thorns. He was very nice for Chavez. Sinister is also amazing for the path.…
Some people argue that dupe makes him worse in certain matchups. I'd gladly take cow up to r3. The more mystics, the better.
This is from the SQ with my r3 red hulk in a non-ideal fight with no boosts or synergies. That's about 300kish health too He isn't really anything to write home about, but he is still pretty solid. Very easy to use, just MLLLM and sp1. After ramped you can sp2 for some minor regen.
You have to throw it from a non-combo-ending attack. Kabam is aware of it
Looks like you got a skill infestation in your crystals
That's intended for reunion and gifted guardians to be in basic pool now
Got my most wanteds
Have you been valiant for awhile? It has always been scarce for valiants
Have you downloaded the update the game had today?
You can fix it immediately by using screen recording. Fun workaround until it actually gets fixed
I hear it should be fixed now, can you confirm?
Is it an always thing? If they have always, every single year, released banquet info earlier, then sure I could understand it. If always means, last year they did it but they never really did it before last year, then I don't see the argument tbh. I can understand why people would think it would happen again, but always…
I'm curious why people feel a need to know what banquet has to offer when things like Cyber weekend and J4 don't really tell us in advance what we will get either.
If you could buy out the whole store easily, then you wouldn't ever need to make a decision. Since you can't buy out the store, you have to make decisions and choose what it is you want. I uses to just buy t6cc crystals, but now I just buy t4a since that's about all I want from it. Knowing how to budget resources in a game…
Watch videos and bring a champion that can purify. Bringing a purifier makes it a whole lot faster.
The phrase was, "you went wrong somewhere" here the thing you went wrong in was you had global chat open.
If you have 7* at least r2 wong, the full 10 year challenge is really easy. It's actually the only challenge I have beaten so far myself 😂
It's bold to assume that pinning it would cut down on spam. We've had huge yellow banners telling people about things and people would still make posts because they don't read.
On Sunday? It is Sunday in Canadian Maple Syrup Standard Time, so I wouldnt expect to see info until tomorrow at the soonest, and never at the latest
They'll probably be in game when the last month starts. That's how it was with the last 3 month pass.