
  • I think it is too early to judge them. since they are released as seven stars they have definitely tuned down considering the future of the game. i am sure they are gonna regret releasing domino as 7*. Since her damage ceiling becomes so high. The only reason she is a 7* is because of her rng mechanic. BULLSEYE If you have…
  • well i have a doubt. right now i got six points in the sos event since i missed the first week due to some circumstances. so do you think i could get to 15 points at the end. yes i am paragon.
  • too much low info provided to comment and if you think he is a cheater report him ingame. creating a post here wont do anything maybe make other players be aware of his id.
  • @PT_99 This started way before u recognise. do you remember when iron man got reworked. the bg meta at that time was prowess gain and removal by armor ups and there is no champions who has more easy access to armor ups than iron man. i wonder how nobody noticed that but after this always seems to be their way of promoting…
  • thanks. and also does anyone know the exact dates for the release of each fights. if i know that i can postpone trying to be valiant in a rush and take my time and try for the summer of suffering
  • let me calculate, i already did saga incursions and since the month is ending and new event next month and july will probably give half t4 alpha (lets hope) so if i get that and go valiant i will probably have valiant objectives for sos gauntlet. on the account that i complete all paragon objectives i will have 18 points…