SatsuiNoHadou ★★★
These are the same exact kinds of crystals with the same drop rates that were going for 50% of the price just a week ago. In what world is such inflation justified? There isn’t even the slightest tangible increase in benefit for such a drastic price hike.
There’s no disputing that it can be done, it just happened. But you’re clearly missing the point in terms of it not being right. How does one justify a 100% price increase when even a Sony PS5 which is a way more superior product only experienced a 10% increase in price due to inflation?
Are you out of your mind dude? You do realize that what just transpired was essentially inflation of +100% for the same goods that we’ve been offered week after week. And to add on to that, this truly feels like a slap in the face to many people especially with the increased cost of living and rampant inflation experienced…
Very happy with my current post EOP profile 😉
No frustration = not doing it. 😉
I’m holding my science for when QS appears in the basic pool; a backup just in case I don’t get him in the next set of featureds. Have pretty much got all the desirable 6*s, so I’m gonna play the patient game.
Pulled OS early so I’m gonna save up for the next featured now.
Never opened a single one.
It’s possible to blow that many units when one is tilted and is running around without a proper gameplay. I remember being something like that during the days when ROL was the Everest content.
Now this is how Rhino should’ve been done
She’s very much still OP; so much so that I try not to use her in Cavalier EQ to make it more of a challenge.
@Bzee For these EOP fights the benefit of the weekly bosses is that you get to quit & retry again till you get a good run or even the solo. It’s free and the only resource is your time spent getting that. This is my advice for the third round of EOP. Anyways, the trick for Warlock or similar fights in the future is to do a…
Technically not BS. He could’ve been sitting on 2 R4s and a 0.75 r4 heading into the throne breaker deals. After picking those up to unlock paragon he got 1x R3 - R4 gem from the 3k unit deal for a 4th r4. The 5th r4 he’s referring to must be from buying the cash offers for the r4 mats.
Not really, ppl are usually hardwired to look for a price they perceive to be fair, rather than being on the lookout for bargains. When I buy something that looks enticing I judge the price based on whether it’s fair value, and not based on whether I’m getting a discount or not.
Erm, ironically these offers also put me off as a Paragon with 15.4K prestige. The reason is how the tiered unit deals from 1k to 10k are structured. No r4 mats in them till the final 3k offer, which means I have no interest in plunking down 15k units for 6* selectors and sig stones that don’t do anything for my account…
Very quality champ, besides nullification she does massive amounts of damage on both Sp2 as well as Sp3; especially Sp3 whereby her damage scales based on how many buffs were nullified by it, up to a max of 5
The whole idea is to trade hits while unstoppable; while awakened you’ll regen back all the damage whilst at the same time building up ruptures for MASSIVE SP2 damage. Time the root well just before you reach Sp2. You can also “unroot” yourself at will with a heavy attack if you find yourself staring at an Unblockable and…
That OML be looking spicy
That’s the spirit boys!! Practice makes perfect, I’m proud that I’ve been pushing myself to the limit, and likewise that you guys are never afraid to do so as well! Good on ya mates!
I wouldn’t call it a waste, you hit the milestones for units, gold, battleships which are all useful resources for anyone that’s FTP. And to top it off you get to test drive that 3/4* featured champ to see if you like it.
The thing with weapon X is that he was purposefully designed to be a useful trophy champ, which is what made him so desirable as a top 100 reward for act 7 legends runs back in the day. It’s just an added bonus he was in the GGCs as they’ve stopped the story legends programme. Hence, his availability in the GGCs was the…
Any defender that has spite + mystic dispersion and is programmed to active super passively is a recipe for disaster 😂
This has gotten way out of hand, I’m with everyone when I say that this year’s gifting has especially skewed progression towards whales. It’s a slap to the face for us active and skilled players when a year’s or even 2 year’s worth of hard earned progression from playing the game organically can simply be overtaken in a…
Godspeed to all, for he awaits the Victor.
The fights will get better for those facing issues with burning through potions as you get more accustomed to how they’re supposed to play out. All-in-all map 8 is a way better experience for me compared to map 7.
You shoulda seen the health pools on the map 8 beta that I tested a while ago; now that was crazy high. The health pools are highly manageable even on day 5, without boosts I might add.
I’m one of the designated mini and boss killer most of the time on map 8 and I’m finding this to be quite the stroll in the park compared to map 7 to be quite honest. Most I’ve used is an expiring potion or 2 in this whole week just so I needn’t let the overflowing items expire needlessly.
3 letters to rule this month’s EQ: CGR. Anything else and you’re just wasting your time reading the nodes. 😂
- This was my team for 100% Legendary Run. Minimal fuss and super fun as well!!