Stfckr ★
Dang it! I thought I was on to something. Juggs should work though, right?
Just checked and he has #psychic shielding
Might want a reverse control immune champ for GM Isn’t White Mags reverse control immune?
Haven’t seen too many posts about bringing in White Mags to support. I’m thinking he would be one of the best options for phase 4 and would boost up aegon 8% attack on all paths, + 15% with preflight on boss. +20% with Nick and Aegon is hitting hard. Building up a bit more stash before I go in. Thoughts?
T5CC included in map 7 rewards? That’s my bottleneck.
Thanks, how much does it realistically help you progress? Are the rewards that much better? I’m TB and have 10 r3’s.
I get that venom has more utility, but I use Nick almost exclusively and his biggest uses to me are armor break (CMM has) and spidey counter (have Molegod r3) and buffed up (Angela max sig)I guess his most unique value that no Cosmics have is regen/nullify which would need multiple champs to tackle. Am I missing anything?
You saw my other thread I “necrod”? Neat life.
His damage with HB is absurd. If you can tolerate ghost with wasp, you can tolerate (and enjoy) Ultron with HB. I’m regularly doing 40k heavies with Ultron with HB and decent function ramp up. Continue to sleep on him but he’s top 5 tech.
I think he went from ok to really good without HB synergy. With it he is absurd. Those saying otherwise haven’t played him enough imho. He can crush lanes in cav eq (not tech buffed lanes) and has really great utility. Can he g2099/aegon endgame? No, but not many can. Fantastic buff.
Exactly why I’m asking about a value buff.
Ty no lie that is the same scenario for me. First r4. Still unduped and still r4. In odds defense I’ve been pulling skill/mutant gems since they came out. What are the odds I don’t have my Aegon : )
Thanks for the input everyone. Leaning towards Sunspot mainly on the perfect block feedback. That’s huge and sustainability is key as I’m a parry over intercept guy.
Well this debate of utility vs. damage took a turn. Now she has both. Her armor breaks with buffs are going to supercharge her damage and her dot utility is potentially super strong. Can’t wait for this to go live.
Maybe a bad comparison I was focusing on the damage aspect. Cosmic Star Lord : )
Right but she has aptitude currently. Which brings the need for a tweak to light!
Agree on Havok but it takes a fairly long time to ramp up L3 correctly, where an Angela would have already taken an opponent down. For long fights, Havok probably wins on damage output. Has ok utility vs Mephisto/Parry on defense but Angela has regen which helps long fight durability. Decisions decisions.
So you’re saying I’ve got some great champs : )
Oh and Hulk Rags!
I also have a 5* r3 carnage that I can r4 but all of my r4 are bleed savvy (Hawkeye, AA, Ultron...I also have Luke Cage R4)...i kinda want to wait on a mystic or cosmic non bleed reliant. Thoughts?
thanks. I'm also wondering if an R4 will make a big difference in clearing act 5 which would net an extra R4 rank up.
Interested. Hit me up!