UltraGislooking4_ ★
We started War and I finished my first 2 fights with Cull obsidian and gained 5 persistent charges. 2 hours later I head into my next fight and Cull obsidian has zero charges. I have attached a screen shot.
Hey bro. I could not add you to line. Feel free to add me. Line ID is ultrag
Hit me up in line ultrag
Hit me up in line ultrag
Not sure if you are still looking. But some info about the alliance top 175 each AQ. We run map 6 x 5. 300+ million. Tag line is HWH99 Add me to line. ultragen Prestige 9845: looking for AQ focused alliance map6x5 Comentario por UltraGislooking4_ julio 2019
If you are still looking. Hit me up in line. Line ID is ultrag
Hit me up in line ultrag
Hit me up in line ultrag
Hit me up in line ultrag
PM me in line and will talk. ultrag
Hit me up in line. ultrag
Hit me up in line ultrag
We might have an opening. Line ID is ultrag Send me a message and will chat.
Add me to line. ultrag
Hit me up on line ultrag IGN is GODS €¥€
top100-130 each AQ. We run map6 2 bgs but only on none AW attack days. We always keep 1 bg for map5. We were in Plat3 towards the end of last season but unfortunately we didnt have the right members to keep us their so we had to settle for gold1 . But I know we can get back to Plat3 We are going to be dropping some dead…
In game name is GODS €¥€ Line ID is ultrag
This was our last AQ Add me to line ultrag Alliance tag is HWH99
Add me to line ultrag
IGN: Ultra G Device, Model: Apple iPhone X Device Operating System: iOS 11.4.1 Cellular, Wifi: these issue occurred are both cellular and wifi. I conducted a hard reset and powered down the device and the same results occurred Game Version Installed: 19.0.1 Game Mode: this issue has occurred on start up, arena, AW, story…
6300 prestige here. Add me in Line and we can talk. ultrag
Add me to line ultrag
Hit me up in Line and we can chat. ultrag
Bro message me in Line ultrag We have a player retiring at the end of AQ.
Bro. Message me in Line. ultrag We have 3 players retiring at the end of this AQ.
I have an opening. You can add me in Line ultrag or in game Ultra G
I would like to offer you a chance to help out Alliance grow. You can add me in Line at ultrag or in game Ultra G
Hey brother. We has an opening. Hit me up on line. ultrag Starting prestige is 5050
Hey brother. I think my alliance is what you are looking for. Hit me up in Line ultrag