Underpar69 ★
I didnt get the rewards from last weeks promo code!
Same here. Been stuck on it since last night. Iphone 12 pro newest ios version. Strange can get in from work Iphone. Old Iphone XR I think @"Kabam Porthos"
Line id: parbitch In game: Underpar69 Contact me
Line id: parbitch Aq 5x5 rewards not worth it War will be p4 Big BG focus
Contact me line: parbitch
Hi contact me in game!! Underpar69
Contact me in game Underpar69
Back to the drawing board boys, aq and war seemed ok. But smaller test sample. Don't do arena. Im trying to finish 7.3 and have done multiple long fights and inputs are worse. Champs just attack at will. Still get dropped blocks but the random attacks happen so frequently. Iphone 12 pro
New Scarlett witch waiting to go R3!!! Level up pleeeease
Every champ has its uses in the right scenario! Not talking about quality! Its the release age im talking about
U name them! Hulk, cyclops both of them, og abom, hawkeye ect all from the first 3 years. The only one that snuck outta there that I can remember was heimdall three times!!! Again been at this now 6 years. Know the gig. But it is just the worst run ever!
Are you having a laugh? In 4 months I have only pulled one 6 star that wasn't released in the first 3 years of the game! And not a single good one either!! Now u want me to spend 3k units on a crystal? I don't expect a top tier champ every time! Every time the reel spins its old champs the whole time
@Ilacskils_sucksafat1 we started telling them about this before Jan. it was coming then already. we were ignored and look where it has lead to. Its not just a couple of months!
@"Kabam Porthos" just pointing out that this was one of the original threads that I started on the current bug issue. “I just followed up your response to @"Kabam Miike" status of the game response”. Your community did try and communicate with you. But we were ignored on the input, Controls Dex ect. You correctly closed…
Ask the mods. Would love any form of feedback. Ive given my opinion on the itunes store anyhow
O dont worry that will be fixed sooner than the OR bug.
I have had my knuckles wrapped for being bold. Ive been given the run around by support got a bit brave on a forum post that was swiftly removed as I was complaining negatively. I have asked in 4 messages to the mod that correctly gave me the two penalty points to engage on the iPhone input issues. Didn't happen yet. So I…
U were correct obviously too close for comfort!
@kabamBoo any update?
Not yet still as bad. No word from @"Kabam Miike" on this issue. If we could just get some form of recognition we would be more patient. As you said its been a month and complete radio silence! Thats what causes the issues.
Beginning of the fight!! No debuffs. Started straight away in lock on before even hit him. Got locked on tried to intercept game over!
Thank you for input and trying to help. But the screen and cover are not the issue. Youtubers and numerous other summoners reported the same issue in various posts!
Iphone 12 pro. New phone, IOS updated and game new version. Wifi and cellular network. Input drops are costing items, deaths, resources. This has been reported exhaustively by us summoners. The response is muted at best. Not acceptable at all. We spent so much in the preceding months and this is what we get? Between…
Another top champ messed with
Thx so much keep up the good work! Great channel. Helps more than u know! This is soul destroying. Ive done all I can on this issue. Ive emailed support numerous times. Im prob close to being banned on forums as I think this is my 3rd thread on this issue. Trying to get traction on this cause it is costing us. And the lack…
Did your champs just dash in? If this is the real Richtheman please elevate this for us on your channel! Its been going on for months! Very little response from mods bar a recognition and support not really supporting us. Its costing time, resources, units, money and deaths in war. Its been months now. The long finger…
Not a whisper
Why? They are costing us items, time, resources and money with the long finger Approach.
Lol I had like 14 emails back and forth! Kept telling them to go on forum, refused. I was told to send in video, I did, no I have to film myself and inputs whilst playing. Tried holding my 2nd phone with my mouth, then thought what are support there for? Was told some of the following 1. Uninstall app 2. Reinstall app 3.…
Guys @kabamboo did acknowledge this and they are looooooooooooooking into it. Check older threads. Its unplayable at times. Ive adapted to it, sort of. I play much more defensively. Still cant do much about champs just taking off to get clubbed though. O and the dropping block whilst I'm holding it with a SP coming in I…