iPhone 12 pro Max issue! (Help me plsssss)

Okay.. so I just got the iPhone 12 pro Max and I cannot parry or block on the phone unless I hit the very middle of the screen, side note I am a girl with very tiny hands so this is proving difficult, if I try and parry either it doesn’t block so I get hit or it drags me back.

Half the time aswell I can’t block at all I just stand there like ‘yeah please hit me in the face with an sp1 I live for this ****’

Please tell me other people are having the same issue or they have a solution because I’m not a stun immune fighter, I don’t dex like a god, I’m just out here trying to live my best life as a parry god and get war MVP.

Help would be appreciated!

Muchas Gracias


  • Nightsbane576Nightsbane576 Member Posts: 36
    Same problem, also when trying to launch a heavy they just sit there or dash backwards, glad I’m not the only one, now to see if they test this or look into it
  • DRCOX_2019DRCOX_2019 Member Posts: 1
    I’m having the same issue, just purchased the 12 pro max and having trouble launching a heavy attack after a parry. I’m also having connection issues on 4G which I’m not having on my old IPhone X, not sure if it’s related. I don’t have issues connecting to any other Apps.
  • AshleyyTweetsAshleyyTweets Member Posts: 68
    Thank god! I thought I was alone in this, I have to use my old xs plus to play as it’s actually unplayable on the 12 max! Hopefully they now look into it
  • ThecurlerThecurler Member Posts: 881 ★★★★
    iPhone 12 and inputs are all over the place.
  • AshleyyTweetsAshleyyTweets Member Posts: 68
    I think a lot of people seem to be having the same problem now I’m just glad I Atleast have another phone cause I was locked in war and AQ starts tonight and I’m leader so can’t be wiping out in the first champ!
  • Jofford1Jofford1 Member Posts: 12
    Same here! Can’t dash back, sometimes my champ moves forward unprompted, touch responsive is inaccurate, kicked out of side requests before timer expires, and can’t hit heavies sometimes. I’m using iPhone pro max. In game ID- Inhuman Thief
  • Jomar81ngJomar81ng Member Posts: 1
    Wow thought it was me! Can I have revives for all the times my attacker moved forward instead of blocking / not throwing heavy / not blocking when I actually did
  • NemesisCerberusNemesisCerberus Member Posts: 3
    Same problem here. Always dropping blocks or just not blocking in the first place.
  • MikeyBMikeyB Member Posts: 10
    Playing quake has been rough. Phone misses inputs. I hold to charge a heavy and quake just stands there. Other champs inadvertently dashing both ways when hitting block or heavy. Or sometimes nothing happens at all. Something definitely bugged on the 12 pro max. Everything was fine on my old Xs max on the same iOS and same game version. Too bad that was sent back. Please fix!
  • DJ_SergyDJ_Sergy Member Posts: 40
    I’m having the exact controls sensitivity issues. Blocks sometimes registers as dash forward, dash back sometimes registers as dash forward, heavy sometimes registers as dash back or dash forward.

    Plenty of posts about it Hopefully kabam acknowledge the issue and it gets addressed asap. Apparently has something to do with the DPI of new phones, same thing happened when XS was first released.

  • drewtrivdrewtriv Member Posts: 112
    Me two
  • VinshadeVinshade Member Posts: 17
    How come no one from Kabam is saying anything about this problem. At least acknowledge your looking into the issue.
  • BeansBeans Member Posts: 2
    Well it’s nice to see it’s not just me having the same problems but damn something needs to be done. 12 pro max and I try to block and my champs dash forwards, hold for a heavy and nothing happens, where you at Kabam?!?!?
  • Skywalker3221Skywalker3221 Member Posts: 156 ★★
    I am having the same issues on new iPhone 12. It feels like auto play is enabled at all times and input is completely random. Game is unplayable at the moment
  • Upanddown_69Upanddown_69 Member Posts: 251
    edited November 2020
    Happening to a ton of people... I literally just got destroyed by trying to launch a heavy and having omega red just stand there doing nothing. Got knocked out straight away.

    Now this is costing me money!!

    See other thread here:
  • SunilDarurSunilDarur Member Posts: 64
    This is really bad. I reported this issue through ticket system and they kept saying some junk and not acknowledging the iPhone 12 issues. This needs to be corrected @Kabam Miike. Request you to please look in to IPhone 12 Issues
  • fangyannfangyann Member Posts: 3
    Have the same issues when playing quake, sometimes holding the heavy , quake just stand here, but sometimes everything looks like normal.
  • Underpar69Underpar69 Member Posts: 88
    edited January 2021
    Guys @kabamboo did acknowledge this and they are looooooooooooooking into it. Check older threads. Its unplayable at times. Ive adapted to it, sort of. I play much more defensively. Still cant do much about champs just taking off to get clubbed though. O and the dropping block whilst I'm holding it with a SP coming in I still haven't got the answer for.
  • Underpar69Underpar69 Member Posts: 88

    This is really bad. I reported this issue through ticket system and they kept saying some junk and not acknowledging the iPhone 12 issues. This needs to be corrected @Kabam Miike. Request you to please look in to IPhone 12 Issues

    Lol I had like 14 emails back and forth! Kept telling them to go on forum, refused.
    I was told to send in video, I did, no I have to film myself and inputs whilst playing. Tried holding my 2nd phone with my mouth, then thought what are support there for?

    Was told some of the following
    1. Uninstall app
    2. Reinstall app
    3. Close reinstalled app
    4. Open reinstalled app
    5. Update IOS
    6. Update game
    7. Old device? (Really?)
    8. My 2K mbps hard fibre wifi was the issue
    9. 5g mobile signal coverage, full bars!
    10. Then it descended into me loosing the ability to parry after 5.5 years of playing the exact same way.

    Have to say did not feel very supported. This is costing time, money and resources. Its just not fair that it takes this long.

  • Bpn88855Bpn88855 Member Posts: 464 ★★
    oh boy, 2 months and still no fix for this. and kabam only confirmed few weeks ago that they are looking at it.
  • ThecurlerThecurler Member Posts: 881 ★★★★
    Bpn88855 said:

    oh boy, 2 months and still no fix for this. and kabam only confirmed few weeks ago that they are looking at it.

    3 months for standard iPhone 12 😂
  • AshleyyTweetsAshleyyTweets Member Posts: 68
    I’m still having to swap phones to play, absolute joke
  • Bpn88855Bpn88855 Member Posts: 464 ★★
    And no fix at next update
  • This content has been removed.
  • Underpar69Underpar69 Member Posts: 88
    Bpn88855 said:

    And no fix at next update

    Why? They are costing us items, time, resources and money with the long finger Approach.
  • sacoma_sack78sacoma_sack78 Member Posts: 142

    This is really bad. I reported this issue through ticket system and they kept saying some junk and not acknowledging the iPhone 12 issues. This needs to be corrected @Kabam Miike. Request you to please look in to IPhone 12 Issues

    Lol I had like 14 emails back and forth! Kept telling them to go on forum, refused.
    I was told to send in video, I did, no I have to film myself and inputs whilst playing. Tried holding my 2nd phone with my mouth, then thought what are support there for?

    Was told some of the following
    1. Uninstall app
    2. Reinstall app
    3. Close reinstalled app
    4. Open reinstalled app
    5. Update IOS
    6. Update game
    7. Old device? (Really?)
    8. My 2K mbps hard fibre wifi was the issue
    9. 5g mobile signal coverage, full bars!
    10. Then it descended into me loosing the ability to parry after 5.5 years of playing the exact same way.

    Have to say did not feel very supported. This is costing time, money and resources. Its just not fair that it takes this long.

    Though I had my rounds with support on an Android but I can relate. If we can take step back and examine ourselves and ask, What are doing? You shouldn't have to record your gameplay just in case the app glitches. None of us should. Everyone who has this app on their phone should be able to play without worries of the server faltering or glitches hindering gameplay and unnecessary resources used whether in-game or players pocketbook.
  • sacoma_sack78sacoma_sack78 Member Posts: 142

    Bpn88855 said:

    And no fix at next update

    Why? They are costing us items, time, resources and money with the long finger Approach.
    When it comes to glitches that players can exploit to their advantage, those players are banned. But known glitches that affect the gameplay of players go unresolved, makes you wonder whose exploiting who? And that's ok?
  • Bpn88855Bpn88855 Member Posts: 464 ★★
    edited February 2021
    So I got 12 pro max, so far no issues described above. All works fine at arena, aw, eq. Lte, WiFi. Hope that will stay like that for me. Good luck to others who have issues and soon fix.
  • AshleyyTweetsAshleyyTweets Member Posts: 68
    Anyone actually able to play yet?! Wasted so many units on potions now it’s actually a joke. I’m my alliance leader and this ishhh has me looking like a noob
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